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VP Debate

Science Abuse

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No matter your dislike of the GOP, it will win.


Simple reason, democrats say we are america we are the working class, we dont have money, ect ect. And really democrats have been bitching for nearly a century for the same reason, we dont have money the government needs to give it to us... And look where they still are poor and waiting on the government to save them.



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I like it when she said her and Tom are Middle Class people Yeah right


there was an article that just came out showing Biden is one of the poorest senators there is, and Palin and her husband aren't incredibly wealthy either. the article said between the both of them, retirement funds included, (homes excluded), itd be hard for them to reach $1 millon combined between both of them.

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Biden-1 Palin-0


She held her own..did not make an ass of herself, but Biden took control of the debate. imo. Joe knows his shit..Facts...Palin related damn near everything to good ole Wasilla. No direct answers to questions what so ever. Confusing to say the most...Ask her a question and she answered another one....not asked..

  • Confused 1
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Biden-1 Palin-0


She held her own..did not make an ass of herself, but Biden took control of the debate. imo. Joe knows his shit..Facts...Palin related damn near everything to good ole Wasilla. No direct answers to questions what so ever. Confusing to say the most...Ask her a question and she answered another one....not asked..

How you even found a winner out of that clusterfuck of a debate is beyond me. I think you picked your winner before the debate even started. If the democratic party's candidate was a bottle of Vagisil, you'd vote for it.

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She did way better then I expected


you and everyone in america. i liked the point that was made by i think tom brokaw (sp?) it was style vs. substance. both were inaccurate at times, but i came away from it with the realisation that experience trumps her way of "connecting" with the people.

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I think she didn't do very well. Answered very few actual questions and she would just change the subject. Her inexperience showed and it looked like everything she said was rehersed or memorized. Which is why she couldn't answer the questions.


As a republican I am really disappointed that Mccain picked her.

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I think she didn't do very well. Answered very few actual questions and she would just change the subject. Her inexperience showed and it looked like everything she said was rehersed or memorized. Which is why she couldn't answer the questions.


As a republican I am really disappointed that Mccain picked her.


I agree it seemed like she memorized some points. I mean she would change the topic. BUT I really expected her to fail I'm talking SNL Fail. I'm kinda happy to see her not become a joke.

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Going by debate standards, Biden took it decisively, DESPITE the fact that the moderator blatantly helped her on on at least 2 occasions. She did better than expected, though. I was looking for an earbud. ;)


and Palin and her husband aren't incredibly wealthy either.

The Palins have expensive hobbies fore middle class people.

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ummm.... the majority of "middle class" americans don't drop thousands of dollars a year into cars


BTW, if you hit 50 and don't have a net worth of $1 million in this day and age, you done fucked up in your life


Paid off house, retirement accounts, cars, savings, stocks

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Hmmm, I bet Biden could afford them.

Bet he couldn't afford to feild an entry in the Iron Dog. ;)

ummm.... the majority of "middle class" americans don't drop thousands of dollars a year into cars

They drop thousands of dollars a year into something. You focus your income profits on one conspicuous thing, many spread it out over the year on simple stuff. Ever build a deck? Buy a nice grill? Repaint or remodel something? The average middle class family bleeds allot of cash.

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Bet he couldn't afford to feild an entry in the Iron Dog. ;)


They drop thousands of dollars a year into something. You focus your income profits on one conspicuous thing, many spread it out over the year on simple stuff. Ever build a deck? Buy a nice grill? Repaint or remodel something? The average middle class family bleeds allot of cash.



Yeah, and if you focus that money into 1 thing you can do whatever you want.


When I was growing up, my mom never worked, parents had 2 kids, dad made around $35k per year and we were out of town every weekend showing champion quarter horses and walking horses...


guess we weren't "middle class" because we had an expensive hobby huh?

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What I saw: When hit with a difficult point, Biden would fumble a bit, then answer. Palin, OTOH, glossed over and then changed the subject.


Biden stated his own positions fairly clearly, but Palin either said nothing, at great length and exposition, or referred to McCain's stock position on the issue.


The only time Palin answered any question with any authority was when she was parroting McCain.

She also accused Biden many times of looking to the past, and judging McCain by Bush's actions. But McCain has openly said that he would continue Bush's policies on Iraq, taxes, and the economy and budget. So judging him by Bush's policies is absolutely necessary.

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ummm.... the majority of "middle class" americans don't drop thousands of dollars a year into cars


BTW, if you hit 50 and don't have a net worth of $1 million in this day and age, you done fucked up in your life


Paid off house, retirement accounts, cars, savings, stocks


Someone did you right.

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BTW, I definitely agree it was a ridiculously soft debate. I remember a debate last time around where the moderator asked a very specific question, and the speaker( I think it was Bush, it could have been Kerry, I don't recall) went on at length without really making any definitive statement. The moderator stopped him and said, very directly, "You haven't answered the question". I want that kind of debate. I want a PANEL of moderators empowered to ask any question, cut off the candidate if they wander, and demand a clearly worded response. In other words, I want courtroom witness stand rules. I also want there to be another panel sitting to the side with access to the internet, who can look up speeches and votes on the spot, and interrupt the candidates to point out any "inaccuracies". Think it'll happen?
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Guest 614Streets

I love how biden kept mentioning how we need to export our technoglogy to china to keep china's emssions down.Need I explain how ignorant that is.



Palin was very solid mentioning to keep listening to our military commanders as to when Iraq is capable of governing themselves. Biden seemed to think washington politicians would know better......


Lastly Biden mentioned how we spend a billion dollor figure each month in Iraq yet Iraq has a 80 billion dollor surplus this year.

Well why then wouldnt he be fighting to have that surplus used to pay our debts , he mentions no such plan or proposal.

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Guest 614Streets


BTW, if you hit 50 and don't have a net worth of $1 million in this day and age, you done fucked up in your life




Not really. Its being proven alot of the elderly like to stay active working until its no longer physically possible and that besides having enough to be secure for your offspring and or spouse , keeping a good mindset is proving to be more secure than money itself.


Although I absolutely wont argue trying to attain the figures you mentioned is a very well achieved goal and a great Idea.

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