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Cumputer Geeks Please Help


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I need a new desktop for my office. I need it to be able to do graphic editing like photoshop, Edit movies, enough power to run multiple programs at once. At least 750gb hd. I also want to run a 42" monitor that will be in front of my desk, this will allow me to have more room on my desk for my work.


I dont know jack about all this "core duo" stuff. Should I build my own or by off the shelf? What model would you suggest?




Ps..... someone please edit my title.... I am dumb

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If this is a work machine, that you can take depreciation on for the next 3 years, just go get the highest end Dell you can get and get the warranty. Then put getk9.com on it and block spyware/malware.
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Call up eather Pyrinex here in columbus, They've built my last 2 machines. Or buy a dell. If your not a geek who wants to deal with supporting there shit its just easier. Why put it together and find a doa part.


Pyrinex gives killer pricing and can put it togther for 20$. I might even be able to get that waived for you because I've got a good repore with them.


Machine wise.



Vista Biz pro

Core 2 duo E8400 (This is the price point chip and its fast as shit)

Intel P35 Mobo (Why not go with the maker its a nice board)

9600GT (you don't need it but its a nice card for 140$)

1tb drive ( there cheap now )

4gigs of ram (Cheap Also)

I might even suggest 2x1tb and do a mirror so you don't lose your data if a drive dies.


If you want help rick give me a call I pmd my number.

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Call up eather Pyrinex here in columbus, They've built my last 2 machines. Or buy a dell. If your not a geek who wants to deal with supporting there shit its just easier. Why put it together and find a doa part.


Pyrinex gives killer pricing and can put it togther for 20$. I might even be able to get that waived for you because I've got a good repore with them.


Machine wise.



Vista Biz pro

Core 2 duo E8400 (This is the price point chip and its fast as shit)

Intel P35 Mobo (Why not go with the maker its a nice board)

9600GT (you don't need it but its a nice card for 140$)

1tb drive ( there cheap now )

4gigs of ram (Cheap Also)

I might even suggest 2x1tb and do a mirror so you don't lose your data if a drive dies.


If you want help rick give me a call I pmd my number.


9600 GT is a garbage card, its actually worse than an 8800gt.


If you want a serious setup PM me and ill design one for you. Just order the parts and put it together.


How serious of videos are we talking? If you want you can come over and try out my machine, its got plenty of power for anything. Very affordable too.


I priced mine as close to del as a i could (they dont even offer stuff this good) , mine would have been closed to 4500 from them. Building it myself was like 1700.

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9600 GT is a garbage card, its actually worse than an 8800gt.


If you want a serious setup PM me and ill design one for you. Just order the parts and put it together.


How serious of videos are we talking? If you want you can come over and try out my machine, its got plenty of power for anything. Very affordable too.


I priced mine as close to del as a i could (they dont even offer stuff this good) , mine would have been closed to 4500 from them. Building it myself was like 1700.


Stoned or stupid? the 129$ card does a great job will play conan and crisis and for a basic workstation he needs nothing more. He could easlly upgrade to quad core.


The 9600gt hangs right with my 8800gts 640mb.


The 8800gt also costs more then the 9600gt. If you notice Its a video editing machine and that is not going to benfit from a super high end gpu.


I was speaking for what he needed not what you want to build in your fanasy world. The machine I stated would do a killer job and if he decided in 3 months he wanted more he upgrades it a 9 series chip and go quad core.

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The shop I'm suggesting is damn close to newegg pricing and provide a warranty. I got a present 4u I'm not trying to insult you but it sounds like you got the hhgregg mind set of over selling. I was building what he needed not some pretty flashy toy.


I stand by my suggestion and if you wanna get down to it the NEW ati's are faster then nvidia and cheaper. so next time you want to insult my decision maybe you should research what he's doing and the price.



and dell is usally not that far off. I'm guessing you have a Quad core setup hopefully based on the 65nm technology which is 20% faster then the older chips. I just built a Very quick machine for 700$ for my wife.


Her setup. Now again I build shit for whats needed not for flashy (well mine is )


P35 Intel baord

E2160 (she can drop a faster chip in as soon as she needs it but its perfect now)

2gig of ram (again cheap upgrade later)

9600gt (129$ card that plays crysis like a champ)

320gig drive (was cheap deal)

Nice case with 600watt powersupply


That machine cost me right around 700$ 2 months ago.

