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Ufc 87


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Did anyone watch this? The lineup was amazing but the fights to me were dissapointing. I thought the Lesner vs Herring fight was good. Other then that they were kinda bland. John Fitch looked like he had been the best challenge for GSP in quite some time. My body Huerta got owned which sucks.


Lesner's punch in the 1st round was the first time i've ever seen anyone hit someone in UFC and litterally make them do a flip. I have been saying it since he got into MMA that hes a future champ mainly because of his wrestling skills, you teach him a stand up and its game over, unless they make him fight Fedor lol

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John Fitch looked like he had been the best challenge for GSP in quite some time.


Fitch looked OUTCLASSED the entire fight, he was not the best challenge for him. it's not necessarily good when the best thing you can say about a man is, he has a great chin!, he got rocked quite a few times. GSP showed that he is soo far above everyone in that weight class.


My body Huerta got owned which sucks.


i love how cocky he was, only to get owned by "kenflo", kenny gets much respect


I thought the Lesner vs Herring fight was good. Lesner's punch in the 1st round was the first time i've ever seen anyone hit someone in UFC and litterally make them do a flip. I have been saying it since he got into MMA that hes a future champ mainly because of his wrestling skills, you teach him a stand up and its game over, unless they make him fight Fedor lol


Lesnar dominated that whole fight, he looked really good, and the power behind that punch was amazing, but every time he had Herring's back, he got off of him, when the wrestler in him should have taken his back and finished the fight, but you could still see his wrestling ability, in the speed and ease in which he repositioned himself on Herring, keeping him pinned to the mat



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I thought the fights were good, maybe not as exciting as they would have hoped. but very technical fights.


for fitch to take what he did was impressive. GSP total dominated the entire fight.


lesnars inexperienced showed in the first round. he should have finished the fight in the first min. I think he should stand up more, he has knock both his oppnents down very early. he is only going to get better though... I lost a lot of respect for him for his after the fight antics, very unprofessional. I haven't seen his post fight interviews yet, so maybe he gave hearring some respect for lasting all three rounds.

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Umm I still stand behind my statement about Fitch, who do you think has been a better opponent...Matt Serra bwahaha give me a break. Lesner could've wrestled his way to victory but honestly I think he really wanted a KO in his home town. I was watching the fight and he would litterally let him up just so he could get him back on the ground. He was toying with him the whole damn fight. How about the lasso at the end of the fight in which he wrapped around his cack and balls bwahaha! Thats the WWE showmanship in him.


BJ Penn vs GSP will be a war!

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Umm I still stand behind my statement about Fitch, who do you think has been a better opponent...Matt Serra bwahaha give me a break. Lesner could've wrestled his way to victory but honestly I think he really wanted a KO in his home town. I was watching the fight and he would litterally let him up just so he could get him back on the ground. He was toying with him the whole damn fight. How about the lasso at the end of the fight in which he wrapped around his cack and balls bwahaha! Thats the WWE showmanship in him.


BJ Penn vs GSP will be a war!


You have got to be kidding, Penn will get his ass whooped. BJ is a great fighter at 155, he's going to get his ass flat out kicked at 175. GSP is faster, stronger and much more comfortable at that weight. I like the little fucker....just don't think he's worth 20 more lbs.



Brock Lesnars reaction time and speed during the first minute of the first round is UNMOTHERFUCKINGBELIEVABLE, I've never seen 300lbs of dude move that quick. I was disapointed in his ability to finish the fight, period.




..........does anyone else thing Joe Rogan looked like complete SHIT at that event? Puffy eyes, balding hair.....he looked horrible

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Fitch looked OUTCLASSED the entire fight, he was not the best challenge for him. it's not necessarily good when the best thing you can say about a man is, he has a great chin!, he got rocked quite a few times. GSP showed that he is soo far above everyone in that weight class.




i love how cocky he was, only to get owned by "kenflo", kenny gets much respect




Lesnar dominated that whole fight, he looked really good, and the power behind that punch was amazing, but every time he had Herring's back, he got off of him, when the wrestler in him should have taken his back and finished the fight, but you could still see his wrestling ability, in the speed and ease in which he repositioned himself on Herring, keeping him pinned to the mat




That's Lesner's problem. He's a wrestler. They aren't known for being able to finish a fight. He's too f'n big not to learn eventually. Dude's a bear. I can't stand kenflo, but he fought a very smart fight. Bastard.


