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I'm not one to hash through all the bullshit both are spewing as it's a never ending case of selecting the better of two candidates, usually none of whom really are my first or second choices.


That said, I'm more inclined to go democratic this year. There's no way I'm going to put more than the state of Alaska in the hands of Palin and with McCain so realistically close to possible death mid-term, fuck that. She can continue to run AK and shoot guns, be the MILF soccer mom and hang with Joe Six Packs, but I'm not going to put her as head cheese. I think there was a short-lived TV Series about that and it failed too.


Obama has Biden's experience and no doubt will lean on him when he needs to. Biden is setting up to run for President someday if I had to bet, so I know he wants to do well by the people. Obama is also going to have some big shoes to fill and make a name for himself once in office, so he'll have it a good go at it.


He's very well spoken, has a calm cool confident approach which I look for in a leader and like him or not, has come a long way from where he first came. You don't get to where he is, especially with all that he's got going against him, unless you have made some good moves.


In the end, there's no fucking way they can't do something to move the needle up and to the right in the next four years. God knows we might not possibly be at bottom yet, but I think once they get in and make some quick hits, the world will move again.


There's just no way I more of the same and McCain is too close to the same than he is different. If it was a ball game, there would have been a completley different pitcher on the mound by now.


Also....Picking Palin...come one...who the fuck made that call and why? Sure wasn't for her experience. I"m sorry, it was a political play, not a decision that I would expect a leader to make. Fuck, you don't pick the rookie no one has heard of as your first round draft pick. Even in life you Marry-up, not fucking pick the dumb bitch.


We'll see. I'm reserving my vote for the most money or at least until the due-date.

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I'm not one to hash through all the bullshit both are spewing as it's a never ending case of selecting the better of two candidates, usually none of whom really are my first or second choices.


That said, I'm more inclined to go democratic this year. There's no way I'm going to put more than the state of Alaska in the hands of Palin and with McCain so realistically close to possible death mid-term, fuck that. She can continue to run AK and shoot guns, be the MILF soccer mom and hang with Joe Six Packs, but I'm not going to put her as head cheese. I think there was a short-lived TV Series about that and it failed too.


Obama has Biden's experience and no doubt will lean on him when he needs to. Biden is setting up to run for President someday if I had to bet, so I know he wants to do well by the people. Obama is also going to have some big shoes to fill and make a name for himself once in office, so he'll have it a good go at it.


He's very well spoken, has a calm cool confident approach which I look for in a leader and like him or not, has come a long way from where he first came. You don't get to where he is, especially with all that he's got going against him, unless you have made some good moves.


In the end, there's no fucking way they can't do something to move the needle up and to the right in the next four years. God knows we might not possibly be at bottom yet, but I think once they get in and make some quick hits, the world will move again.


There's just no way I more of the same and McCain is too close to the same than he is different. If it was a ball game, there would have been a completley different pitcher on the mound by now.


Also....Picking Palin...come one...who the fuck made that call and why? Sure wasn't for her experience. I"m sorry, it was a political play, not a decision that I would expect a leader to make. Fuck, you don't pick the rookie no one has heard of as your first round draft pick. Even in life you Marry-up, not fucking pick the dumb bitch.


We'll see. I'm reserving my vote for the most money or at least until the due-date.


We want a President with a first lady who openly admitted America has no hope, and is a scary place to live. Lovely. Mrs. Obama is a Jem.


Oh Bidden, he is not a life time Senate member or anything, he has no fault in the current economic climate we find our selves in...Nope wash his hands clean...


Democrates preach change, so the GOP went for change in Palin, funny the democrats own campaign cant find change in a VP.


Remember, Herbert Hoover ??? Meet today Herbert Hoover -> Barack Obama!






Come on.

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We want a President with a first lady who openly admitted America has no hope, and is a scary place to live. Lovely. Mrs. Obama is a Jem.


I could care less what his wife says. She is right on that America is a scary place to live. The economy is in the shitter and was riding high on lies for the past 10 yrs and if you're in the fourth grade, chances are way greater today that your classmates have held a gun or gotten high vs when your parents were in the fourth grade.


