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Kneck question. (Medical Related)


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Accusing me of defrauding patients is a very serious of offense in the state of Ohio. When I say something about the practice of medicine, I can back it up with references from their own journals. All Kirk brings to the table is personal attacks on me saying I am defrauding patients. If Kirk would like to keep pushing this I can and will contact both the Ohio medical board and Florida Medical Board and then he can explain it to them. He may enjoy the 6 month vacation from practice.


I have built a very good practice in Knox county. I see more patients per week in Knox county than any other Doctor in Knox county, including Medical doctors here. I have seen more than 10,000 new patients in 10 years. Have given more than 500,000 adjustments. You don't build practices like that by defrauding people, especially in a small town.



go for it. there are plenty of threads where you've personally attacked me, and my skill as a surgeon "putting in knee replacements crooked", etc.--i'm sure the chiropractic board in ohio would be interested in that. maybe i'll give them a call (because i'm a big fucking crybaby), and you can explain that to them, and take 6 months out of your awesome carpal tunnel laser treatment practice.


you've proven time and time again that you just have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to the practice of medicine. hell, who came into this thread first with the attacks on dr.'s?? if i was a 'computer dr.' i could look up articles all day long about chiropracters causing carotid artery aneurysms (and producing strokes in patients).


if you can't handle someone attacking you, or your profession, then maybe you should keep your fucking mouth shut about mine.

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