I thought the fights were good, maybe not as exciting as they would have hoped. but very technical fights.


for fitch to take what he did was impressive. GSP total dominated the entire fight.


lesnars inexperienced showed in the first round. he should have finished the fight in the first min. I think he should stand up more, he has knock both his oppnents down very early. he is only going to get better though... I lost a lot of respect for him for his after the fight antics, very unprofessional. I haven't seen his post fight interviews yet, so maybe he gave hearring some respect for lasting all three rounds.


I was pretty disappointed in Lesnar's antics, as well. I felt maybe a bit of the WWE "showmanship" was coming through and a bit of pride, as well thinking that he's earned his "right" to be there. Personally, I still don't think he's quite earned, yet. He's fought two people. A one-dimensional Hering and a near washed up, up and down fighter in Frank Mir, who he lost to. He is damn fast for a big man.


You have got to be kidding, Penn will get his ass whooped. BJ is a great fighter at 155, he's going to get his ass flat out kicked at 175. GSP is faster, stronger and much more comfortable at that weight. I like the little fucker....just don't think he's worth 20 more lbs.



Brock Lesnars reaction time and speed during the first minute of the first round is UNMOTHERFUCKINGBELIEVABLE, I've never seen 300lbs of dude move that quick. I was disapointed in his ability to finish the fight, period.




..........does anyone else thing Joe Rogan looked like complete SHIT at that event? Puffy eyes, balding hair.....he looked horrible


You're right, GSP may be a bit too big for Penn. GSP was bigger than I've ever seen him, now.


lol Funny you mention that about Rogan. My gf and I mentioned the same thing. Like he hadn't slept all night, shaved in 3 days, or had a haircut in a month. Trim. Whatever. haha He looked rough. He always looks like he's gonna shit himself when he announces. Or pop a vein or something.

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Awesome fights. Even the pre-lims were good. Lesnar is a fucking monster, his first punch would have killed me.


I would get into a deeper conversation about this, but I'm not in a big typing mood at the moment.


Brock Lesnars reaction time and speed during the first minute of the first round is UNMOTHERFUCKINGBELIEVABLE, I've never seen 300lbs of dude move that quick.


Lesnar used to run the 40 in 4.7. The man is fast.





BJ Penn can beat GSP

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I was pretty disappointed in Lesnar's antics, as well. I felt maybe a bit of the WWE "showmanship" was coming through and a bit of pride, as well thinking that he's earned his "right" to be there. Personally, I still don't think he's quite earned, yet. He's fought two people. A one-dimensional Hering and a near washed up, up and down fighter in Frank Mir, who he lost to. He is damn fast for a big man.


Yeah but you have to give Mir credit. while he maybe 'old' for this sport he definitly has talent and rediculous submission skills. I thought he was a washed up/former talent too until I read about him. Lets not forget Lesnar had Mir on his heels that entire fight and to have the wits about him to still get him in an ankle lock and win shows his veteran status works in his favor.


But I agree, I think Lesnar will rock the heavyweights. I never really like Silvia, always thought he was big and slow and was happy when Coutour beat him. But Lesnar Vs Coutour (sp?)..... that would be interesting. Too bad we'll never see it.


Oh and what post fight antics are we talking about i tried looking on youtube but didnt find anything.

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The antics are this "he whipped a make believe lasso in the air, roped Herrng and realed him in and tied the rope off to his dick lol. I thought it was funny honestly. You do realize that if he landed that kneed he threw to begin the fight it would've been over right then and there. How about the 8 second ko for the I believe 3rd fight of the night.


MIR is not old for the sport lmfao you people are retarded if you think that. You do realize he never lost the title right. He had to forfeit it when he got in his wreck cause they didnt know if he would ever fight again. I know most people just became UFC fans in the last couple years but for those that have been watching it for a long time like myself you would be able to see things that others might not recognize such as skill.


Lesner made a rookie mistake in his fight against Mir, by trying to jump over him. Had he not done that he would be 3-0 in his MMA career. Thats the other thing people fail to realize is that he has only fought 3 times! Theres only a few heavyweights that I think can fuck with him on the ground 1. Nog and 2. Couture, and 3. Fedor other then that its game over. He would destroy Tim and honestly thats the reson I think he left UFC was because he knew that he'd end up facing Lesner and losing. Hell look what Fedor did to his ass.



BJ can beat GSP dont get that twisted. Size has nothing to do with fighting, if anything being bigger in a lighter weight class can sometimes hurt you when speed comes into play. Granted GSP is a world class athlete and fast as shit. I still think its going to be a war, but thats just my opinion.

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Umm I still stand behind my statement about Fitch, who do you think has been a better opponent...Matt Serra bwahaha give me a break. Lesner could've wrestled his way to victory but honestly I think he really wanted a KO in his home town. I was watching the fight and he would litterally let him up just so he could get him back on the ground. He was toying with him the whole damn fight. How about the lasso at the end of the fight in which he wrapped around his cack and balls bwahaha! Thats the WWE showmanship in him.


