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Debate 2.0


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I give the nod to Obama. I didn't catch it all, but what I did catch.....McCain makes me want to die. He is so politician, Mr. Robato. The more McCain speaks, the more I realize that he doesn't understand your average American. Obama does.


But I already voted.....so does it matter....

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What gets me is that both of these motherfuckers discuss facts and figures completely out of context AND they know it! Do they think we are fucking stupid and won't know what they are doing? How the fuck could you vote for either one knowing that they will "hide" the reality of facts and figures while in the White House?


We loose again. And the media keeps rubbing it in.

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I give the nod to Obama. I didn't catch it all, but what I did catch.....McCain makes me want to die. He is so politician, Mr. Robato. The more McCain speaks, the more I realize that he doesn't understand your average American. Obama does.


But I already voted.....so does it matter....


Ill support a life time politican ; rather then a supporter and follower of the most racist and liberal churches and orgnazations in the USA. I mean come on Oprah knew to stop going to the HIP church... And having the support of Bill Ayers, a man who once tried to bomb our capital building as rebellion to the govt (the same man Obama launched his politcal career with), Lewis Faracon... I mean maybe Obama is his own person, and I will retract my dislike if he proves to be otherwise ; but we are what we were rasied, and taught, and Obama has no signs of denoucing his radical , socialist , racist, and criminal followers. I guess having that support of those types of people is relating to the fundamentals of America...


And lets go ahead and go into Iran like Obama wants to do ; all Nevil Chamberlon style like in the world war 2, and pass non aggression acts with Hilter (today AL mossaref (sp) ), those agreements worked great, Hilter didnt re-nig or anything. Preconditions or not Iran and North Korea will continue to travel on the path to nuclear weapons, and Baracks unconditional meetings will do him ZERO good, this is not my belief is HISTORY. You must lay out aggressive terms an penalites against dictators.


As for the debate John gets the nod with narrow margin, he had a clear voice with his economic policies this go round, and he DOMINATED foreign policy. I thought it was a good debate with clear wins for each side, Mccain shows his emotions better then Obama in a good and a bad way, I like a little passion, but obvious frustration that needed to be with held. Our Liberal meida needs no more brain washing material then they already create.


Side note,


What I don't like to hear ; The upper level executive clown who just got fired from fannie mac, or freddie I dont remember, approxamittly 2 months ago , now just got rehired under the new bailout we passed, and is now making 1 million dollars a month...Please tell me that the democrates will fix that...Oh wait fannie and freddie have donated more money in this election then in any other election to Obamas campign , this is in the history of the companies. (Mccain is not much better to be honest, but to say Obama has a grasp on these lenders, hah they have him by the balls) So if you believe in Obamas speechs about going after the big time CEOs is honest think again, they are PAYING him.



So annoying this election, and voting is only one month away.

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I'm so glad to come here and not hear a bunch of bitching about the "that one" comment. because apparently Obama didn't have any sarcastic comments either *sarcasm*.

Anyone who thinks that one was a racist comment is an idiot.


What I enjoyed was Obama saying this crisis is making it hard for businesses to get loans to pay for payroll and create jobs. Because I'm sure businesses love borrowing money to pay people. But yet he's against lowering taxes for companies making over $250,000 a year because then its just abuse. His Democrat rhetoric is so carried away now that he doesn't even listen to what he says anymore.

How about you let companies keep the money they make to pay people, wow a rising economy and jobs, who woulda thunk it.

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Polls got Obama winning 2.0 so far...



I started to fall asleep, so I flipped over to my DVR of last night's Terminator. Did I miss anything?


Damn Cameron is hot.....I love that show. Heck, Sarah is Milf material. 2 weeks til next epis.

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did anyone else catch obama say he would invade pakistan ignore their sovereignty and all that jazz if he could catch osama but this whole time he has said that iraq was a mistake :confused:


I think that means if he had legit intel on Bin Laden's location in Pakistan he'd go in after him....Not sit in Pakistan for 8 years.....like we have in this current surge.


What pisses me off is that McCain is such a war guy that he HAS to win this war....He can't just pull outta this thing and say it's over...How bout we elect all three of them....McCain for foreign policy, Palin for energy and Obama for taxes and health care.....forfuksake!

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did anyone else catch obama say he would invade pakistan ignore their sovereignty and all that jazz if he could catch osama but this whole time he has said that iraq was a mistake :confused:

How are you confused? Iraq has never had anything to do with 9/11.


McCain and Obama suck. Badly. Neither are worth voting for. IMO, if you must vote for one, Obama gets the slight nod...he isn't the war monger than McCain is at least.


We just need to pull out of all places we are in, and appologize for trying to be the world police. This "bail out" plan is working great...dow is down what, 700 one day, 500 the next. Both of these guys supported it; it sure is helping out!

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How are you confused? Iraq has never had anything to do with 9/11.


McCain and Obama suck. Badly. Neither are worth voting for. IMO, if you must vote for one, Obama gets the slight nod...he isn't the war monger than McCain is at least.


We just need to pull out of all places we are in, and appologize for trying to be the world police. This "bail out" plan is working great...dow is down what, 700 one day, 500 the next. Both of these guys supported it; it sure is helping out!



IRAQ <> 9/11

Lets put that straight first. Second, I can't wait to see waht the market does today.







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I think that means if he had legit intel on Bin Laden's location in Pakistan he'd go in after him....Not since in Pakistan for 8 years.....like we have in this current surge.


We've been going into Pakistan for some time ;) (Inside source) What Obama wants to do is go in with a large scale force. That won't go over too well, and erupt another mess with someone who has nuclear capabilities. Besides, 8 guys can do more than most full sized Battallions can do.

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How are you confused? Iraq has never had anything to do with 9/11.


But it was a something that needed to be taken care of one way or another. And there's plenty of Al-Qaeda still there trying to kill us. I'm not about to see all I did there go into a shit sandwich thanks to some fucking politician. Stay there until we're done, end of story.


Jono- you hit the nail on the head.

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Fuck McCain, he's not taxing my tax free HSA. Fuck a 5k tax credit at the end of the year so it can drop my taxable income and I get $300 more on my return. Sad thing is most morons hear his plan an think they are getting 5k in cash back at the end of the year. I've had people tell me this at work. Fucking morons, I' m voting Obama just keep this fuck stick out of office. I will not help McCain by voting for Ron Paul.
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Love that movie.

Fuck me. If I knew we was going to a bar mitzvah, I would have brought me fuckin' skull cap. Mate, Tottenham's due north. Are you lost? Or just fucking stupid?

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