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Stoned or stupid? the 129$ card does a great job will play conan and crisis and for a basic workstation he needs nothing more. He could easlly upgrade to quad core.


The 9600gt hangs right with my 8800gts 640mb.


The 8800gt also costs more then the 9600gt. If you notice Its a video editing machine and that is not going to benfit from a super high end gpu.


I was speaking for what he needed not what you want to build in your fanasy world. The machine I stated would do a killer job and if he decided in 3 months he wanted more he upgrades it a 9 series chip and go quad core.


no you are just being ignorant


here is an 8800GT for 119 Shipped. 8800GTS is garbage, the GT is much better.




And here http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500037


a 9800 GTX for 172$, this card is far superior to an 8800GTS


Here are the specs of the 9800,



Chipset Manufacturer NVIDIA

GPU GeForce 9800 GTX(G92)

Core clock 675MHz

Stream Processors 128


Memory Clock 2200MHz

Memory Size 512MB

Memory Interface 256-bit

Memory Type GDDR3


Now look at ur 8800GTS



Chipset Manufacturer NVIDIA

GPU GeForce 8800 GTS

Core clock 576MHz


Memory Clock 1800MHz

Memory Size 640MB

Memory Interface 320-bit

Memory Type GDDR3


Funny thing is the 8800gts is only 20$ cheaper. Why would someone not pay 20$ more to have 1.5 year Newer/better technology. I forgot, i must be stupid.

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I bought my card almost 2 years ago I got it at launch. My point was the 9600 did a good job and was cheaper. It's not even needed he could get a Nvidia chipset with a 7150 on board and be fine.


You relize video editing does not need a fast gpu? It needs cpu and ram and a nice and fast hd will help.

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I've been designing purpose built pc's for a long time, If he really wants to edit get a fucking mac and get final cut there is nothing better. At time warner we use final cut for doing all of the LOD stuff, This was choosen over a 17000$ solution.



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if he is paying for a 42" moniter, i don't think he would be worried about pumping 50$ more into his graphics card to enhance his 42"



Please ohh great one tell me how the video card is going to enhance his fucking display, He's not gaming!.

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Well I mean honestly your just doing 2d, You could use onboard and achieve the results. My laptop with a 8600GT 256mb of ram will run my 52inch lcd @ 1920x1080p watching HD X.264 1080p media with out a issue.


thats a year old laptop proving my point his video card is not vital and your just trying to argue stats. I'm well aware of what cards do what. I can get on tomshardware and compare if I so desire.

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But honestly a Mac Pro + Final cut would kick ass. If you wanted to go mobile you could get away with a Macbook Pro. I've edited video on my laptop before using Windows movie maker with out a issue. I don't have Adobe installed. And photo shop runs with out a hitch.


This machine is 1 year old almost.

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Well I mean honestly your just doing 2d, You could use onboard and achieve the results. My laptop with a 8600GT 256mb of ram will run my 52inch lcd @ 1920x1080p watching HD X.264 1080p media with out a issue.


thats a year old laptop proving my point his video card is not vital and your just trying to argue stats. I'm well aware of what cards do what. I can get on tomshardware and compare if I so desire.


now lets see how it does on crysis on high graphics. something that is graphics demanding. 20FPS what?

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But honestly a Mac Pro + Final cut would kick ass. If you wanted to go mobile you could get away with a Macbook Pro. I've edited video on my laptop before using Windows movie maker with out a issue. I don't have Adobe installed. And photo shop runs with out a hitch.


This machine is 1 year old almost.

Got $3500 I can borrow?

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now lets see how it does on crysis on high graphics. something that is graphics demanding. 20FPS what?


My laptop plays crysis on medium quality. Its a fucking laptop though I pad 1059 for it. My desktop plays it fine on high, What is it with and your digital epenor we goint to compare disksize next?


I bought a mobile laptop that was not a gaming laptop and it plays one of the most graphic intensive games ever made smoothly in medium quality, I don't see the issue.



3.5tb between 2 machines and another tb in my other boxes combined.

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Again photoshop is not 3d, There for GPU don't matter why don't you address my statement on how a expensive video card is going to help his 2d output. Why don't you just go back to you hole, the adults are talking here.


I hear there is a new video game to go play in high quality.

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