BJ Penn vs GSP will be a war!



umm......Matt Hughes anyone?

and i still say Fitch was NO MATCH what-so-ever for GSP, just because it went the distance means nothing

but i do also agree that BJ vs GSP will be very good


and Lesnars antics didn't bother me, he was excited and his WWE persona was just jumping out.

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Lmfao I loved the smile at the beginning of the 2nd round. Pretty much signified that he already knew he was gonna whoop his ass. Matt Hughes was a good fight for GSP i'll give you that. Im a GSP fan so please dont take my opinions as anti GSP. Just stating that Fitch gave one hell of an effort.
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MIR is not old for the sport lmfao you people are retarded if you think that. You do realize he never lost the title right. He had to forfeit it when he got in his wreck cause they didnt know if he would ever fight again. I know most people just became UFC fans in the last couple years but for those that have been watching it for a long time like myself you would be able to see things that others might not recognize such as skill.



I wasnt implying Mir is "too" old for the sport, just saying he's much more a veteran than Lesnar, which is true. He was named a coash in the next TUF competition which I would assume means its going to focus on heavyweights which should be exciting.


Thanks for the vid.

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Oh alright I gotcha, yeah its about time the heavy weights get some love. Granted that division is kinda weak right now with the top dog in the world not even in UFC "Fedor". I would like to see Lesners next fight be against Chiek Kongo, if Kongo wins that fight he would get a title shot, if Lesnar wins he gets big time respect and a strong push towards upper level fights
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I just watched it, crazy. He's so fucking big and so fucking fast. I'll give Herring credit he had a really nice left hook in the third period but damn Lesnar was so quick he just ducked and drove his head into him. crazy.


Yeah the antic's at the end were a bit much.

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MIR is not old for the sport lmfao you people are retarded if you think that. You do realize he never lost the title right. He had to forfeit it when he got in his wreck cause they didnt know if he would ever fight again. I know most people just became UFC fans in the last couple years but for those that have been watching it for a long time like myself you would be able to see things that others might not recognize such as skill.


Lesner made a rookie mistake in his fight against Mir, by trying to jump over him. Had he not done that he would be 3-0 in his MMA career. Thats the other thing people fail to realize is that he has only fought 3 times! Theres only a few heavyweights that I think can fuck with him on the ground 1. Nog and 2. Couture, and 3. Fedor other then that its game over. He would destroy Tim and honestly thats the reson I think he left UFC was because he knew that he'd end up facing Lesner and losing. Hell look what Fedor did to his ass.


Nobody said Mir was old. And I can guarantee I've been involved with MMA for longer than you have. (Mostly probably due to age, lol) I don't mean just watching it, either, though I've haven't been involved anymore than a spectator since it returned to the US. I'm well aware of Mir's history and if you go back and watch him since his inception (not just in MMA) you'll find for quite some time now, he's been very inconsistent and not the Mir of old. Nobody's saying he's too old, not good enough, etc. But he's never been the same. Just the occasional spark.


I think it's funny the way everyone rides Lesner's questionably sized balls after only 2 real fights yet so many people hated on Kimbo. I'd put Kimbo up against Herring. Shit, that would be awesome. I'd also put him against Mir, where he'd probably lose. Just like Lesnar. And I bet Lesnar would lose again to Mir. Lesnar hasn't shown me anthing related to skill other than overwhelming power and size and surprising speed. Not that I'm not excited to see his big ass perform. :D

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Kimbo is a brawler, put him on the ground and he looks like a turtle on his back. He has fought an over aged Tank Abbott whos not even a good MMA fighter to begin with, hes a brawler just like Kimbo. Lesnar has fought 2 quality verterns thus the reason people are all over him, that and hes a huge draw.


BTW I have been watching UFC since about age 10 cause my uncle was real big into it. My buddy is actually a ref for UFC (Mark Matheny)

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BJ vs GSP will be a battle. I have a lot of respect for BJ and what he's done in MMA, but I think GSP at this point in his career is too much for BJ. BJ's standup isn't good enough IMO. I can't wait to see this fight.


How the f did Fitch stay awake after that combo finished off by that knee to the face? Most would have folded like a chair.


I actually felt bad for Harring on some of those punches to the back and kidneys. You could tell they hurt like all hell when Harring started bucking like crazy. For him to intelligently defend on that bull rush after getting blasted like that was pretty amazing. That punch would have likely stopped my brain from functioning.

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