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Splitting Lanes, legal?


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Main reason for asking was, I was riding with a friend who had just got his license and he was one of those stop on a dime breakers. We were behind a bike on a one lane road and every time we were coming to a complete stop, be it someone turning, or a red light he was on this dudes ass and I was shitting bricks that he was going to hit him.


I don't want some dumbass who is not paying attention and texting on his phone rear ending me.

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Did not want to make a new thread, but has anyone had any experience with cops getting you for this in stand still traffic? Or on the other hand just letting you go?


Also, what if you are at a light and move to the front of the light next to another car. I know it is illegal for two vehicles to share the same lane, but how do MOST cops react to this?


Never had an issue, doesn't mean one of those worthless fucks won't get all dick hard about it.

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I personally cant stand people that merge in the fast lane to go slower than the rest or pace the slow moving cars. I have no moral reservations against splitting a car or two to resume legal speeds. Also, a safe lane split (oxymoron) requires you to do it at about 20-30 mph faster than the other cars. I prefer to get it over with quickly.


Now, do I split cars at high speeds ... nope. I use to and then I hit a small pot hole whilst doing a split and received some wicked tank slap ... needless to say I learned my lesson.


The first rule of riding safely requires you to be aggressive. I dont want to be next to any car ever ...

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Also, a safe lane split (oxymoron) requires you to do it at about 20-30 mph faster than the other cars.





lane splitting is for when traffic is at a slow crawl or at a dead stop. not for when traffic is moving 65 or 70 mph.


going 90 splitting between cars going 70 is stupid, immature, irresponsible, and gives riders a bad name.

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Well it'd be worth it to me than having to worry about some ass hat not paying attention running into me.


yes. that is a very distinct possibility. MSF will teach you to always have an exit and to keep the bike in first gear at a stop and keep watching your mirrors to see if anyone is flying up behind you.

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yes. that is a very distinct possibility. MSF will teach you to always have an exit and to keep the bike in first gear at a stop and keep watching your mirrors to see if anyone is flying up behind you.


I already do this in my car. But I'm a lot more protected in my car than I am on a bike.

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I already do this in my car. But I'm a lot more protected in my car than I am on a bike.


The best piece of advice you can get is to ride like you're invisible at all times.


No one pays attention to motorcycles. They treat them as cars. Cover your ass.

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going 90 splitting between cars going 70 is stupid, immature, irresponsible, and gives riders a bad name.


stupid , i wear a helmet

immature , i dont make fun of people as i do it.

irresponsible , maybe but its my life so i will do with it as i please.

gives riders a bad name , arguably its just jealousy from the people stuck in their cars in traffic.


do i care? nope.


will you always have that one person that has a problem with anyone that rides faster than upright 10mph below the limit with a personal vendetta and some wacko calling from an invented psychosis derived from some lack in their own personal life yelling at anyone that doesnt ride such as themselves? Unfortunately 100% unavoidable.


hopefully you can take a joke, john. you must be a harley/cruiser kind of guy.

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