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9 sec EVO on pump gas! low 9's on race fuel.


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Someone was giving him hell about no cage on Evom and here was his response. I couldn't agree more.....


How is it you guys or NHRA can ride my ass about not having a cage in a car that is complete with seat belts, air bags, door beams, the driver is wearing a helmet, jeans, shoes and a fire jacket and yet they allow any motorcycle to race. I am not stupid enough to think my car is less safe than a motorcycle..... are any of the rest of you that stupid? I hope not.
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maby im just stupid but arnt you required to have a cage under a certain time?


Are you kidding me? At the shootout, this year Kurt Brown shows up in his 1st gen talon, running low 9's at 150+ with 1. No helmet 2. No cage and 3. Shorts w/ just a lap belt!!! I could not believe they were letting this guy run that car, and I know he knows better too...


One of these day's it's going to catch up with Norwalk...



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Are you kidding me? At the shootout, this year Kurt Brown shows up in his 1st gen talon, running low 9's at 150+ with 1. No helmet 2. No cage and 3. Shorts w/ just a lap belt!!! I could not believe they were letting this guy run that car, and I know he knows better too...


One of these day's it's going to catch up with Norwalk...




yeah kurt knows what hes doing , hes been in the dsm game long enough, that crazy he does not even have a harness or helmet on, but thats on him.

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