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Cumputer Geeks Please Help


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1. Forget everything Thorne said.

2. How much are you looking to spend?

3. Are video editing, media and basic functions the absolute only priorities?

4. Do you have a PC company preference?

4. Do you have any operating system preference?

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You see how my solution was simple right?


I use a mac, by choice. I am given a corporate Dell laptop that my kid plays video games on. I refuse to use it for business. Yet, I said go buy a dell. Because in the long run you will be happier for the price paid and the performance.


BTW, if you want PPT decks converted to promo DVDs, Adobe Captivate does a good job with that. So does Apple iWork.

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Stoned or stupid? the 129$ card does a great job will play conan and crisis and for a basic workstation he needs nothing more. He could easlly upgrade to quad core.


The 9600gt hangs right with my 8800gts 640mb.


The 8800gt also costs more then the 9600gt. If you notice Its a video editing machine and that is not going to benfit from a super high end gpu.


I was speaking for what he needed not what you want to build in your fanasy world. The machine I stated would do a killer job and if he decided in 3 months he wanted more he upgrades it a 9 series chip and go quad core.


Your 640mb 8800 is a G80 gpu, sorry I can get the 8800GT's for sub 115ish all day long so this pipedream you call a 9600GT is as what he said, garbage. Stop trying to help people with an issue you have no idea what your talking about. Please stick to bashing people in other threads as your only clogging up this poor mans mind with your useless garbage.


Back on topic.

If your editing and doing promo crap, the latest dual core intel will work for you. And as for the video end, http://www.newegg.com and look at the 8800gt's in the 512mb flavor, they are the g92 gpu's and the 9600gt's CAN'T hang with them..


I'm sorry Thorne but you honestly have no idea what your talking about.

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Your 640mb 8800 is a G80 gpu, sorry I can get the 8800GT's for sub 115ish all day long so this pipedream you call a 9600GT is as what he said, garbage. Stop trying to help people with an issue you have no idea what your talking about. Please stick to bashing people in other threads as your only clogging up this poor mans mind with your useless garbage.


Back on topic.

If your editing and doing promo crap, the latest dual core intel will work for you. And as for the video end, http://www.newegg.com and look at the 8800gt's in the 512mb flavor, they are the g92 gpu's and the 9600gt's CAN'T hang with them..


I'm sorry Thorne but you honestly have no idea what your talking about.



thank god someone knows whats up.


I know for a lot of video editing/photo stuff it comes down to the processing power.


consider this anology.


Would you want a 700hp hot-rod on stock brakes? what if a top notch upgrade was very affordable. Sure you may not ever need all the braking power, but if you do, you know its there.

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What I was getting at is for the price of a 9600GT you can get the bigger brother 8800GT that has more power for the same price. And yes, some programs do rely on the video cards processing power, of which the 8800 would be a better choice.
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What I was getting at is for the price of a 9600GT you can get the bigger brother 8800GT that has more power for the same price. And yes, some programs do rely on the video cards processing power, of which the 8800 would be a better choice.


If the price is the same then its a mute point, For that matter he could run a 40$ ati card. the GPU does not matter, If you think otherwise your mistaken. I said the 9600gt because it was cheaper then the 8800gt when i last looked and my quick look today it was cheaper. he was going after it as 20$ more its a faster card.


The faster does not matter for anything other then 3d applications and gaming.

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Are you special? I have no idea, photoshop gets 0 gains from a 9600gt vs a 8800gt vs a fucking 6600gt. They all will perform the same.


This guy does not plan on doing 3d, I said the card I did for price and price alone, My goal when building a fucking purpose built pc is it put the money towards the best solution. In this case the CPU or RAM are the best choices to spend more money in.


I do know what card cost me less just recently, I was not debating the speed and power of the videocard I just tossed out a card and the card does not matter.



Again the 40$ ati card would serve the same exact purpose. I did not claim my card was the fastest I said the 9600gt does very well next to it. My card is old I bought it when it came out. Literly the week of.

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The more power the card has the faster it'll do editing etc.. It's a proven fact, I don't know what your getting at but making yourself look stupid. And yes video cards power does dictate editing and other video functions, I mean shit thats why some review sites use editing progs to see the speeds and the lower one wins??????
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