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Lets bring hal back.

Guest 614Streets

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Guest 614Streets

Somebody please post a picture of a stretcher.


Hal , I can't read these forums without seeing you properly drilling a newb or a fuckface og (nitrousbird or mattsv8 , worthless fucks on CR). I will say this. in regards to Hal leaving if he does, Member number 77 will try to pick up the slack until you return but it will not be sufficient.

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Somebody please post a picture of a stretcher.


Hal , I can't read these forums without seeing you properly drilling a newb or a fuckface og (nitrousbird or mattsv8 , worthless fucks on CR). I will say this. in regards to Hal leaving if he does, Member number 77 will try to pick up the slack until you return but it will not be sufficient.


/Hal On


Shuddup you faggot fuckface


/Hal off



Feel Better ?

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I still think closing registration for a year or two is a good idea. Picking off the fng's we don't like along the way.


I almost forgot the snitches that say when and where we will be meeting - the ones that induce the ricer surprises. They should be banned and ridiculed in person.

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Guest 614Streets
I can start going off on faggots again. I've held back recently.



You will I see little difference between yours and hal's approach , but you left and things happened when you went BIKE , now that you have a 3.8 sfi T again things are appropriate , you just need patlovich to get active again.

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I only sold the other Regal because I started school and didn't have time/money for it.


Now I'm done, have a real job and am ready to lay some more V6 smack down. Nick is around, he posted in my thread a day or two ago.


I also left for the same reasons as Hal, and I'm only really back because my job is so boring there is nothing else for me to do at "work" - at least until this new project starts, I hope. I have no need to hang out with a bunch of 80whp Honda owners. There are very few people here I respect and/or care about. I'm pretty sure that is how Hal feels as well.

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If your car makes less horsepower than Kenny's stock bike, you have to leave.


My car makes 420hp when I dump liquid hopes and dreams into the gas tank.


Walmart doesn't sell it but if I get enough blood samples from the employees there I can make it in my basement.

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My car makes 420hp when I dump liquid hopes and dreams into the gas tank.


Walmart doesn't sell it but if I get enough blood samples from the employees there I can make it in my basement.


This is the type of post that should be bannable.

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Hal's going through "the change" and just doesn't have the patience for the kids right now.


Personally, I don't see how anything anyone on here types, that's not directed towards you personally, can have such an affect that they feel the need to get that worked about things. I understand what he was going for the "that thread", but really, this was just a culmination of past and present thread arguments.

I like Hal (even though I don't have his number.)

...Those of you that have my number, I'll see you around. Other than that, the rest of you can fuck off.

(Fuck you, Hal! ;) )

So, I do hope he's taking a break for the right reasons or if not, realizes what the right reasons are before returning. I believe there needs to be a break, so to speak. Let things cool down. Half the threads here seem to be taking this negative path and only getting worse in each one. It makes me sad and then I no longer feel like taking a little "me time" after reading some CR. Instead, I sit bored and unfulfilled... :nono:

Anyway, back on topic. I used to think Hal was always joking. I've come to realize he's just wound a little tight. Hal, for christ's sake, you gotta learn to relax a little and not let things get to you so much. You're gonna have a fucking stroke before your mid 30's. And even though I wish that would've happened to me, I'm sure there are those around you who would hate for that to happen to you. At the least, you're going to end up with hemmorhoids. ;)

So, take your break, man. We all need to take them from time to time. From this, from our loved ones, from our hobbies, whatever. Do a little soul searching and come back a more relaxed, more patient, and wiser Hal.


PS - You'll never find the banana sticker.

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