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McCain's VP is............


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Obama talks about his "tax" cuts, but then goes right into spending. Where's the magical US money tree lurking? Oh wait, no that's just him trying to secure your vote. All these programs for health care, education etc.. will come from your tax money, and I bet it won't be a discounted rate.


Quoted for truth.

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actually the upper class in Obama's mind starts at anyone making over 60k as I recall. dont quote me on that tho.

Stop it. Yep I'm part of the 5%ers. :rolleyes: I am quite confident in my middle class affiliation.


How's that big ass bank account you were bragging about in the thread where I had to delete your lame fucking posts. Looks like you get to pay more when Obama is elected. Or you could go live in Canada they need lawns mowed too, ad more snow to plow....

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To analyze it appropriately, who pays taxes now. Info may be dated, but I bet %'s are similar





Want to know how much Obama want's to give.......





Some more concrete Obama info






You know.....if Bush would have maintained a balanced budget, I don't think most would have been all gung ho to drop the tax bomb. Rebublicans talk like they get it......but for the last eight years it's been lower taxes/higher spending. Good grief. At least Billy could count the fucking beans whilst getting head.

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I was on the road all day yesterday and just caught bit and peices of the VP nomination. I am not a McCain fan, but I my now vote for him.


I have to hand it to McCain. They shut down the Obamas "I am the Mesiah" speech. I did not here anything about his speech on the radio after McCain's announcement.


Plus how much better can you get than this;


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You know.....if Bush would have maintained a balanced budget, I don't think most would have been all gung ho to drop the tax bomb. Rebublicans talk like they get it......but for the last eight years it's been lower taxes/higher spending. Good grief. At least Billy could count the fucking beans whilst getting head.


Last i heard, it's Congress that writes and votes on the federal budget. The President just signs into law or vetos. How long have the Democrats been in control of Congress now, writing the budget?


Oh, and I'm pretty sure that when the budget was balanced while Clinton was in office, it was done by a GOP controlled Congress.


But hey, its easier to just blame every problem in the world on Bush, rather than face reality.

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I have no idea how I will vote this year.


werd neither do i, the more i hear obama the more i am leaning towards mccain.


Okay someone answer this for me, how does mccain picking this woman hurt HIS experience or help obamas.


And what is the big deal, everyone knows vps are just to grab votes that the candidate is hurting for.


Mccain is critized for being old he goes gets miss youngin mchotty


obbama is black and worried that crackers won't vote for him so he goes and gets mr bologna mcwhitey, nothing surprising here

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Okay someone answer this for me, how does mccain picking this woman hurt HIS experience or help obamas.


One of McCain's big debates with Obama, was Obama's lack of experience. When McCain grabs a female that has quite limited government experience, the whole experience weapon goes out the window. At the same time, this won't help Obama IMO.

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And what is the big deal, everyone knows vps are just to grab votes that the candidate is hurting for.



You understand McCain is 72 yesterday and is OLD, if he croaks in office, look who will be running the country, an alleged woman who may have already used her emotions and power to seek retribution against her sisters Ex-Husband. Yes this is the QB backup I would draft if this was Fantasy President. :rolleyes:

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