Oh Bidden, he is not a life time Senate member or anything, he has no fault in the current economic climate we find our selves in...Nope wash his hands clean...


Re-Read my first sentence.


Democrates preach change, so the GOP went for change in Palin, funny the democrats own campaign cant find change in a VP.


No, they found change in the presidential candidate. When was the last time you saw such a young black man running for president? Honestly Palin isn't much of a change...she doesn't know shit....kinda like Bush.


Fuck, I love how last night McCain said he'd order the federal government to spend $300 billion in federal funds to buy the mortgages thus allowing troubled homeowners to keep their houses. I think Clinton was touting that as a potential option as far back as 1-2 months ago! Yeah, that's all his idea :rolleyes:


Remember, Herbert Hoover ??? Meet today Herbert Hoover -> Barack Obama!


I wouldn't say Obama is the second coming of hoover....but McCain is pretty fucking close to Bush and I've had enough of that family guiding our country.

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But it was a something that needed to be taken care of one way or another. And there's plenty of Al-Qaeda still there trying to kill us. I'm not about to see all I did there go into a shit sandwich thanks to some fucking politician. Stay there until we're done, end of story.

We don't need to stay in Iraq so you can have pride in what you did over there, when you should have NEVER been there in the first place.


We went there on lies, about WMD's that:

A - Were not there

B - Really wasn't that big of a deal if they were there.


Why does Al-Queda hate us? Because we can't keep our noses out of other countries' business. And hell, it is MORE of a safe haven for Al-Queda now that we took Saddam out of power. Great move. Iraq is becoming another Vietnam. Cut our losses now and get out. This country CAN NOT AFFORD IT.


And this buying bad mortgages thing is even more retarded. Hell, can they go ahead and buy mine too? I mean, I'd like a lower mortgage. I don't have any problems paying mine, but why is it some fuck stick that overpays for a house they couldn't afford get a break and not have that same break be extended to someone responsible like myself?


Further, even lowering the mortgages on these homes, a lot of these people couldn't afford a mortgage on the lower value either, so they will just default on that too. Awesome plan.

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We don't need to stay in Iraq so you can have pride in what you did over there, when you should have NEVER been there in the first place.


We went there on lies, about WMD's that:

A - Were not there

B - Really wasn't that big of a deal if they were there.


Why does Al-Queda hate us? Because we can't keep our noses out of other countries' business. And hell, it is MORE of a safe haven for Al-Queda now that we took Saddam out of power. Great move. Iraq is becoming another Vietnam. Cut our losses now and get out. This country CAN NOT AFFORD IT.

WMD's or not, it's been a thorne in our ass since 89'. Since we didn't pull the trigger back in 91, it was an easy way to do so now. Saddam had been playing boarder games with Kuwait for the past 15+ years, and every time we sent out or ground pounders to greet him. Not to mention we took out both his sons to boot, which was a nice present.


Al-Qaeda doesn't hate the fact we have our noses in other business besides our own. They hate the fundamental beliefs of you, America, and those non-Muslim. Trust me, anyone of them would not think twice to murder you, your family, and anyone you know. Their hate I believe will be a non-ending hate. Everything about American and Western culture they despise with a passion.


One reason some things went to hell in a hand basket was thanks to politicians. Creating Rules Of Enguagement that were down right wrong and dangerous. Things could have been handled differently, I agree, but this is something that needs finished now. If not we could have a bigger mess 10+ years down the road again.

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Scotty, don't bother trying to explain why we were in Iraq to some motherfuckers that think that Iraq just became a problem AFTER 9/11.


I was there the first go around and you were there the second. I pray my kids won't be going a third.


[offtopic]Where's my bed cover?[/offtopic]

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Scotty, don't bother trying to explain why we were in Iraq to some motherfuckers that think that Iraq just became a problem AFTER 9/11.


I was there the first go around and you were there the second. I pray my kids won't be going a third.


