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Biden Pwnz Pallin.


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President = Executive (Executes laws made by Congress.)


Congress = Legislature (Lawmakers - the ones who are supposed to establish law for the common good and security of the nation)


McCain, Biden and Nobama = CONGRESSMEN!!!


The Congressional majority for the past 4 years have been Democrats. Biden and Nobama are members of the majority party in the lawmaking branch of our gooberment. If they can't get anything done in Congress within their own majority party, how the fuck are they going to get anything done as Executives of our country?


Is Bush at fault? Is he responsible for the actions of the men and women we have chosen through state elections to be our representatives in DC? Is he? How the fuck can he be responsible for us as a nation when half of this nation doesn't vote?


I'm not a fan of all the decisions Bush has made. I'm not a fan of the job our representatives in DC are doing. If anyone is at fault, it's Congress. They are the jokers who are fucking us, no the President but it's easier to point the finger at one man who you can see than the ones who are really responsible.


Most guys here know who the President is...do you know who your Senators are? What about the House Representatives? Has anyone ever wrote them any letters? That's who you report your grievances to! Not the President!


Congress represents YOU. Have you ever told them you are disappointed?

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  Draco-REX said:
So none of this is Bush's fault?



what did we do when the uss cole got bombed nothing who was president- clinton


what did we do when allies of ours had a chance to kill osama bin laden nothing who was president- clinton


maybe if that bag of shit would have done his job nobody would be pissed off at bush for dealing with the steaming pile of shit clinton left in his lap and thousands have paid with thier lives to attempt to fix


we put bush in office in 2000 in 01 we got bombed in a well planned attack that had been in the works for several years if we had retaliated for the cole and killed osama maybe the world trade center doesn't get hit by airplanes democrats are spineless when it comes to protecting our country and right now is not the time to have one in office that votes present instead of yes or no 75% of the time

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