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My first high-side


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Got anxious and made stupid all over myself tonight... Rather than wait for my bike to warm up a sec, or even choke it out proper, I tried to take off by revving up a bit and slipping the clutch.


I would like to blame it on teh new clutch cable that feels so different (it really does, very nice) but really I am just a dumb fuck. Long story short I kissed the bloody curb and took a header over the bars to land on head and shoulder. (Yes, I was wearing gear.) I got back up more embarrassed than hurt and promptly dropped my bike on my opposite leg when picking it up. Fail.



Next, it didn't want to start because the carbs were flooded like the Florida Keys right about now and about this time the patrons on the patio are coming to check on my health and welfare. More Fail.


So I have to endure countless questions of "are you ok" and "why don't you come sit down for a minute" as if I am some mere mortal. (despite my claims, my spine is giving me the lie as I type it... mortality sucks donkey balls)


An eternity (two minutes) passes and I try the starter again as I pray to the dark lord that the carbs are happy with me now. (I took the time between to also look for massive oil bleeds or any other really odd shit.) And the carb demons shine upon me as the motor fires up.


I make as graceful an exit as any tool of my caliber can, and shortly after arriving home I realize that adrenaline is grand until it is gone. My shoulder is hosed until further notice and my neck and spine are not going to let me off easy either. I'm still riding the bike to work tomorrow. Fuck gravity, pain is my old friend. Then again, I may see what my insurance is really worth tomorrow... LOL

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I had a fairly wide turn out and it took off much faster than I expected. Though I could just ride it out till it was too late to do anything but tuck and roll. All in all it was pretty epic fail.


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Happy your ok MATT. Now bring me over a Rat I've got a hungry snake.



Yah, yah. I will bring you a few. You want two for each snake?? I will call you after work.


And I am not quite as sore as I expected, but it was a pretty pessimistic outlook last night so I am only partially fucked instead of totally fucked. Oh, my poor fucking shoulder is not gonna work right for a while and a few tendons in my left hand are pissy too.... (now how the fuck am I gonna jerk off!)

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lol Good read. Shit happens. Just gotta laugh about it. Fuck embarassment. :)



Sage advice... If I let embarrassment get too me every time I did something foolish, I would have choked on a bullet years ago to escape the shame. :)

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I have a friend who just high-sided his 600RR going about 10-15mph. Ran through what I guess looked like an entire oil pan worth of oil at petzinger road and 33, turning onto 33. He said he saw it too late but got off the brakes and grabbed the clutch. Apparently the front tire went through fine but the rear slid out and he landed on his forehead on the curb with a helmet and full gear on. He still fractured his wrist pretty bad, but all in all he's okay.


Dumb stuff happens I guess, glad you're mostly alright.

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