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Bail Out Fails!!!


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Mentioning the fact that we saw history today, that today is one of a few days ever where the top performing industry was negative, that we saw the biggest point loss ever on the Dow, is saying the sky is falling?


Get over yourself


ummmmm... There have been other large losses that you aren't aware of, obviously, in the recent past. Did your grandfather call you up to mention them?


It may be history for you, it's an opportunity to make cash to me.

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ummmmm... There have been other large losses that you aren't aware of, obviously, in the recent past. Did your grandfather call you up to mention them?


It may be history for you, it's an opportunity to make cash to me.


what the fuck is your deal?


Opportunity to make cash for you?


I made over $3k in trading today with 1 fund.


Market is STILL settling at -777 down


If my dad and grandpa say we made History today, I believe them. I am pretty sure they know much more about the market than you do

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Bitch blasts those she needs to vote with her. This whole bailout bill was a grandstanding stunt.


Regardless of your feelings on the bailout, this bitch has to go.


oh please. they dont like her speech? build a fucking bridge and get over it.



"We could have gotten there today had it not been for the partisan speech that the speaker gave on the floor of the House," House Minority Leader John Boehner said. Pelosi's words, the Ohio Republican said, "poisoned our conference, caused a number of members that we thought we could get, to go south."


Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., the whip, estimated that Pelosi's speech changed the minds of a dozen Republicans who might otherwise have supported the plan.


Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., scoffed at the explanation.


"Well if that stopped people from voting, then shame on them," he said. "If people's feelings were hurt because of a speech and that led them to vote differently than what they thought the national interest (requires), then they really don't belong here. They're not tough enough."


More than a repudiation of Democrats, Frank said, Republicans' refusal to vote for the bailout was a rejection of their own president."The Republicans don't trust the administration," he said. "It's a Republican revolt against George Bush and John McCain."


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what the fuck is your deal?


Opportunity to make cash for you?


I made over $3k in trading today with 1 fund.


Market is STILL settling at -777 down


If my dad and grandpa say we made History today, I believe them. I am pretty sure they know much more about the market than you do


Sounds like your the one who has their panties in a wad.


I personally don't think the market dropping is a big deal, you do. Get used to it, it happens.


Apparently, you agree that this is a good time to make $$$, hence your comment about how much you made.


I hope it keeps dropping.


I'm sure your dad and grandpa do know more than me.

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oh please. they dont like her speech? build a fucking bridge and get over it.



Does "they" include 40% of the democrats in the house? Or 95 out of 235?



The point of my post is that if you are trying to sway a vote, you don't bash skulls 10mins before you flip the switch. She's a bitch...period.



Define Irony....Barney Frank telling someone to "toughen up" Do the math.

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Big guys fall and it makes room for the little guys to come up. On the way up, the market will have fresh meat to invest in and the market will recover. ECON 101.


The politicians are pulling yalls strings to give you the impression something is actually happening in DC. HIST 101.


Got edjumacation?


small cap bitches!!!

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All this modern day party bashing is really starting to remind me of racism.


Here's a thought:


How about all you stupid fucking politicians (BOTH partys) stop bitching and pointing fingers so God damn much and actually work together to get something done. This shit is waaaay beyond ridiculous at this point and is really starting to piss me the fuck off.


P.S. Pelosi is and always will be, a cunt.

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I saw that too. But can someone bring me up to speed on all this crap. Who, Why and what were they planning on bailing out? The Mortgage industries and all of their defaulted loans? Isn’t that the fault of the bank for mismanaging their own loans? What affect does this have on us as citizens? I’ve been see a lot about this bail out plan, but I still don’t get it. And if there is one place in the world I can get good solid facts about politics and financial matters it’s right here on Columbus Racing ! ;)



Here is the financial fear........credit will dry up. If you want a house, don't have supreme credit rating...NO. Don't have 20-30% down.....NO. If you want a car....small business loan.....HELOC.....no no no. College loans....NO.


The bailout was intended to make sure credit is still available and continues to flow. There is this fear that you'll never be able to borrow money again.


The 7/10 of a trillion dollars was intended to make sure banks had money when they needed it. It was a loan......and could be paid back, but there is always a chance it won't be.



The idea is that the banks loaned money to people who didn't deserve it. Now congress wants to make sure that the banks can continue to do what they've been doing. Keeping credit "easy"........


Personally, I'm ready for harsh loan standards. I'm rocking an 815 and I'll have 20% for my next home.

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Here is the financial fear........credit will dry up. If you want a house, don't have supreme credit rating...NO. Don't have 20-30% down.....NO. If you want a car....small business loan.....HELOC.....no no no. College loans....NO.


The bailout was intended to make sure credit is still available and continues to flow. There is this fear that you'll never be able to borrow money again.


The 7/10 of a trillion dollars was intended to make sure banks had money when they needed it. It was a loan......and could be paid back, but there is always a chance it won't be.



The idea is that the banks loaned money to people who didn't deserve it. Now congress wants to make sure that the banks can continue to do what they've been doing. Keeping credit "easy"........


Personally, I'm ready for harsh loan standards. I'm rocking an 815 and I'll have 20% for my next home.


Need to take it a step further. If no one can get a loan to pay for goods whether it be a house, car, or something smaller like a TV or furniture then you also don't need people to make cars, homes, TVs or furniture. So those people lose their jobs.

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Should you really be putting smaller purchases like a TV on CREDIT? That is the problem. You can't hand out credit forever. Something has to give. The bailout was a band aid.


Need to take it a step further. If no one can get a loan to pay for goods whether it be a house, car, or something smaller like a TV or furniture then you also don't need people to make cars, homes, TVs or furniture. So those people lose their jobs.
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From what I hear and understand it failed for a good reason. The people in office who really know what they're doing turned it down because they dont want the people who screwed up to get a so called "Golden Parachute", this way all the people who have messed up the economy in the passed will learn their lesson and it will never happen again.
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The bill that was presented for the vote today was a "too little, too late" bill. It was changed a bit from the bill that was talked about last thursday and was only going to be 250billion up front which wouldn't even come close. Hell 750bil ain't gonna come close either, but you ain't getting to hear about that at the moment. Wait a few years even if they do pass one of that size and we'll be doing it again. Also the latest bill let the CEO's off the hook.


I'm glad this one didn't pass so congress can argue out a new better plan that might actually work.



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Nancy Pelosi is worthless, bailout or not, she has done NOTHING progressive as the speaker, expect promote partisanship and her quest at transforming our government to more of a socialist party. She is a big problem for this country, the lack of any bills being passed in the last 2 years is tragic. She wont let and economic bill get passed, engery bill, medicare bill, anything important she opens her mouth to partisan this, socialize this... I can not stand that women!


Sorry for the tangent, as for the bailout, it needed to happen, let those scum bags in the upper relm of the banking world suffer, the market will recover, with out their greed.

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Need to take it a step further. If no one can get a loan to pay for goods whether it be a house, car, or something smaller like a TV or furniture then you also don't need people to make cars, homes, TVs or furniture. So those people lose their jobs.


Correct.....but only to a point.


We were buying far too many cars, homes, TV's and furniture on CREDIT.


If you know someone that builds TV's or furniture in the US, introduce me. Do we really need to explain the housing/car bubble?


It's been a long time coming. Hopefully employees of these companies saw this coming down the pike and got "re-educated" or "re-trained" to handle this market correction.

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The correct way to look at this situation, is a fire sale on Wall St.

Just be sure that what you're picking up isn't still smouldering. Lotta smart people getting burned thinking they're getting a bargain, only to find out that there's still more damage to come.

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