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The girl I'm following in the beginning will leave most of you guys at the track.

Right, because street is exactly like track. :rolleyes: On the track, they don't lean off, keep a very straight upper body position and leave knees and feet pointed outward... Wait, I might have that wrong - maybe that is what they do on the street. Hmmmm...

That vid looks better, I guess, but try and hook up with some instructors to better your riding style. Not only would it be better for you on the track, but also for the street. You are wasting so much energy and fighting things instead of working smoothly and efficiently...

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Ok, I'm an attention whore... happy yet?:)

Me me me me me me!!!

Drama Llama:

drama brought along on internet communities, mainly of the ridiculous type.

A person who puts un needed drama in your life.

Usually describing a human of the female gender, who is capable of making any stiuation become about them at a simple turn of a word, also when confronted about the "drama" becomes so enraged she spits in ones face similar to a llama

"That bitch Amber just spit in my face because I pointed out what a drama filled bitch she was being!"

Attention whore:

Label given to any person who craves attention to such an extent that they will do anything to receive it. The type of attention (negative or positive) does not matter.

in addition:

females on message boards and chats usually visited by guys(gaming, skating, heavy metal) who make a big deal of being female. they will post pictures and links to pictures of themselves scantily clad so the guys will tell them how hot they are. and they will.

A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

1.is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention

2.interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior

3.displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions

4.consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self

5.has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail

6.shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion

7.is suggestible, i.e., easily influenced by others or circumstances

8.considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are.

one who is always looking for attention. no matter who their with they always have to talk louder, be more outrageous, and get everyone in the room to look at them.

Person who feels the need to have all eyes on them, via online message boards. An Attention Whore will write things about how thier health or families health in an attempt for sympathy. They will also do go to extremes as promoting themselves via threads on message boards to get people to choose sides over another person.

Christ does he need to invent a new problem everyday that fool is a mad Attention Whore

There is a difference between an Attention Whore and Drama Llama! Right now you are being a Drama Llama!

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:rolleyes:No Lizard... the street is not like the track...:rolleyes:We all know this.

If so, why don't you guys take anything from track riding and implement it into your street riding?

:rolleyes::rolleyes:, right? Let me guess, you aren't real good at criticism? So, you hide behind funny little side comments and smirk signs. That's cool...

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If so, why don't you guys take anything from track riding and implement it into your street riding?

:rolleyes::rolleyes:, right? Let me guess, you aren't real good at criticism? So, you hide behind funny little side comments and smirk signs. That's cool...

Geez, I'm not hiding anything. I'll take all the criticizm I can get, that is the only way to get better at doing things, when ofcourse it is constructive criticizm and not discouraging. Believe me, in the line of work I do, that's all I get is criticizm. Everybodys a critic.

The video was before I first went to the track.

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I guess this is going to be another pissing match between the Ohio Riders and the Junkies? Mello was just trying to be nice and post up a video of the OH Riders and all people want to do is bash it.

You complain that the Junkies are this fucked up idiotic group riding outside their limits on back roads, but if I remember correctly the only person who went down the day the video was taken was an OH Rider on a red CBR. An who fixed the bike so the guy could get home? Proplayer513 and I (an avid Junkie) rode 25mins to get some JB Weld and then Gixxie750 (Junkies Pres) plugged the hole in his radiator. But remember, the Junkies are just a bunch of hooligans...

As for using the Ohio Riders name, last time I checked I was a member of the OH riders so that would give me or anyone else who is a member the right to use the name however we want. The name is not Trademarked. If so, then ban me. I'm sure that I can speak for some of the other Junkies on this.

For some reason I feel like the Assfault Junkies have been placed into the same category as outlaw biker gangs (ie. Hells Angles, ect...). If you don't want to ride with us that's fine just keep you bitching and moaning to yourselves. No one wants to hear it and nothing you say is going to change who we are and how we ride.

Once again, a thread posted on the OH riders site meant for good has turned into a pissing match.


For the record, I wasn't the one that crashed. It was a guy outside all the forums that came along. He was riding outside his limits though.

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CbrGirl, don't forget about the instigator. I posted the videos for enjoyment and criticizm, not drama. You are trying to create drama.

Well what you enjoy and what I enjot differ, so keep your garbage to yourself and stop pushing buttons:D ( that smilie is just for you)

If the girl you speak of is the one in black right in front of you then I would want her to leave me alone.

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If ya wanna have a dick waving contest go elsewhere, because honestly most of us aren't really that interested....

Not able to speak for Flouder and Schmuckingham, but they MIGHT be interested in a dick waving contest. I know I heard Flouder's pants unzip from here and I am 40 miles away...

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Not able to speak for Flouder and Schmuckingham, but they MIGHT be interested in a dick waving contest. I know I heard Flouder's pants unzip from here and I am 40 miles away...

damn, I thought those guys were into killing zombies, not having a sausagefest.... but hey to each his own...:fruit:

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