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Politics= WTF


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I thought I was a man of average intelligence. High school educated. 11 years of real world experience. But then I tried to understand politics and inform myself cause I am at a age where I know that these things effect me directly and I want to help..


But then I read things like this.....





Have anything to do with the fucking bailout. Why in the fuck was this even a topic of discussion in regards to anything.


then this


Sec. 112. Expansion and modification of coal gasification investment credit.


Sec. 115. Tax credit for carbon dioxide sequestration.


Seriously I tried to understand politics. I just cant grasp the concept. What in the hell does any of this have to do with bailing out financial sectors.


Here is another question first vote for the bailout was 228 against and 205 for. Then the passing vote was 75-24. What am I missing.


Maybe I just need to do more investigating.

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What in the hell does any of this have to do with bailing out financial sectors.


The American people wanted something in this bill for them, they go it through tax breaks (if you read the bill there are a lot of good tax breaks for the American tax payer, esp. people affected by the Hurricanes) and a increase in the FDIC insured amount to $250k

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The bailout was just a way to push pork into the barrel before taking off for the rest of the year.



I would like you to read the document and point out where they approved spending on anything other than the bailout


They are all tax breaks and revised provisions (Mark-To-Market, FDIC limit)

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To answer your last question; The 228-205 vote was the House of Reps previous bill. The 75-24 vote was the Senate voting on their version of the bill.



Thanks for the clarification. I was thinking wtf would there be a vote again with 300 people missing.

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And to answer the question of why all the pork was added, the senate could not introduce the House's bill, so they had to tack it onto something else already there, a tax bill.
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That's why it didn't pass the first time; no one had time to tack their own silly shit onto it.


repealing RIDICULOUS excise taxes is silly shit?


Are peole just reaching for whatever they can to bitch about this?

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People should be bitching about it, it's bullshit. Here's your tax break upper middle income guy, here's your extra relief money hurricane area, here's your tax break big company, and here's the extra insurance on deposited money for everyone.






Oh wait, the only way you get that is if I get to steal 700 billion from you and give it to the companies that have made so much money it would make you sick. It's not their fault they got greedy....


Give me a fucking break.

The bill is ALL wrong. We shouldn't "bail them out". If anything the government should LOAN them money and hold an interest in the company until all money if repaid. Also during that time there should be STRICT rules for income of upper level management and executives. No bonus, no bullshit. If they don't want to work for 25x the lowest salary ($400,000) tell them to get the hell out. It's their fault shit is the way it is. Multi-million dollar incomes for running failing companies should be considered stealing and punishable by law.


/end rant

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Ref: riders in the first post. Pay attention.


So where is the "silly shit"? I see this as something that HAD to be tacked onto a bill already passed by the house and sent to the senate because the senate CANNOT introduce this type of legislation. The bailout had to be tacked onto one of the yearly tax bills that goes through Congress in order to get the vote done.

Plus, this is your basic tax break bill that you get all the time. I did pay attention and have actually read about 375 pages of the bill so I am sure I have a much better understanding of it than anyone else posting here.

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I already wrote to both Senators and my Rep to let them all know I'd be voting against them when they come up for re-election, especially Tiberi. Fucking clowns keep pissing my money away and giving it to banks and mortgage giants who got themselves (and some of us) into some really deep shit.
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