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$100 for no front plate?


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I got a ticket for this recently being parked at a meter down in the arena district. I think it was for $80. Normally I toss it up on the dash but since then I haven't even kept it in the car. I should probably find it again...
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I was actually pulled over for this exact reason 2 weeks ago, over near Sawmill Rd. The officer asked if I knew why I was pulled over and I told him I wasn't sure because I was going 5 mph under the speed limit. He explained it was only because I had no front plate so he cited me. It was $100 and was due by the following week. I didn't argue or fight it, and hell, I didn't even fix it because it's just dumb. I still won't be using a front plate, though.
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You don't need a front plate in a lot of places, I don't understand why it exists here in Ohio.


so the cops can have a nice big target to shoot laser at.

and so they can ticket you for not having one.


so really the answer is $$$$$. its just another bullshit revenue generator for them.

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I don't think they really need the plate to shoot effectively though do they? I'm sure it helps, but what if you mount your front plate to tilt downward just a bit?



so the cops can have a nice big target to shoot laser at.

and so they can ticket you for not having one.


so really the answer is $$$$$. its just another bullshit revenue generator for them.

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I don't think they really need the plate to shoot effectively though do they? I'm sure it helps, but what if you mount your front plate to tilt downward just a bit?


i dont think they NEED it, but since it makes a super easy and highly reflective target, they WANT it.


not sure about the tilted plate, but it sounds like a good idea :)

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All true. I still believe that a good eye and paying attention is 200x better than anything. On my previous plates, I've always used a clear cover that I then sprayed a very fine mist of flat black paint on the inside. Just enough to help diffuse or block reflections from the plate. I also have put a coating of wax/polish on the white portion of my plates where they are reflective....only I don't wipe it off...thus no gloss :D My previous PDQ GP Plates are covered and the wax wont' come off :o


Weather all the above works or not against laser I'm not sure, but I do know that at night they don't reflect much if any light from a flashlight back like a completely clean and exposed plate does so it has to help somewhat. Every foot of reduced range helps.


That's bollocks, look how many states don't use front plates at all. You can clock a running human being pretty accurately with one of those guns, let alone a car without a front plate.
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Yeah its BS, and yeah I don't give a fuck. Neither of my cars have front plates. Never been pulled over for it, knock on wood. If I do, I'll be completely honest and tell the cop I think it's ugly and pointless to have one. If I get a ticket from some douchebag State Trooper, so be it.
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Think of how much money the state would save if they only had to make one plate for every registration instead of two. I have heard the arguement that if a car is backed into a spot, say against a wall or building, they can still see the plate on the front. I think it's dumb, and don't have one on my TA, but at least it's in the front windshield. I couldn't bring myself to drill holes in my brand new, discontinued GM front bumper cover.
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patrols all around Ohio have been stepping up ticketing on this lately. I was pulled over in the M3 on 23 S coming back from Upper Sandusky last week by highway patrol for it. I'm actually surprised he could even see it with my headlights on at night, must have been looking hard for it.


Then I was pulled over last week by Westerville in the FD for no front plate and making an illegal turn (turned into the 2nd lane available onto sunbury instead of the curb lane). I suppose it was nice of him to not give me a ticket for both, but he gave me the ticket for illegal turn which is the moving violation.....burns.


I suppose if push came to shove I could put a front plate on the M3 if I really needed to, and it'd probably make more sense because it's my daily driver, but there's no way in hell I'm putting one on the front of the FD.

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patrols all around Ohio have been stepping up ticketing on this lately. I was pulled over in the M3 on 23 S coming back from Upper Sandusky last week by highway patrol for it. I'm actually surprised he could even see it with my headlights on at night, must have been looking hard for it.


Then I was pulled over last week by Westerville in the FD for no front plate and making an illegal turn (turned into the 2nd lane available onto sunbury instead of the curb lane). I suppose it was nice of him to not give me a ticket for both, but he gave me the ticket for illegal turn which is the moving violation.....burns.


I suppose if push came to shove I could put a front plate on the M3 if I really needed to, and it'd probably make more sense because it's my daily driver, but there's no way in hell I'm putting one on the front of the FD.


