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Ohio State deserves what ever piling on we get. After the UF game I was like, "ok, we just didnt care, Troy got fat, blah blah blah." After the LSU game I was like "well, it's not so bad, we weren't even supposed to be there" AFter this game, there is NO excuse.


We are a good team. We are not even close to great. We were lifeless on "O". I guess I would be too if my coach had just yanked our best player 12 hours before the game. I mean seriously, give the kid the needle and go pound on them!


Other observations.


1. Someone tell Tressel that field goals dont win big games.

2. Todd was a wreck because ever other play he saw a freshman taking over. Make the switch and move on. Todd, we love you, but you suck.

3. If I see Boeckman run another option, I will kill myself.

4. Why do we keep playing the same GD zone in our secondary and continue to get torched every single big game?

5. Finally, we better get our heads out of our asses and realize that we may be the 4th best team in the conference right now.


I guess I loved the 02 team so much because it was just a bunch of guys playing hard, smart and loving every min of it. This team is soft.




This guy is absolutely right; my sentiments exactly.

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EVERY team has fairweather fans Alex.


Go live in Pittsburgh. You wouldnt think there is a fairweather fan in the city but I assure you there are. Just because you now have a skewed opinion of Boston sports does not mean you can make a blanket statement like that.


I can't speak for Pittsburgh, but I specifically base my idea on the fact that no teams' fans show up in other cities better than Ohio State and Red Sox fans. Hell, until this year Tropicana Stadium saw more Red Sox jerseys than Rays jerseys, and THEY STILL CAN'T SELL OUT!

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I can't speak for Pittsburgh, but I specifically base my idea on the fact that no teams' fans show up in other cities better than Ohio State and Red Sox fans. Hell, until this year Tropicana Stadium saw more Red Sox jerseys than Rays jerseys, and THEY STILL CAN'T SELL OUT!


Well not to go to far off topic but it is actually cheaper to go to other cities to check out the Sox. I had a business trip there and those people are willing to break their own grandmothers back for that team!

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Well not to go to far off topic but it is actually cheaper to go to other cities to check out the Sox. I had a business trip there and those people are willing to break their own grandmothers back for that team!


Yeah and its a too bad cuz the best way to see a game is to wait in line, get $25 day-of-game tickets in the nosebleeds, get a fenway frank (expensive but worth every penny) and about 10 bud lights and you're good for an afternoon. And when you're loaded at night you're a mile away from the college bar scene which can suck or be amazing depending on where you go.


I forget who's from BU but you'll remember many a night at White Horse and Sunset.

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I guess I loved the 02 team so much because it was just a bunch of guys playing hard, smart and loving every min of it. This team is soft.







i ended up with heartburn throughout almost EVERY single game they played. they had so many close calls, and so many games where they pulled it out in the end--every game was balls-to-the-walls football.

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Thanks for Coming Out!


Eat a dick, choad!


Some people, like me, root for thier alma mater with respect for all others. Am I a rabid fan? Maybe so. Am I a hate spewing bandwagon jumper? Not so much. Do I derive a sense of empowerment by degrading someone elses likes or dislikes? Never.


OSU got thier asses handed to them once again. I beleive it is a coaching issue, Not a talent or "speed" issue.



Please tell me who you root for? Did you ever attend the University? Have you even been in the state in which the University resides?

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Eat a dick, choad!


Some people, like me, root for thier alma mater with respect for all others. Am I a rabid fan? Maybe so. Am I a hate spewing bandwagon jumper? Not so much. Do I derive a sense of empowerment by degrading someone elses likes or dislikes? Never.


OSU got thier asses handed to them once again. I beleive it is a coaching issue, Not a talent or "speed" issue.



Please tell me who you root for? Did you ever attend the University? Have you even been in the state in which the University resides?


agreed, but you forgot to mention your love of large swinging breasts

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We are a good team. We are not even close to great. We were lifeless on "O". I guess I would be too if my coach had just yanked our best player 12 hours before the game. I mean seriously, give the kid the needle and go pound on them!



