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Well someone stole my car...


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Well someone stole my car...Good stuff seeing as how I only had liability on it and it was in the street so no homeowners insurance :(


It was stolen on the 28th so I'm guessing it's already in pieces or already driving around on someone elses car which is nice I guess :mad:


But just incase the people that stole it were completely retarted and are still or have been driving it around how it was I just wanted everyone to know and let you know what it looks like.


Heres what it looked like before it was stolen...








The worst part of it all is I was going to be selling it today...


Oh yea another thing. If anyone sees it driving around please crash your car into it and I'll gladly pay for your next car. Or if you know who stole it I'll just give you $2,000 cash even if I don't get the car back. Just want to find the fuckers.

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I've been through that twice, I feel your pain.


Expect no help from CPD - and even less from your insurance company.


I did end up finding one of mine, but it wasn't due to anyone other than me. Keep the VIN and randomly check it... it might show up.

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I've been through that twice, I feel your pain.


Expect no help from CPD - and even less from your insurance company.


I did end up finding one of mine, but it wasn't due to anyone other than me. Keep the VIN and randomly check it... it might show up.


So far I haven't gotten any help at all. Insurance totally fucked me over and the police still have done nothing... :(




Forgot to add that Viper Alarms fucked me sideways. Supposed to cover the car if you have their alarm but guess what?????


There is a list of about 20 things that you need to get anything. I never knew you needed to have check ups on security systems :bs:

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Do you know the person who was supposed to be buying it today. If not its a good chance they got your info so they could come get the car. Just my two cents. Good luck with finding it.


Yea I know him, my cousin lol. He was more upset than me when he found out it was stolen. He sold his car and took out a loan to buy my car lol. Now he's stuck with a R1 and no car for winter lol. I guess it's better than my situation. No car, no bike but I do ride a nice bicycle to work every day. :gay2:


And you can all thank me for the lower gas prices. Supply and demand ftw...


But on a more serious note, the 3lb sledge works great ;)

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So far I haven't gotten any help at all. Insurance totally fucked me over and the police still have done nothing... :(




Forgot to add that Viper Alarms fucked me sideways. Supposed to cover the car if you have their alarm but guess what?????


There is a list of about 20 things that you need to get anything. I never knew you needed to have check ups on security systems :bs:


Fight with the insurance... it took me over two months to get what I wanted out of mine.

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Fight with the insurance... it took me over two months to get what I wanted out of mine.


I only had liability on it


Some how I think his case is going to go a little diffrent.Unless I'm just talking out my ass.I know some insurance agencies offer comprehensive liabilty or something to that extent that might actually cover theft.



Sorry to hear...I'm trying to help a buddy find info about his car that was stolen around 3 weeks ago. Have you seen any red del sols with black unpainted body kit bumpers rolling around your area (serious question)? Columbus is turning into Cali with all these honda thefts. I will not set my car out over night anymore.


Post up a mod list and anything that stands out on any of the parts and maybe someone might find someone selling something of yours.I know i check cl and ebay daily for local deals so I will keep an eye out.

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