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USA Bails out Fannie Mae.


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Once again, another thread on another forum of people who don't understand who/what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are, what they do, or how they ended up in this situation.


Fannie and Freddie were GSE's, chartered from a Gov't agency in 1968 (by no other than LBJ) into private organizations to "balance" the federal budget. They bought loans off of banks and sold them as bonds to increase liquidity of banks so that they could provide more loans. Fannie and Freddie DID NOT issue mortgage loans to buyers. The gov't takeover of these 2 was inevitable since 1968 and they never should be been privatized in the first place.

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I also feel that any Fed bailouts of completely private banks (such as Bear Stearns) should be an organized leveraged buyout like the LTCM situation in 1998. If you don't know what that is, look it up.
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i wish there was a way to exclude this section of the forum from the New Posts list....you annoy the fuck outta me on here thorne.... www.whogivesafuckpoliticalforums.com <--- try this site instead


God damn, you should be nominated for new member of the year.

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i wish there was a way to exclude this section of the forum from the New Posts list....you annoy the fuck outta me on here thorne.... http://www.whogivesafuckpoliticalforums.com <--- try this site instead


The fact that you care more about what bumper looks better on your car than you do about politics and what's going on in the world is half of this country's problem.


*I mean that as a generalization of most people's self-indulgent ways and is not a personal attack on you ;)

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Then stay the fuck out of this forum. I'm containing my banter to these proper forums.


I'm not sure why people don't think this shit is serious.


It;s all ok we can print more money.



It sucks, but it isn't like them bailing out a Wall St bank. Do you even know what a GSE is?


I bet next you are going to start bitching about FDIC payouts

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Guest tbutera2112
The fact that you care more about what bumper looks better on your car than you do about politics and what's going on in the world is half of this country's problem.


*I mean that as a generalization of most people's self-indulgent ways and is not a personal attack on you ;)

i definately care about politics...theyre the whole reason i signed up for columbusracing....im also a member on the forum i posted above, i go there to talk my one sided propaganda and act like my opinion is the only one that matters

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