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100% serious question for Christians and science geeks :)


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IF this thread turns into a childish mud sling and not an intellectual conversation I will have it closed. To the haters. If you don't like my post don't enter the night crew.




Part 1. Young Earthers.

How will that change your view of the universe? Does it mean that its slightly possible that the year is older then 6000 years and the big bang and god can coexist?



I've put some serious thought into this and I feel if this works out the way I hope it does it proves what I've said all along.


Assuming there is a all powerful god that he created the world and man kind in a similar fashion to well SPORE/SimCity. Who said the big bang was not started by a all powerful energy? OR these particles are god.




part 2.


If the existence we know is created by these particles and the "GOD PARTICLE" is found did we recreate god?


If you think about this and don't just discredit my words right away i think you will find there is some very deep insightful things we are about to learn.



part 3.

There is that uber uber uber slight chance we just all die tomorrow in a black hole.

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Part 1. What makes you think our universe is the only one? We used to think the earth was flat and the sun revolved around us. I think that in the next 5000 years, we, as a human race, will still not be able to figure out what's out there. We can't even see the middle of our galaxy...and somehow we think we can comprehend the outside edges of the universe. If there are "edges" of the universe, what's on the other side of the edges? It's foolish to try and comprehend things we aren't capable of.


Part 2. There is no universal agreement of what or who God is, so this part cannot be answer.


Part 3. No.

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Part 1. What makes you think our universe is the only one? We used to think the earth was flat and the sun revolved around us. I think that in the next 5000 years, we, as a human race, will still not be able to figure out what's out there. We can't even see the middle of our galaxy...and somehow we think we can comprehend the outside edges of the universe. If there are "edges" of the universe, what's on the other side of the edges? It's foolish to try and comprehend things we aren't capable of.


Part 2. There is no universal agreement of what or who God is, so this part cannot be answer.


Part 3. No.


4/5d ftw

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IF this thread turns into a childish mud sling and not an intellectual conversation I will have it closed.


does that mean youre going to go back and have all of your other religious convo's closed? bonus points for your correct spelling of "intellectual" btw.


1. I'm not a "young earther", but neither am i someone who doesnt think that God and the Big Bang can coexist. God and Evolution exist together, which is obvious to everyone not on the extreme right or left of that argument. Who am I to decide how God does things? All we can do is watch and try to learn.


2. How is it that we "create" anything? like out of other stuff? oh, so you mean we "reorganize" things. gotcha. Heres something i read about in science class...


Breaking down particles to see what comes out is no different fundamentally than grinding up a rock to see what the sand looks like.


3. If we do, itll be the coolest extinction ever. Lemmings on a global scale.



edit: this statement is spot on.


"Both the LHC, and the space program, are vital if the human race is not to stultify, and eventually die out. Together they cost less than one tenth of a percent of world GDP. If the human race cannot afford that, it doesn't deserve the epithet, human," he added.

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Nope all my other religous thread are for fun :). I just wanted this one to be on topic since I think its a very interesting topic.


So I'm going to answer the questions.



1. I do not believe in a young earth. I also believe "GOD" works in his own way and its beyond comprehension of man at this point. BUT that could all change.


2. I do not believe we would be creating GOD. But I do believe we may be closer to understanding the methods of which he works. At one point we knew the earth was flat. We also KNEW that the sun went around the earth. I think this is going to be another one of those WE KNEW. Those of faith could look at this in a open minded fashion and see it gives them even more evidence of existence. a Physical manifestation even.



3. They were right. Rapture.

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1. The big bang and God can not exist together. At least not with the religion I follow. It is not logical for the big bang to happen plus a week to create everything in existence. Like you said God has been and will always be beyond comprehension of man.


2. I don't think "God Particle" is a correct way to explain what we may find. This is just learning what may have happened in the past. Recreating this is not creating God by any means.


3. I am ready to go to heaven so the black hole can come. And if I am lucky we will be sent to a parallel dimension. According to my religion this wouldn't happen, but all the episodes of Stargate I have watched makes me wish it would happen...


I have had too many personal experiences with life to make me think God does not exist. Too much detail for me to type up. If you want to talk about in person I can do that... I should be dead right now but I am still alive. There has to be a logical reason for this.

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1. But this device could proove the big bang. I do find it interesting that even though god stated in the old testitment that time to him is not the same as to man. So your telling me he could not have used the big bang to get the ball rollin?

The answer is you can't and no one can.


2. I did not really think we were recreating god persay but IF we prove that the big bang happened like this what does that mean?


3. I do not I repeat do not believe in miracles at this point. It's hard for me to watch people I love who were faithful DIE very very fucked up deaths and see stupid criminals live when shot 3 inches from there brain and shit. I personally attempted to kill myself in 2003 after my divroce I thought my life was over. I placed a 9mm in my mouth pulled the trigger and herd click. Most people would consider that a miracle. I do not because if i did I must also assume god does not care about others. That would be a pretty evil god imho.


Manifest Destiny? Then the bible lied to us we have FREEDOM TO CHOOSE.


BTW I still have the bullet at the house somewhere.

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Adam and Eve were created as adults, why can't the earth be created as an adult?


either two this will happen

1) nothing.

2) Steven Hawkins made a bomb so advanced nobody new it was a big big bomb and boom a third of the earth blows up and apocalypse is here.

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The big question I have is the uni is 13billion yrs old and we can see galaxies 23billion lightyears away fully formed. Science knows it takes quite a long time for a star to form and quite a long time for a galaxy to form for sure so how is it possible that we are seeing complete ones, when we should be seeing not much of anything. Maybe just the swirling mass around the blackhole stretched out pretty wide and working to form a galaxy.


Some woman scientists accidentally discovered this problem, I watched a show on science channel about it several years ago, but I've never gotten any more info about it.



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Also the big bang ain't necessarily the beginning anyway. Its been theorized that the universe could expand/contract over and over and that we are just living in one of the cycles.


Next question, where did that start and why? I'm not sure we will even be able to answer that type of question since no science we can even imagine can study a place outside of the universe and no device or theory could even be created really that would work on something that we can't even understand due to only being able to operate in this universe under its laws. So I think we're stuck or will get stuck at some point.



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Oh and for the triple post since I rarely do those. The director of the human genome(sp?) project actually thought himself out of a job on this type of subject. He ended up looking far enough into it that he switched to Christianity from atheism and has wrote at least a book about it. He talks on WOSU 820 sometimes on Fred's show. Pretty interesting how he used scientific method to come to his conclusions.



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Guest 614Streets

God just asked me to post this but , ok, he said through the words of his self , who he was , story like or not , Those who belive in me , make me feel good as just the same you feel good when another belives in you.Those who slain me were not of me but yet slain by a wiping round disbelife in me. I was conquered.


He also said of women , MOTHER.

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I tried to propose Theistic Evolution but the 6dayers won't accept it.


Collins has described his parents as "only nominally Christian" and by graduate school he considered himself an atheist. However, dealing with dying patients led him to question his religious views, and he investigated various faiths. He became an evangelical Christian after observing the faith of his critically ill patients and reading Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis.[7]



from wiki. It had nothing to do with the Genome shit.

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