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idle problem

Guest tbutera2112

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Guest tbutera2112

damnit it seems like this is the only place im posting the past few days...



my moms mazda3 blew off the upper radiator hose last night while i was driving home from my gfs...didnt realize it until i got home (2 more miles) but the check engine light came on....well i put the hose back on and was gonna go to jiffy lube and bitch after work and make them top it off since we didnt have coolant (its their fault the hose blew off)...got 4.8 miles and the check engine light came on again and the temp gauge shot to the H, so i pulled over and put water in it since thats all i had...put about 3/4 gallon, and then it just started boiling...waited till it cooled off and came home, remembered that i had coolant in my car (not 50/50) so i topped off my moms car and reset the battery....fire it up and it dies instantly, so i figured maybe it was relearning the idle or whatever...drove it 12 miles, it studders idling at stop signs and it even died on me twice, once turning into the neighborhood and once in my driveway


no more check engine light, not sure if its throwing codes since autozone isnt open this early to get it checked, its not over heating anymore, and the idle is only affected if im doing 45+ then come to a complete stop


oh and it is only happening 40% of the time...it will drop to 300-500rpm then bounce between that and 750 (where its supposed to be) and then it will eventually either die or even out




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I would say it could be limp mode as to protect itself after the temp gauge skyrocketed but you reset the battery and it is intermittent....


Is it possible/water/coolant etc sprayed onto some electrical box/sensor/etc in close proximity when it A) blew the hose, B) boiled over, or C) potential spillage when you added liquids? does it have a distributor/coil pak etc?

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Guest tbutera2112

not sure on what type of ignition, ill have to go out an look...and im hoping it is just something to do with liquid getting on a sensor and i hope it just dries out and starts working again... theres nothing really near where the coolant leak was, but ill go take another look and test drive it now that its been sitting for awhile and see if its still acting up





i went and started it and drove it...it seems to be ok now... and theres no more leaks...didnt get the car heated up though, but i guess ill find out when i head to school tonight

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Last time this happened to me, I warped my head. I thought it was an air pocket too, but it turns out that the head had warped itself after getting hot. It would run fine when the engine was cold, but when it got to normal operating temperature or higher, it would do exactly what you are describing.


Not saying that's your problem, but its something to think about.

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