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Adobe Acrobat printing question


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Quick question:


I'm trying to print out a wiring schematic for work, problem is, it's too damn small to read. It crams the whole thing onto one piece of paper, and I can't figure out how to get it to print it on multiple pages so I can piece it together and actually read it.


Any ideas?

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I'm pretty sure you can't do that in acrobat. When I'm printing point to points at work I usually use 11x17 and its still barely readable.


Maybe theres an option to export to TIFF or jpeg or something?



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I usually have the best luck going right into Printing Prefferences>>Effects. Usually the settings in there will allow you to scale to fit the page or to a percentage (so that you can make it 200% or more to make 4 pages centered).


You can probably get there from the Print screen, but I usually just go to Printers and Faxes on the start menu and right click the printer icon.

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