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The French could end the world


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Yeah, I'm not so sure Micro Black Holes could really do the kind of damage people think...


However, Vacuum Bubbles on the other hand...



Vacuum refers to the energy state, not the lack of air, or that noisy thing hiding in your closet.


To put it simply, If our universe isn't at the lowest energy state like we believe it is, and is in fact a "false" vacuum, a Vacuum Bubble can literally *pop* our reality. And, in a literal instant, Earth would cease to exist.


Good new is, if it happens, we'll never know. :D


btw, First impacts won't be until October some time, and Full Power won't be hit until sometime in... oh... 2012.



Funny you said 2012, because that is when the Mayan and many other cultures calenders say the world will end.

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Holy shit that is amazing!



Also, back on topic. This whole theory that they are trying to prove is some scary shit, and I dont see any reason why it needs to even be fucked with. Why cant people just be happy to be alive without having to prove why or how? I think that no good will come from this.

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Holy shit that is amazing!



Also, back on topic. This whole theory that they are trying to prove is some scary shit, and I dont see any reason why it needs to even be fucked with. Why cant people just be happy to be alive without having to prove why or how? I think that no good will come from this.


Exactly they better make sure there ain't no matter or energy anywhere near that thing when a singularity forums or it will suck up it up, grow, suck up some more, grow... boom we're dead.



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Exactly they better make sure there ain't no matter or energy anywhere near that thing when a singularity forums or it will suck up it up, grow, suck up some more, grow... boom we're dead.



misconception. A black hole has no greater pull on the universe around it than it did as a star, since gravity is based on its mass. A particle made to form a black hole will have no more suck than the particle had to begin with.

They are trying to make a point of infinite density, the term "black hole" should be dropped because people are reading that and thinking of the movies. Can you believe the people at Fermilab have gotten death threats from the morons?]

I can't think of an event in history that has gotten this kind of response. It's akin to the old thought that traveling faster than 45mph would make your head explode... except, everyone thinks that 6 billion heads will explode.



Point two: There is always matter and always energy near everything on earth. ;)

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Also, back on topic. This whole theory that they are trying to prove is some scary shit, and I dont see any reason why it needs to even be fucked with. Why cant people just be happy to be alive without having to prove why or how? I think that no good will come from this.

Ever been curious of anything? All humans have the natural trait of never being content.

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Holy shit that is amazing!



Also, back on topic. This whole theory that they are trying to prove is some scary shit, and I dont see any reason why it needs to even be fucked with. Why cant people just be happy to be alive without having to prove why or how? I think that no good will come from this.

Myself, being one of the most curious people I know, cannot even fathom this thought process. I'm not busting your balls, I'm being serious. I really don't even know where to start. :(

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Funny you said 2012, because that is when the Mayan and many other cultures calenders say the world will end.



Isn't that when Nostradamus (however u spell it) predicted the world would end?


But then again i think one of his predictions is that in 2015 the catholic church will end, so he's not very consistent.

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Isn't that when Nostradamus (however u spell it) predicted the world would end?


But then again i think one of his predictions is that in 2015 the catholic church will end, so he's not very consistent.

I don't think it actually means the world will physcially end. Maybe just the world as we currently know it.

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I don't think it actually means the world will physcially end. Maybe just the world as we currently know it.

+1. The Mayan calendar shows the end of the current age/era and the beginning of the next in which the earth's polarity will shift, affecting our dna and chromosomes. Hopefully we'll get x-ray vision or some shit.

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Well it has been turned on and test ran is complete. We are still here, or are we...



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Ever been curious of anything? All humans have the natural trait of never being content.

Im curious about plenty of things. I just dont think that playing around with the forces that possibly created us and everything we know is a good idea. Cant they find something constructive and helpful to waste all that money on? Like maybe something that will help the human race? I dunno I must be a dumbass or something. Plus you have to admit that the timing of this and the "end of the world" theories is a little wierd.


I just watched somethign on the early show about this whole thing and the scientist was talking about how they might be able to open door ways to other dimensions or some wierd ass shit like that. First off, we cant even handle our own dimension/ world so why go lookin into other ones? And secondly, if they somehow do find another dimension, there better be some kick ass monsters/ zombies to kill. Cuz thats the only way it would be worth while.


My final issue is that, if there is no risk at all. Why are people coming forward to say that there is? I doubt that the people who are against this just made up some bogus theory without any evidence to prove it, or atleast not without a decent arguement. Plus the fact that if this could effect us on a worldy level, what gives them the right to do it?

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