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Civic launching


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because some idiots got all fucked up doing stupid shit. To me, it's hilarious and I laughed. What are you going to do about it.

I'll pass this on to the Stanton Family for ya, send me your address so I can have then send you their response.


Get the point now?


"63ft into the air" probably meant "63ft through the air". Getting a 2300lb car that far up would take more than any Honda has ever had.

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I didn't jump in on other threads but this one hit a nerve.


I have raced for more years than many of the folks here have been alive.


Racing or driving on the streets on the edge is just a bad idea. At best, it is a high risk endeavor. Sure it is a thrill, and if some dweeb is eliminated from the gene pool, it is tough for me to feel sorry for them.


He wasn't a dweeb for somebody. A Mom, or Dad. A sister or brother. Or his little nephew who thought he was cool and looked up to him.


I feel sorry for the people left behind. Mom's, Dad's, sibling's, little kids that looked up to them. Have you ever looked at a loved one that went before their time in a casket?


It is just a freaking waste.


About 15 years ago, my brother died as a result of biological factors and bad decisions he made that coincided at a single event. He was not a dweeb or a lowlife, and I doubt that the passenger that was lost was worthless either.


I think about my brother Mike every day. Not car related, but it is the same thing.


There are so many alternatives available that allow us to stretch our abilities and our cars. Doing it on the street is just stupid.


I just can't take the casual dismissal of lives. Neither should you.



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