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Changes to Ohio's concealed-weapons law taking effect today:

Clifford Automotive

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These took effect on the 8th of this month. Just an update for those that want to know.


Changes to Ohio's concealed-weapons law taking effect today:

  • Permit holders may keep a gun hidden in a vehicle as long as it is in a secure holster. The law previously required the gun to be in plain sight.
  • Permit holders may bring a gun onto school grounds as long as they=are in a vehicle picking up or dropping off a child.
  • Landlords no longer may prohibit holders of concealed-weapons perm=ts from having their weapons in apartments.
  • People without a permit may have concealed weapons in their homes =f they aren't engaged in illegal activity.
  • The penalty for failure to notify a police officer of one's permit status when stopped is decreased if the officer already had received the information through a license-plate check.
  • Holders of valid liquor licenses who also have a concealed-weapons=permit may have a hidden gun on their premises.
  • A resident who hurts or kills an intruder is presumed to have acted in self-defense or in defense of another if the intruder entered unlawfully or without permission.

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im so getting my CCW just for the last thing


If I read the list correctly, you don't need one. If they enter your home, uninvited, you can shoot em in self defense even without a CCW. I think before it was a grey area to the point you had to kill them or not shoot at all.

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im so getting my CCW just for the last thing

there are so many law's let me tell u im fighting a court case because i failed to tell a cop i had a gun. I was in my cousin's garage working on my bike when a couple atv's come by riding though the golf course .The cops ended up showing up stoped by my cousins garage and started asking questions to him about the 4 wheeler's one of the cops must of seen my gun on my hip he told me to come here and asked me my name and asked if i has anything on me that i should'nt have, i said yea i have my ccw and i have my gun on me he grabed my arm and put the cuffs on me and took my gun and arested me and took me to the county jail i served 2 days...over a dumb ass cop :asshole: i was on privite property minding my own biz and get arested over some dumb shit like that for what i know the only time i have to say something is when im being pulled over or come in contact with a cop in public...i heard on the news alot of cops were wrongfuly aresting people who have there ccw

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These took effect on the 8th of this month. Just an update for those that want to know.


Changes to Ohio's concealed-weapons law taking effect today:

  • Permit holders may keep a gun hidden in a vehicle as long as it is in a secure holster. The law previously required the gun to be in plain sight.


Not true, the plain sight wording was fixed April/May of 2007. The plain sight stipulation is for being in a container which doesn't have a lock.


If you have a concealed handgun license you have to carry it in a holster on your person or in a closed container that has a zipper/latch/etc.


The new law also provides for a legal way for non-CHL holders to transport a handgun in the car. Before this law technically there was no way to transport one legally.


(a) The loaded handgun is in a holster on the person’s person.


(b) The loaded handgun is in a closed case, bag, box, or other container that is in plain sight and that has a lid, a cover, or a closing mechanism with a zipper, snap, or buckle, which lid, cover, or closing mechanism must be opened for a person to gain access to the handgun.


© The loaded handgun is securely encased by being stored in a closed glove compartment or vehicle console or in a case that is locked.



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Not true, the plain sight wording was fixed April/May of 2007. The plain sight stipulation is for being in a container which doesn't have a lock.


If you have a concealed handgun license you have to carry it in a holster on your person or in a closed container that has a zipper/latch/etc.


The new law also provides for a legal way for non-CHL holders to transport a handgun in the car. Before this law technically there was no way to transport one legally.






Wrong we arent talking about changes from 07 we are talking about changes currently as of 2 weeks ago.


The law using the wording "secure holster" it leaves it vague to help protect law abiding citizens. Your pulling up old law.

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im so getting my CCW just for the last thing




Florida is a "stand your ground" state (use of deadly force is acceptable for pretty much any form of defense) and I hope the last law will make people stop and think before breaking into anyone's home...


I for one think this is an excellent thing for our community.

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