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Accident at Rome-Hilliard & Wal-Mart


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so i'm driving home and as i go through this intersection a burgundy 1990 mustang makes a left into the Wal-Mart shopping center, in front of a sharp custom green ride. the guy in the rod slams his brakes and barely misses an accident, only to wreck anyway, because of some asshat in a grey POS work van, who decided he wanted to make that same left hand turn and do it BEFORE the green rod also. i look in my rearview and see the ass end of the rod lift off of the ground about 2-3 feet as he slams into this grey van.


then this cocksucker in the van decided he wasn't going to stick around this busy ass intersection, and actually thought he was going to get away, so he backs up and hits a light pole and the fender of another car before throwing it back in drive and bailing into the apt's behind Sam's Club. he got caught, but the cop didn't care to know any information about the dick in the burgundy mustang that helped to cause the accident


anyway rant over, here's the aftermath of the poor custom

clicky for big pics




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I chased down a hit and runner last week. I saw the wreck happen and then I saw her take off. I looked around and everyone was just sitting there starting at the wreck like a bunch of idiots. I darted around everyone and chased the bitch down. Got her plate number and called her in. Cops got her that night.


That sucks about the hot rod. All of that guy's hard work and time ruined because someone felt they needed to get to WAL MART 45 seconds sooner than they would have if they had waited. Fucking morons.

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