No offense, but I am glad they are ticketing that, Nobody in this town can make a legal right hand turn. I have been almost hit many times turning left when someone is turning right into my lane on a two lane rd. And they have the fucking audacity to honk at me?! WTF?! Learn to fucking drive right. I have no problem with speeding, but know how a fucking intersection works.


Also I would love to see a cop sitting at the keryoke place on the corner of Sunbury Rd and County Line Rd. If you have ever tried to make a right hand turn onto Sunbury Rd from County Line Rd. You can get killed, Sunbury Rd on the north side of County Line Rd is 1 lane. On the south side of County Line Rd it is 2 lanes. The 1 lane lines up with the left lane of the 2 lane. Everyone and their mother change lanes in the intersection and goes to the right lane for no reason. This sucks when you are trying to turn into your curb lane from county Line Rd. :mad:

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No offense, but I am glad they are ticketing that, Nobody in this town can make a legal right hand turn. I have been almost hit many times turning left when someone is turning right into my lane on a two lane rd. And they have the fucking audacity to honk at me?! WTF?! Learn to fucking drive right. I have no problem with speeding, but know how a fucking intersection works.


Also I would love to see a cop sitting at the keryoke place on the corner of Sunbury Rd and County Line Rd. If you have ever tried to make a right hand turn onto Sunbury Rd from County Line Rd. You can get killed, Sunbury Rd on the north side of County Line Rd is 1 lane. On the south side of County Line Rd it is 2 lanes. The 1 lane lines up with the left lane of the 2 lane. Everyone and their mother change lanes in the intersection and goes to the right lane for no reason. This sucks when you are trying to turn into your curb lane from county Line Rd. :mad:


you're correct. It's even something that I've complained about before. In my situation I had the green light coming from central college to sunbury North. There was a van in front of me going slow the entire way up central college (30 mph) and I was just anxious to get around. I paid the price I suppose. Cop was sitting at P&B auto parts waiting for someone like myself to do the same thing. Still sucks though as I've had a clean record for 8 years....oh well, gotta ruin that sometime I suppose.

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I just keep mine in my front windshield. Doesn't always work from what I've heard but may at least get you out of "that one" time. It's just an excuse, I'm sorry, a "legit" reason for them to pull someone over. I mean, since it's so fuckin important and no front plate obviously means you probably break the law all the time.


Everywhere I've ever been, either they don't care or you just come in with it back on your car and it's a simple fix-it ticket at most. $100 is f'n ridiculous and I wouldn't just go and pay it. I'd at least call and see if it can be reduced.

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You beat me to it. I too HATE when folks turning right don't stick to the curb lane. However, when turning left, I tend to yield to those turning right as I would those going straight....most of the time anyway....just to avoid issues.


The clock tower at Sawmill and coming out of my kids school are two instances where it pisses me off most though. Especially at their school near powell as it's usually some rich bitch in a BMW turning right without a signal that then is pissed because she can't jump over to my lane. There's no light at the intersection so turning left when I can is all I can do to get out on the road.


I had a guy at the clock tower follow me down to Kroger once bitching because I "cut him off" in the intersection. I told him to F-off, we both had a green light and that by law he is to turn into the curb lane......and that if he was dead serious about the situation, he could call the police and I'll gladly tell my side of the story, he can tell his and we'll see who gets cited (if anyone) or least who is wrong. I even pulled out my cell phone and said I'd dial the 645.4545 number if he had the time and wanted to do it. He walked away. :mad::rolleyes: :doh: I hope that fucker looked it up and now knows he's a dumbass.


Andy, of course not directed at you as we all know the rules don't apply to friends, relatives or cool cars that deserve props. :D



No offense, but I am glad they are ticketing that, Nobody in this town can make a legal right hand turn. I have been almost hit many times turning left when someone is turning right into my lane on a two lane rd. And they have the fucking audacity to honk at me?! WTF?! Learn to fucking drive right. I have no problem with speeding, but know how a fucking intersection works.
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