[offtopic]Where's my bed cover?[/offtopic]

Honestly, I don't take anyone's opinion seriously, unless they've stepped boots in that country. I was there in 03-04 then again in 05-06, there's a lot of change going on. It's not the Army's (biggest force there doing the most work :D ) fault for the country. It's the Government of Iraq that needs to get it's shit together. Our politicians were the ones that were "supposed" to get the government up and running. The Iraqi Police and Army are both basically ready to go and have been. Granted they're sometimes worthless as tits on a boar, but some have a true balls to the wall attitude. Sometimes these Iraqi Army/Police don't get paied jack shit, or even at all for months. I can see why they tend to take sides with Mahdi and his band of merry men. The sooner the government isn't a cluster fuck, the sooner we remove the bad apples, and the more responsibility Iraq takes for itself, the faster we'll be on our way.

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Iraq shouldn't have been a problem. That should teach you that life isn't black and white - it's not as simple as having "primary" goals. You have to juggle thousands of issues all at once, not one at a time.


FYI - strap in tight! Iraq isn't the last of our involvement in the middle east. Your grandkids will be investing their time over there.

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But we are fighting 2 different styles of war between Iraq and Afghanistan.

Iraq= Large scale, conventional style units can operate. (Armored units like 3ID,4ID,1AD etc..) Most places can be infiltrated by armored vehicles. But most attacks are done against armored vehicles.

Afghanistan= Light units, air assault/airborne, many special forces units. Most work done with wheeled vehicles or humped on foot.

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Iraq shouldn't have been a problem. That should teach you that life isn't black and white - it's not as simple as having "primary" goals. You have to juggle thousands of issues all at once, not one at a time.


FYI - strap in tight! Iraq isn't the last of our involvement in the middle east. Your grandkids will be investing their time over there.

The air strike done on Somalia a few years back ;) There's some people there, since an AC130 spectre doesn't do everything by itself.

Horn of Africa





- A few places on a list.

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We don't need to stay in Iraq so you can have pride in what you did over there, when you should have NEVER been there in the first place.


We went there on lies, about WMD's that:

A - Were not there

B - Really wasn't that big of a deal if they were there.


Why does Al-Queda hate us? Because we can't keep our noses out of other countries' business. And hell, it is MORE of a safe haven for Al-Queda now that we took Saddam out of power. Great move. Iraq is becoming another Vietnam. Cut our losses now and get out. This country CAN NOT AFFORD IT.


And this buying bad mortgages thing is even more retarded. Hell, can they go ahead and buy mine too? I mean, I'd like a lower mortgage. I don't have any problems paying mine, but why is it some fuck stick that overpays for a house they couldn't afford get a break and not have that same break be extended to someone responsible like myself?


Further, even lowering the mortgages on these homes, a lot of these people couldn't afford a mortgage on the lower value either, so they will just default on that too. Awesome plan.



DO you realize your home is worth roughly 20% less then what you paid for it?


Buying back bad mortgages will help everyone, not just the *fucksticks* you so call them. Because it will increase your equity, which for the majority of americans is there largest investment.


Al Queta does not hate us for *our being nosey*, they hate us on a religious level, and the rest of the world like spain, and england whom they attack as well. The terriost will attack anyone that does not not agree with their Jihad. Come on Joe, that is like terriost 101.


What are Barack plans?*From his debate on tuesday* he plans to slowly leave Iraq, and then move into Afganistan and Pakistan with the SAME force. So really he is not leaving the war front, simply moving it... And once he gets excited and moves into Pakistan, well then we will have some serious issues on hand.


I agree we need an exit stragety in Iraq, but just relocating are armies to Afganistan is not going to lower our debt to war. So choose wisely when you think about Baracks call to just leave Iraq, he will mearly move the army to his own agenda, Afganistan and Pakistan.


Also find me a stastic that the children today are more likely to have smoked pot or held a gun to someones heads. Because 30 years it didnt happen on the same scale if not worse?


Barack is definatly change, I will credit you that, he is the number one senate member for tax rasies, definatly a change from the American way. Him being Black has no reference, I could care less if he is Indian, as long as what he says and believes are true in taste and value, and Barack just does not have those qualitys, and frankly Mccain does not either.

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Dear Military People,


Just because you were over there, and feel sorry for these people, or feel we are doing "good" in that country, doesn't mean we should be there.




The US needs to mind its own business. Why do we need to be the country that does the majority of the military work in the world?


Iraq: yeah, they sure were attacking us.


