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point by point:

-Did not succeed in firing the librarian, though she did try. All else true.

-Palin did fire pretty much everyone when she took office, though it wasn't just related to a TV ad. She wanted her own staff. As her tenure went on, she did fire anyone who disagreed with her.

-did ban officials from talking toi the media without her permission


Pretty weak video, very generalized.

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x2. besides, cleaning house when taking office is nothing new. I have friends that when Ted Strickland moved in were in fear for their jobs too.


Good! I hope she fires most of Washington, DC when she gets there. At least she has the balls to do it!
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What about this, then?


PALIN-tology - 45+ Problems for McCain's VP in just 35 hours (with links to examples.)




Some points are valid, a few may not be.


At least she has some sort of a record, good or bad, unlike Obama.

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At least she has some sort of a record, good or bad, unlike Obama.

Says the man who believes anything the party tells him. You are incorrect.


Dig this:



Apparently personal attacks and references to children are hilarious to Palin, not off limits.


Edit: AHAHA! This actually makes me want to vote for more!

Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." McCain's excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.


Additionaly, regarding the dailykos 51 points of interest on Palin: Follow the links on the page.

You guys have really got to be more thurough. you question the factuality of one-liners on a partisan web page, THAT IS GOOD. But what is BAD is the fact that the links supporting their claims are right there. Follow them and read more.


To touch on you question; Most of them are fact, some are weak.

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Says the man who believes anything the party tells him. You are incorrect.


Dig this:



Apparently personal attacks and references to children are hilarious to Palin, not off limits.


Edit: AHAHA! This actually makes me want to vote for more!



Additionaly, regarding the dailykos 51 points of interest on Palin: Follow the links on the page.

You guys have really got to be more thurough. you question the factuality of one-liners on a partisan web page, THAT IS GOOD. But what is BAD is the fact that the links supporting their claims are right there. Follow them and read more.


To touch on you question; Most of them are fact, some are weak.


You assume I am a McCain fan. I am not really a supporter of the republican ticket.

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I think you mean Biden not Obama. Why compare a VP nom. to a presidental nom.???

Seriously? Have all of the comparisons between Palin/Obama gone over your head or did they pass ear-to-ear? I'm just going to start siding with a party and accept their opinions as mine, then make oblivious observations. :rolleyes: :gtfo:

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I think we should all fight with each some more like we're from different countries or something. Like we're not all in this together. Like a politician is a politician is a politician. Like we don't know they're all full of shit.


Seriously, some banter is good; a bit of debating. But it hurts me and upsets me to see people get so upset with each other because of this shit. Who's fault is it? Our corrupt political system. We can't take it out on them as easily as we can take it out on each other.

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I think we should all fight with each some more like we're from different countries or something. Like we're not all in this together. Like a politician is a politician is a politician. Like we don't know they're all full of shit.


Seriously, some banter is good; a bit of debating. But it hurts me and upsets me to see people get so upset with each other because of this shit. Who's fault is it? Our corrupt political system. We can't take it out on them as easily as we can take it out on each other.


lol I'm gonna go hug a tree, now. You guys feel free to throw rocks at me after my last hippie post. :D;)

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Someone shoot all four and lets start over.

I made that same comment yesterday, that if both main canidates were killed, that we might actually end up with someone worth voting for.


When was the last time we had a main canidate worth voting for? Clinton's last election? I wasn't even 18 yet. I've never had a chance to vote for a canidate I would actually want to vote for.

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When was the last time we had a main canidate worth voting for? Clinton's last election?


Thanks to Clinton's increased taxes, decreased military spending, and a blind eye to the rest of the world, many troops have died in Iraq because they were/are fighting with equipment that is substandard. I was in Desert Storm 1 under the first asshat, I mean Bush... He blew the military's budget pushing Saddam out of Kuwait. Then he got the boot and Clinton left our equipment to rot.


Clinton never increased the military budget which is why Bush 2 has given out so many pay increases to the troops since he's been in office - to bring them up to where they should have been in the first place AND develop equipment to protect our guys.


Clinton had a balanced budget...sure. But he got it by increasing taxes, cutting military spending, and shifting numbers around social security.


How was he worth it?

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Bill Clinton... responsible for deaths in Iraq... hilarious.


What's really hilarious is that you must think 9/11 wasn't planned until Bush came into office and that he should have known and started developing armor to withstand IED's.


And since that's so funny, maybe you think that the kid who had his head cut off on the Internet was funny. It took the guy over 30 seconds of cutting back and forth on the kids neck before he finally stopped fighting, even though his hands were tied behind his back. Go find the video, watch it, and then tell me if you think Bill Clinton didn't fail on his watch.


I think it's hilarious that you have Science and Abuse as your name.

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