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Anyone ever been on Phentermine?


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Seriously if this person is to the point were medical intervention is required I don't feel there is anyone on here who should be giving him advice except his personal doctor.



ok so your doctor is going to write out your diet and work out routine? he deffintly went to school for that right? wrong. no one here is trying to right perscription diets and workout plans. we are here giving advice, so next time you want some ones opinion, dont post it on cr.

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HE IS NOT FUCKING QUALIFIED TO GIVE OUT DIET ADVICE! You have to be a complete retard to not understand the simple things I am saying here. Are you that fucking stupid? I hope you die a horribly painful death, that you did not bring on yourself.


BTW, he medically needs to lose weight because he is at an incredibly unhealthy weight. That means, he could face severe health concerns if he does not turn his shit around. Get that.


I'm fucking done with this. It's noobs like you, Phil, Paul, Craig, Luther, Brandon, wonderfag, etc... That make me honestly hate this board. Every time I read posts on here I feel like I have lost any hope I once had for the human race.



fuck you, and i mean that seriously.......why would you bring me into this i've been nothing but cool with you, yet you feel the need to fucking bash me?

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Originally Posted by hb712

HE IS NOT FUCKING QUALIFIED TO GIVE OUT DIET ADVICE! You have to be a complete retard to not understand the simple things I am saying here. Are you that fucking stupid? I hope you die a horribly painful death, that you did not bring on yourself.


BTW, he medically needs to lose weight because he is at an incredibly unhealthy weight. That means, he could face severe health concerns if he does not turn his shit around. Get that.


I'm fucking done with this. It's noobs like you, Phil, Paul, Craig, Luther, Brandon, wonderfag, etc... That make me honestly hate this board. Every time I read posts on here I feel like I have lost any hope I once had for the human race.



fuck you, and i mean that seriously.......why would you bring me into this i've been nothing but cool with you, yet you feel the need to fucking bash me?




x2 what did i do to you dude??


and phil no one here knows more about masturbation then i do lol :asshole:

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***wades thru the hip high shit***


Hey, this thread just reminded me that I dl'd the whole P90X thing. Anyone here tried it, yet? I haven't even watched it. :nono:


Fuck me, I'm getting older and fatter. I just don't have the motivation. Maybe, I need another fatass who lives nearby to get the competitive juices flowing. I need "disguised" exercises. I hate exercising for the sake of exercising. I like to hike, play some sports, etc. I guess I'd work out, too. But I need a personal trainer saying, "Do this. Now, do this. You need try this "many". Good job. Try harder!" Etc, etc. With goals and shit. :D

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I lost almost 60lbs while I was growing up..


Sorry hal, I'm not qualified as a dietician, but I did put myself on a diet that worked, and is still working well.


I would say it was my freshman year that I really got sick of my weight. I was about 5'9" and almost 200lbs, and looking at my family, it really disgusted me and gave me the motivation I needed to lose weight.


The biggest part of me losing weight was cutting soda out of my diet completely. Drinking water or iced tea was all I had to drink. I NEVER once excersized, never hit the gym or did any activities of that sort. I really just started cutting my food portions down slowly to where they really should be so that I wasn't starving myself into eating a lot. If I were to snack, I ate something somewhat healthy, usually a fruit. I made sure to eat a big breakfast to get my metabolism and energy up for the day and a decent sized lunch, and usually a lighter dinner, never snacking after dinner. All while doing this I was basically losing weight fairly quick. My body adjusted pretty quickly to my new eating habits and I was losing weight at a good pace.


Now I'm about 5'10" and I have been at a steady 145lbs for the past 3-4 years. Lowest I got was down to 138, but I was just a little too thin for my liking. Now that my metabolism has been this fast since I dieted I eat just about anything I want and my weight is steady. I stick to diet sodas generally, and I made a good habit of liking healthy food now. I used to hate a lot of vegetables and stuff that generally didn't appeal to me, but now I actually enjoy them.

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how is someone deemed as "medically needs to lose weight"?



when someone has a BMI above a certain level (35, i believe--can't remember), as well as 1-2 medical comorbidities that go along with being overweight, such as type II diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, etc. etc.


dieting/losing weight can be just as hard if not harder than quiting alcohol, cigarettes, and or drugs---it can be that hard. no amount of will power can help sometimes. i know i will be battling weight eventually as the stress of my career and trying to find time for my kids, allows me less time to work out.


sometimes surgery can be an answer. procedures such as lap banding and gastric bypass surgery are risky, but can be well worth it--i'm sure rick will come in to argue against surgery, and for some type of manipulation. there is no question that the surgery is risky though--i saw plenty of complications when i rotated through general surgery, but i also saw people lose 200-400lbs and no longer have diabetes.

