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canker sores

Guest tbutera2112

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just get normal listerine (not the pussy non-burning shit) and wash out your mouth frequently. when ive had those, i wash out my mouth like 4-5x a day, and when im brushing my teeth in the morning/night, i brush the sore until it bleeds, then rinse with listerine again. it hurts like a mother fucker, but they're gone in a couple days f you keep it up
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just get normal listerine (not the pussy non-burning shit) and wash out your mouth frequently. when ive had those, i wash out my mouth like 4-5x a day, and when im brushing my teeth in the morning/night, i brush the sore until it bleeds, then rinse with listerine again. it hurts like a mother fucker, but they're gone in a couple days f you keep it up


Uhhh... I put Orajel on canker sores and they are gone in the same time w/o the self-induced pain.



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just get normal listerine (not the pussy non-burning shit) and wash out your mouth frequently. when ive had those, i wash out my mouth like 4-5x a day, and when im brushing my teeth in the morning/night, i brush the sore until it bleeds, then rinse with listerine again. it hurts like a mother fucker, but they're gone in a couple days f you keep it up


Normal saline is just sterile 0.9% saltwater. Homemade would work just as well.

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Canker soars suck. There isn't much you can do about preventing them or heal them.


I'd try using Listerine with it. It will help it stay clean so it can't get worse and possibly reduce pain afterwards.


Although last time I had a canker soar it lasted for a good 10 days (It probably got infected) It was a bit of a crater like yours was. Mid way through I found these little pads you can apply to them and they work wonderfully. They stick to the sore and relieve pain and in most cases you forget its even there. I really recommend them. HOWEVER, I realize now that putting your finger in your mouth to apply the damn things probably transmits a lot of bacteria to it, so wash your hands first.

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im all for popping and cutting shit etc....but these sores are kinda like craters, not bumps...nothing to pop/cut out...trust me, ive tried popping them before, and it fucking hurts and never does anything


Cut Deeper, eventually you will get below the crater.



Edit: This is I Drive It... It Breaks!

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Used to get these all the time as a kid.

Best thing you can do is wet your fingertip, dump table salt on it, and invade that mother fucker. Hurts like a bitch, but kills the bacteria in there. Dose it a couple times and it will heal by itself.

Any by all means, do the Listerine, brush frequently, etc etc etc to keep it clean.

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  • 4 weeks later...

^ poor table salt into your flu. Than wash your flu out with listerine and rub gummy bears and baby oil all over your flu exactly several minutes after the mouthwash. If the flu still persists try cutting the flu out with a sharp knife, its located right in the middle of your stomach, so getting to it can be painful, but just keep digging.


With the flu successfully extricated, take the gummy bears you had earlier, and rub firmly with the bile released cutting open your stomach. Make a warm lathery foam for your flu and release him into the wild. The bile keeps him warm and fresh all winter, and provides a wax like shine that lasts and lasts.

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