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How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis


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ok he says democrats killed it in committee in 2005, however in 05, the committee had a republican majority... so what gives?


Members of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, 109th Congress:


9 Democrats: Paul Sarbanes (MD), Christopher Dodd (CT), Tim Johnson (SD), Jack Reed (RI), Chuck Schumer (NY), Evan Bayh (IN), Thomas Carper (DE), Debbie Stabenow (MI), Robert Menendez (NJ)


11 Republicans: Richard Shelby (AL), Robert Bennett (UT), Wayne Allard (CO), Mike Enzi (WY), Chuck Hagel (NE), Rick Santorum (PA), Jim Bunning (KY), Mike Crapo (ID), John Sununu (NH), Elizabeth Dole (NC), Mel Martinez (FL)

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there is no sense in pointing fingers on this issue because BOTH parties had a hand in this. BOTH parties need to work together to get us out. its not an us vs them kind of them, as too many people seem to think it is. we are all in this together and we need to start working together.
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Neither company would have prospered had it not been for society's need to try and always be politically correct. Noone and I mean noone should have been given a high risk loan for a mortgage who did not earn it the old fashioned way with hard work. The government cannot be blamed for evey mistake this country makes. We elect these people into office to make decisions on our lives and for the most part we have no idea what they stand for or what their beliefs are. Until we start making these people accountable for their actions and open our eyes to whats really going on in our government, we will continue to have issues. The american public needs to ban together and demand better from our elected officials. Scandals and misappropriation of funds are becoming the backbone of our society.
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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae contributions:


Chris Dodd #1

Barack Obama #2 (in only three years)


Franklin Raines - $90M in six years as head of FM/FM - now Barack's financial adviser


The bottom line is that FM/FM have been a democratic playground for years. There was a consistant push to get them to loan money to people who could show no financial means to pay for their houses. Their only hope of equity was that the home would increase in value. Now house values fall, they have no stake in the house, so they walk away - or under this bill, get the house reapraised for less and a new lower rate!!!


Are republicans at fault as well - HELL YES! They can throw the whole lot of them out D&R and start over for all I care.


Call me a tool - watch the unedited version - like I said, they're all at fault, but follow the money and the Dems look a lot worse.

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Neither company would have prospered had it not been for society's need to try and always be politically correct. Noone and I mean noone should have been given a high risk loan for a mortgage who did not earn it the old fashioned way with hard work. The government cannot be blamed for evey mistake this country makes. We elect these people into office to make decisions on our lives and for the most part we have no idea what they stand for or what their beliefs are. Until we start making these people accountable for their actions and open our eyes to whats really going on in our government, we will continue to have issues. The american public needs to ban together and demand better from our elected officials. Scandals and misappropriation of funds are becoming the backbone of our society.



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The bottom line is that FM/FM have been a democratic playground for years. There was a consistant push to get them to loan money to people who could show no financial means to pay for their houses. ........


........ but follow the money and the Dems look a lot worse.


Pay close attention to the policy of your 'great decider' in 2002 - http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/08/20040809-9.html . Interesting piece on how the Bush administration put pressure on the lending industries to put more minorities into homes (who statistically make up an over whelming majority of the sub prime loans that many say caused this housing bubble to burst) as well as paying for 40,000 of those loan down payments with our tax dollars.


I'm too lazy to find it but in 2002 Bushy gave a speech about the importance of every American owning a home post 9-11 b/c it was the best way to keep our country safe. Home ownership reached an all time high during his 1st term and the great decider didn't hesitate to let everyone know of his great achievement.


Pointing fingers is really stupid b/c we all know hind sight is 20/20. Several people dropped the ball here, not a single political party. I love bashing the smirking chimp more than anyone but I can't intelligently say that it was all his administrations fault b/c my research has shown that a lot of these ideas were drummed up during the Clinton years. Dubya continued the policies and took them a step further in an effort to polish his resume. I'm sure the dubya (and slick willy for that matter) thought he was doing the right thing at the time but we all see those types of mortgages were a terrible idea and we're all paying for it now.

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Pay close attention to the policy of your 'great decider' in 2002 - http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/08/20040809-9.html . Interesting piece on how the Bush administration put pressure on the lending industries to put more minorities into homes (who statistically make up an over whelming majority of the sub prime loans that many say caused this housing bubble to burst) as well as paying for 40,000 of those loan down payments with our tax dollars.


I'm too lazy to find it but in 2002 Bushy gave a speech about the importance of every American owning a home post 9-11 b/c it was the best way to keep our country safe. Home ownership reached an all time high during his 1st term and the great decider didn't hesitate to let everyone know of his great achievement.


Pointing fingers is really stupid b/c we all know hind sight is 20/20. Several people dropped the ball here, not a single political party. I love bashing the smirking chimp more than anyone but I can't intelligently say that it was all his administrations fault b/c my research has shown that a lot of these ideas were drummed up during the Clinton years. Dubya continued the policies and took them a step further in an effort to polish his resume. I'm sure the dubya (and slick willy for that matter) thought he was doing the right thing at the time but we all see those types of mortgages were a terrible idea and we're all paying for it now.

That can't be true. Bush hates poor people, everyone knows that.

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He doesn't hate them, he doesn't beleive they exist.


No he believes in people finding their own way , and not sucking the governments teet bone dry. Not in big government and socialism, that alone is why I cant vote for Obama. More government powers, more problems.

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i agree with brandon, and i listened to all the way left votes that obama cast. i dont like mccain either, but i HATE the idea of a bigger government. and if you try to tell me that obama wont make it bigger, youre going to lose a lot of respect.
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"capable" as in "efficient"?


thats kind of a dumb question, erok. if youre trying to convince me that a bigger government would be more capable, then i agree. more capable of pork barrel spending, more capable of inane lawmaking (see, smoking ban), more capable of wasting more time and money...


im completely aware that the government got huge(er) under dubya, and i hate that too. im for the abolishment of the two party system, the electoral college...i just think that the changes we really need arent ones that are going to come without some kind of huge dramatic thing...

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