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3 Pirates Believed Dead in Shootout


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Not so much off of our shores, but they're still very active and I'm sure always will be. It's just too bad there aren't probably anymore peg leg sporting, parrot toting, sword fighting pirates.

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Somali Pirates are fucking retarded. Russia has got a ship in the area and they are most definitely going to fuck some shit up.


Screw Iraq. The U.S. needs to be killing some pirates.

Last report I read said Russia had dispatched a ship to the area and it would be about a week before it reached the area.




Russia has also dispatched a warship to the area, but it will take about a week to get there.

About midway down.

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They are OK with being Pirates, but this wasnt their pirating.

No, they are ok with being pirates and this WAS their pirating. They are disputing/denying the fact that any pirates have been killed or that there was an argument over surrendering. They are claiming the gunshots were merely in celebration of the end of Ramadan.

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Last report I read said Russia had dispatched a ship to the area and it would be about a week before it reached the area.





About midway down.


I knew they sent them. I just figured they'd be there by now. I did read that the frigate they sent has a load of special ops guys on it. :bangbang:

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Look up the Straits of Malacca. It runs between Malaysia and Singapore, and the route continues on past Indonesia. They lose ships there every couple of months. The pirates board them, kill the crew, or set them adrift, or even hold them for ransom. Sometimes they creep aboard at night, but they have been as bold as boarding a ship posing as customs officials. In some cases, they actually ARE customs officials.

They steal cargo, hijack ships, and they've even stolen ships, repainted them, and sailed them under different flags.

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"The dread pirate Steve be in no man's debt. I'll make a barter with ya; true as the north star. In exchange for your kindness, I'll be sharing me buried treasure with ya... once I find it, that be."

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