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This is only really practical if your being harassed. ANI ftw


It is possible to get private or restricted numbers of most people. You setup a call forward to a 800 number you setup. Because 800's bill you per call you get there number I've used it before when I was being harrassed. If you do the setup to make this work you can also call people untracable ohh the joys of trunk lines.


Don't call your friends as 911 though sometimes people hit talk talk to redial the last person who called.............

Luckily the person's phone asked them if he was sure he wanted to dial 911.

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Do you serve any purpose in life. What, did you get picked on as a little kid? Mommmy and daddy beat you? Go fuck your self you fucking homo! Get a life.

whats wrong , cant take the fucking truth? And watch it with the mom jokes with me son. I wont be ringing your phone. Ill be ringing the door bell!


I'd exit quickly. Rob is no man to cross. This is thrice recommended.

listen to your fellow forum members! I call it as it is. Not many will argu with it.


I know I did and I did with intentions of answers for my question. This is what the parkinglot is for right? I Understand the anger that can be created behind my coment, but at the same time what about the comment thrown at me? I tried google and only came up with one location with an answer.

And just what was that answer? Get on your local car chat forum and make a tool of yourself posting a question with no answer. I mean come the fuck on. This fall's right in line with " put vise grips on it and twist it out".


And it not like i get on here and bash everyone, most people i fuck with on here know i am fucking with them and i know them personaly.either way, you can put me on your ignore list and you dont have to read the truth.when you post a real question that i can give a answer to, I'll keep my typing skills(or lack there of) In a thread that its needed in.

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whats wrong , cant take the fucking truth? And watch it with the mom jokes with me son. I wont be ringing your phone. Ill be ringing the door bell!



listen to your fellow forum members! I call it as it is. Not many will argu with it.



And just what was that answer? Get on your local car chat forum and make a tool of yourself posting a question with no answer. I mean come the fuck on. This fall's right in line with " put vise grips on it and twist it out".


And it not like i get on here and bash everyone, most people i fuck with on here know i am fucking with them and i know them personaly.either way, you can put me on your ignore list and you dont have to read the truth.when you post a real question that i can give a answer to, I'll keep my typing skills(or lack there of) In a thread that its needed in.


If the mom joke really got personal, I appologize. Come to my door? Whatever pleases you. How did I know there is no answer? If I did then I wouldnt have posted it. Even so, why should I recieve answers like the ones you give? It just dont make sense and shows dispespect. The vise grip thing was funny, and thats becuase he was talking about things he had no clue what they were. You had every right to shut him down with it. Why, because you had real answers to questions and comments. I am not going to "ignore" you and be a pussy about it. I will dish it back out as I recieve it.


As for you giving answers to real questions, please do. I respect your knowledge you have but not your personality.

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I don't see what is wrong with the guys question that you guys are getting all panty bunched for.


If you have ever had it happen to you, as I did, (although this might just be a joke) it is frustrating to not be able to do anything about it short of court order or change your number.

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Privacy Call Blocker units FTW. $99 and you can block any number, area code, prefix, etc...from getting through to you.


We were getting calls from various banks, cc companies, etc....telemarketing over the loop-hole in the Do not call list as we were "affiliated" with them in some way. Zero calls now.


If one comes in, just press block and that number will then ring and ring on their end but only rings once on your end. The machine intercepts it and tosses it into ringing haven.


The premise is that many telemarketing companies use a computer that once yoiu pick up tranfers the call to an operator. If you never pick up and it rings forever, the same computers mark the number as invalid. It works.


If you're being pranked, you can block that exact number. If a telemarketing co. change the last four digits through dialing though a bank of lines you can block all 614.766.xxxx calls.


Look into it. We now live with ZERO calls inbound that we don't want. You can accept or block numbers in a number of different ways.

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Privacy Call Blocker units FTW. $99 and you can block any number, area code, prefix, etc...from getting through to you.


We were getting calls from various banks, cc companies, etc....telemarketing over the loop-hole in the Do not call list as we were "affiliated" with them in some way. Zero calls now.


If one comes in, just press block and that number will then ring and ring on their end but only rings once on your end. The machine intercepts it and tosses it into ringing haven.


The premise is that many telemarketing companies use a computer that once yoiu pick up tranfers the call to an operator. If you never pick up and it rings forever, the same computers mark the number as invalid. It works.


If you're being pranked, you can block that exact number. If a telemarketing co. change the last four digits through dialing though a bank of lines you can block all 614.766.xxxx calls.


Look into it. We now live with ZERO calls inbound that we don't want. You can accept or block numbers in a number of different ways.


Thanks for the info.

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beyond hillarious. pointless

yeah well anyone with enough time on their hand to bother people with dumb shit are retarded, it was just some lame humor. Did the phone call bother you that much? I have some hollowpoint 9mms for anyone bringing that shit to my house. A phone call, what a pussy.

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If the mom joke really got personal, I appologize. Come to my door? Whatever pleases you. How did I know there is no answer? If I did then I wouldnt have posted it. Even so, why should I recieve answers like the ones you give? It just dont make sense and shows dispespect. The vise grip thing was funny, and thats becuase he was talking about things he had no clue what they were. You had every right to shut him down with it. Why, because you had real answers to questions and comments. I am not going to "ignore" you and be a pussy about it. I will dish it back out as I recieve it.


As for you giving answers to real questions, please do. I respect your knowledge you have but not your personality.

Ask anyone that has been out with me, or out around me. My personality fucking rules. As for you not liking it,I dont really give a rats ass. Now with someone with my knowledge, wouldnt you rather have it straight? IMO it was a dumb ass question. My pantys are in No bunch until the mom joke popped up!

Now back to my angree post. Some times in life you cant let little piss ant shit like this get to you. It will eat you alive! i was tryying to give you the bitch smack you needed to get the fuck over it!

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You CANNOT get private or restricted numbers as far as I am concerned without a police report.


I tried to get one once from Verizon and it was a no go. Had some fuck ass faggot call me 100 times a day every day.


It is probably some kids pranking the movie 'the Ring'. Chillax.



Don't say you can't just yet...


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your right it is retarted. it didn't bother me to the point of hiding underneath the covers. it does make me question wtf does it mean. you going to be an asshole now.

im always a asshole... or so some would say. i say realist

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gearhead- lol I understand what you are saying. I will be back out with cr as soon as I get out of cleveland. and I do appologize for my comment. your knowledge is very straight forward and funny most of the time. I just didn't like your comment you made.
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gearhead- lol I understand what you are saying. I will be back out with cr as soon as I get out of cleveland. and I do appologize for my comment. your knowledge is very straight forward and funny most of the time. I just didn't like your comment you made.

you'll get over it...

but think about it..you called me a dick. so i showed you what me being a dick really was. you didnt like it.

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right off their website. http://privacycallblocker.com/


I met them while at a tradeshow in AZ where they are based. very simple product.


I put mine right under my answering machine.


Where do you get that? I want one, sounds like a good x-mas gift, no one I know has one.
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Cell phone companies have access to reports used to file trouble tickets and what not. As mentioned, if the number is private you have to have a court order. This is due the fact that the number was made private by the caller and if the company releases the information to you they can be held liable if you decide to.. umm.. say.. kill that person. Sometimes the "private/restricted" is added in the network before the call is delivered so the company may have access to it.



P.S. The guy was a sprint employee saying you had 7 days before they go bankrupt.

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