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sometimes surgery can be an answer. procedures such as lap banding and gastric bypass surgery are risky, but can be well worth it--i'm sure rick will come in to argue against surgery, and for some type of manipulation. there is no question that the surgery is risky though--i saw plenty of complications when i rotated through general surgery, but i also saw people lose 200-400lbs and no longer have diabetes.


With GB you are making the body permanently sick. In most cases I would say to avoid it. I see the nutritional train wrecks that come into my office with chronic malabsorption. A couple of things I notice with the GB crowd.


1. Hair loss

2. The "death Look"- most cases that I see have a gray tint to the skin. this is caused by not being able to absorb enough nutrients.

3. Depression- vit. B6 is only able to absorb through certain sections of the small intestine.

4. Many gain the weight back they were not taught good lifestyles, they return to a bad diet and the weight returns.



BTW kirk,

Get a new line, you sound like a broken record.

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I lost almost 60lbs while I was growing up..


Sorry hal, I'm not qualified as a dietician, but I did put myself on a diet that worked, and is still working well.


I would say it was my freshman year that I really got sick of my weight. I was about 5'9" and almost 200lbs, and looking at my family, it really disgusted me and gave me the motivation I needed to lose weight.


The biggest part of me losing weight was cutting soda out of my diet completely. Drinking water or iced tea was all I had to drink. I NEVER once excersized, never hit the gym or did any activities of that sort. I really just started cutting my food portions down slowly to where they really should be so that I wasn't starving myself into eating a lot. If I were to snack, I ate something somewhat healthy, usually a fruit. I made sure to eat a big breakfast to get my metabolism and energy up for the day and a decent sized lunch, and usually a lighter dinner, never snacking after dinner. All while doing this I was basically losing weight fairly quick. My body adjusted pretty quickly to my new eating habits and I was losing weight at a good pace.


Now I'm about 5'10" and I have been at a steady 145lbs for the past 3-4 years. Lowest I got was down to 138, but I was just a little too thin for my liking. Now that my metabolism has been this fast since I dieted I eat just about anything I want and my weight is steady. I stick to diet sodas generally, and I made a good habit of liking healthy food now. I used to hate a lot of vegetables and stuff that generally didn't appeal to me, but now I actually enjoy them.




LOL 5'10 and 145lbs? Thats Ethiopian brotha. put on about 30lbs

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30 lbs? Are you serious? Unless you're weight training, 175 lbs and 5'10" is overweight.


If you are 5'10 175lbs and look overweight then there is seriously something wrong with you. I'm 6' 180 and I guess i've always just had a good metabolism and always worked out in some way/form but even if you did nothing, a person at that height and weight should never look/be overweight.

Guess thats just my opinion

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If you are 5'10 175lbs and look overweight then there is seriously something wrong with you. I'm 6' 180 and I guess i've always just had a good metabolism and always worked out in some way/form but even if you did nothing, a person at that height and weight should never look/be overweight.

Guess thats just my opinion

If I were 175 lbs I would have a giant gut (unless I were weight training).

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With GB you are making the body permanently sick. In most cases I would say to avoid it. I see the nutritional train wrecks that come into my office with chronic malabsorption. A couple of things I notice with the GB crowd.


1. Hair loss

2. The "death Look"- most cases that I see have a gray tint to the skin. this is caused by not being able to absorb enough nutrients.

3. Depression- vit. B6 is only able to absorb through certain sections of the small intestine.

4. Many gain the weight back they were not taught good lifestyles, they return to a bad diet and the weight returns.



BTW kirk,

Get a new line, you sound like a broken record.


though I dread saying it, i somewhat agree with Rick. Anytime you can avoid taking ANY medication and accomplish the same goals naturally it has to be better. not that im against medication in general. I just dont see how people have lived for thousands of years without it just fine and just within the past century we seem to run to medication to save us.


Ive always been a big proponant of working hard and doing it right. Alot of diets will have a crash affect. (not saying this is your case) in which you put the weight back on. I did shit the hard way and kept off over 60lbs for the past 2 years. Either way Will goodluck and keep us posted.

