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NTB in canal...


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September 20th, From 12-3 or when ever.


Car meet/show, bikini car wash, burnout contest - participants get $ off new tires.


Supposedly their is supposed to be some ex and current strippers doing the bikini car wash, and may have some sort of hot body contest...


Just passing on what i heard, i'll be there.


Where are these pics?

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heres some pix i just up loaded from the phone...









ahhahaha awesome i didnt know i had one that engulfed my car sweeet an phil the tranny was acting up last week but i didnt thinmk anything of it. granted this didnt help but hey it was sweeet :bangbang:

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so did anyone get a picture of joe dirt?

Don't ask how I got these. But this is him!






I know somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody!


ask me the next time I see you and I will tell ya.

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