Do you play for OSU?

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Nope, Fisher College Class of '99. Gives me the right to say "we." Have your degree yet?


So? You can go to OSU, and not be included in, "we." Unless you were on the field, playing the game, you aren't included in, "we." Sorry :p




Just ranting.. this is the only thing that annoys me about OSU fans.



But I am still working on my degree ;). I should've had my Bachelor's by now but I can't choose a major I like.

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So? You can go to OSU, and not be included in, "we." Unless you were on the field, playing the game, you aren't included in, "we." Sorry :p




Just ranting.. this is the only thing that annoys me about OSU fans.



But I am still working on my degree ;). I should've had my Bachelor's by now but I can't choose a major I like.



You dont sound like you attend OSU. If you do, hopefully you will get it someday. Current students, alums, faculty...it's a family. Once a Buckeye, always a Buckeye. Be annoyed all you like, but "WE" will always be Buckeyes :)

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You dont sound like you attend OSU. If you do, hopefully you will get it someday. Current students, alums, faculty...it's a family. Once a Buckeye, always a Buckeye. Be annoyed all you like, but "WE" will always be Buckeyes :)



Hahah :)


To be honest, I really don't even follow football. I just enjoy giving everyone an hard time for everything, not just OSU fans.


I'm not going to OSU, but I'm in my second year at CSCC.. I'm really not that interested in transferring either. I much prefer saving my money and getting my 4yr through the new program CSCC is offering. But I appreciate the encouragement. :thumbup:

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To be honest, I really don't even follow football.


then wtf are you even doing posting in this thread. its clear you don't follow any sports teams closely or you'd understand that you come to think of your team as "we" rather than "they". good sports teams incorporate their fan base, as OSU clearly does.

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then wtf are you even doing posting in this thread. its clear you don't follow any sports teams closely or you'd understand that you come to think of your team as "we" rather than "they". good sports teams incorporate their fan base, as OSU clearly does.


exactly, buckeye fans aren't the only ones who say "we" when referring to thier sports team.

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then wtf are you even doing posting in this thread. its clear you don't follow any sports teams closely or you'd understand that you come to think of your team as "we" rather than "they". good sports teams incorporate their fan base, as OSU clearly does.


I see sports fans the same as people who get upset and argue on the internet.. IT AR SERIUS BINESS


It's just sports for pete's sake. :lol:



Edit* Don't sit there and think: What a loser.. he doesn't watch sports, probably sits around all day on his computer chatting on myspace or facebook. :rolleyes:


I enjoy the social aspect of sports. The drinking, friends, cookouts and tailgating.. even occasionally I'll go to a game or two. But you won't catch me getting caught up in stats, players and scores..


Hell, I played sports for a good part of my life until I just lost interest.. I have school to worry about, and if any free time between school and work.. I wrench on my cars.

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exactly, buckeye fans aren't the only ones who say "we" when referring to thier sports team.


hold on..


To be honest, I really don't even follow football. I just enjoy giving everyone an hard time for everything, not just OSU fans.


Okay, what were you saying? :p



I'm letting myself out of this thread, glad I could stir up some excitement :)

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So... how bout next week? In another very short football thread, I think Ben mentioned that Troy actually managed over 700 yards of offense. Even against a shitty team, that's impressive. Honestly, I don't think Wells would've made a big difference in the USC game. Does anyone know if he'll be playing against Troy? And does anyone else realize how many OSU fans are actually worried about this game, however minor the worry may be? Disappointing, but there's alot of season left. Hell, I'm sure USC will lose to the scrubbiest team in the PAC 10 right at the end of the season. Fuck, that always kills me. By the way, I believe USC plays OSU next year, too. I think I'll watch that game alone as all my company left at the end of the 3rd period on Sat. I wasn't even rubbing it in. I was genuinely disappointed at how the game turned out.
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