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HE IS NOT FUCKING QUALIFIED TO GIVE OUT DIET ADVICE! You have to be a complete retard to not understand the simple things I am saying here. Are you that fucking stupid? I hope you die a horribly painful death, that you did not bring on yourself.


BTW, he medically needs to lose weight because he is at an incredibly unhealthy weight. That means, he could face severe health concerns if he does not turn his shit around. Get that.


I'm fucking done with this. It's noobs like you, Phil, Paul, Craig, Luther, Brandon, wonderfag, etc... That make me honestly hate this board. Every time I read posts on here I feel like I have lost any hope I once had for the human race.


Its actually you that keeps me from reading a lot of stuff on this board outside of car related. You flame everyone on every subject ruining the thread from the point you flame and there after. So basically, your a flamer! GFYS, have a nice day.

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With GB you are making the body permanently sick. In most cases I would say to avoid it. I see the nutritional train wrecks that come into my office with chronic malabsorption. A couple of things I notice with the GB crowd.


1. Hair loss

2. The "death Look"- most cases that I see have a gray tint to the skin. this is caused by not being able to absorb enough nutrients.

3. Depression- vit. B6 is only able to absorb through certain sections of the small intestine.

4. Many gain the weight back they were not taught good lifestyles, they return to a bad diet and the weight returns.



BTW kirk,

Get a new line, you sound like a broken record.


you're only seeing the 'non-success stories', you don't see the people whose lives have been saved by the surgery. and patients should be on multivitamins after the surgery. it is definitely a fairly drastic measure, i will admit--but sometimes the only thing that can get these people to lose weight. the surgery is CLEARLY not for everyone. that is why the requirements are fairly strict to be a candidate (documented attempts at a physician/nutritionist guided diets, medical comorbidities, a thorough psych screening, etc.).


and yes, it is possible to 'defeat' the surgery with low volume/high calorie foods that clear out of your stomach rapidly--but that is rare.


i don't need a new line, the one i'm using is perfectly fine.

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HE IS NOT FUCKING QUALIFIED TO GIVE OUT DIET ADVICE! You have to be a complete retard to not understand the simple things I am saying here. Are you that fucking stupid? I hope you die a horribly painful death, that you did not bring on yourself.


BTW, he medically needs to lose weight because he is at an incredibly unhealthy weight. That means, he could face severe health concerns if he does not turn his shit around. Get that.


I'm fucking done with this. It's noobs like you, Phil, Paul, Craig, Luther, Brandon, wonderfag, etc... That make me honestly hate this board. Every time I read posts on here I feel like I have lost any hope I once had for the human race.



Wait a fucking second keep my name out of your mouth or fingertips for this matter. Dont be a dick to people who did nothing but be cool to you seriously calm that shit down theres no fucking reason to bash on any of us!!! Phil's a trainer like your a mechanic he doesnt go telling you that you mechaninc skills are shit so dont bash him for giving OPINIONS! get OPINIONS!. It really isnt that serious at all and i dont like that fact that im on the board no one else has a problem so there most be something wrong!

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Seriously if this person is to the point were medical intervention is required I don't feel there is anyone on here who should be giving him advice except his personal doctor.

It's funny that noone else can see that this is true.



Phil- So let me get this right. You intern at nike, Manage a verizon store, go to school full time, help with osu football, basketball, soccer, and volleyball teams, and find time to have a social life.

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you're only seeing the 'non-success stories', you don't see the people whose lives have been saved by the surgery. and patients should be on multivitamins after the surgery. it is definitely a fairly drastic measure, i will admit--but sometimes the only thing that can get these people to lose weight. the surgery is CLEARLY not for everyone. that is why the requirements are fairly strict to be a candidate (documented attempts at a physician/nutritionist guided diets, medical comorbidities, a thorough psych screening, etc.).


and yes, it is possible to 'defeat' the surgery with low volume/high calorie foods that clear out of your stomach rapidly--but that is rare.


i don't need a new line, the one i'm using is perfectly fine.


The bottom line is the surgery has a fairly high mortality rate, for something that is basic math. Anyone that can add and subtract can loose weight. Expend more calories than you take in, and you WILL loose weight. Having a life altering surgery, to do something a few less trips through the drive through will do, does not make sense to me.




Those people that I see in the office are not the exceptions to the rule, they are the norm. Bypassing a good chunk of the intestines cannot ever be compensated by taking a "multivitamin". On top of that, synthetic multivitamins that GB people are told to take actually harm them in the long term. You should really take some basic clinical nutrition, and learn at least basic stuff before opening your trap.

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