I know it is just budgeting 101, but you can't spend more than you take in. And if the war costs more, then you shouldn't be there. We shouldn't be giving money to countries like Georgia. Again, NOT OUR PROBLEM.


But instead, the US Govt thinks it is wise to save all of these other countries, while ours goes into the shitter.

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I guess we should just pack up all of our troops and come home, huh? Hell, the rest of the planet can take care of itself - after all, it's done such a tremendous job so far!


FTW, literally. Is that your answer to global conflict? Do you think your kids will be able to afford a Playstation when the rest of the planet collapses on itself. Who would build it? Who would program Call of Duty 47? How could a ship bring it across the ocean with unsafe seas?


GTFO with that bullshit and open your eyes. The USA's involvement in this world isn't about your ideals. Things are the way they are becasue our country HAS been involved in areas and have tried to keep the peace.


Fuck it, if you don't get it - I won't be able to explain it in this thread.

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I guess we should just pack up all of our troops and come home, huh? Hell, the rest of the planet can take care of itself - after all, it's done such a tremendous job so far!


FTW, literally. Is that your answer to global conflict? Do you think your kids will be able to afford a Playstation when the rest of the planet collapses on itself. Who would build it? Who would program Call of Duty 47? How could a ship bring it across the ocean with unsafe seas?


GTFO with that bullshit and open your eyes. The USA's involvement in this world isn't about your ideals. Things are the way they are becasue our country HAS been involved in areas and have tried to keep the peace.


Fuck it, if you don't get it - I won't be able to explain it in this thread.

Yes, we SHOULD pack up our troops and head home. We aren't the only country in the world with a military. We should be an EQUAL parter with our allies, not the country that does all the foot work. Foot work = $$ spent; money we don't have.


Explain again why we have to be the peace keepers and world police, and other countries can sit back and watch what we do, and judge us based on our actions.


Here is a simple fact: we can't afford to be in this war. And it is helping to cause the downfall of this country. But so is trying to rescue every Tom, Dick, and Henry that can't figure out how to use a calculator and buys a house that they couldn't even afford at half the cost.

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The war isn't what caused this economic situation. Along with oil, dumbass Tom, Dick, and Harry getting fooled into a mortgage they couldn't honestly afford is.


Explain peacekeeping? One word for ya, Hitler! Remember him and our lack of involvement in the world?


You think we need to pull out and I think we should have done and should be doing more. It's a chess game with our military forces. We can't do everything at once BUT don't ever think for one second that if our military forces weren't deployed overseas, at various locations, the world would take care of itself.


The citizens in other countries, like Somalia, will never know the freedoms we have, without our help. Yes, we have allies. It's a balancing act. Other countries do not live like we do and when people take it for granted, they think the rest of the planet must be doing ok.


Please, go live in another country for 5 years without coming back into the US. Once you come back, I swear that you would never think what you posted above. We don't live in a friendly world and without our involvement, it would fall apart. But, since you will never hold an office that would make a difference, I don't have to ever worry about us pulling out and leaving other citizens to fend for themselves.

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The war isn't what caused this economic situation. Along with oil, dumbass Tom, Dick, and Harry getting fooled into a mortgage they couldn't honestly afford is.


What ?? :wtf: so the war is free? Last I heard it was like $10B per month. I'd say that's pretty fucking expensive.


Explain peacekeeping? One word for ya, Hitler! Remember him and our lack of involvement in the world?


I don't quite see Hilter nor did I back in 2003. IMO, our target is Osama and last I checked, he's flipping you and everyone in our military off as we slowly implode ourselves....which need I remind you was his intent back on 9/11.


Ironically, he didn't feel he would collapse the towers...but that was a bonus for him. I do however feel that he's now celebrating another irony....he's actually succeeding at killing us economically. We're fucking ourselves and can't stop. Yeah...he's laughing in enjoyment...I'll put money on it.


You think we need to pull out and I think we should have done and should be doing more. It's a chess game with our military forces. We can't do everything at once BUT don't ever think for one second that if our military forces weren't deployed overseas, at various locations, the world would take care of itself.


I agree that the world won't heal itself, but while we 'perhaps' have a thought out military plan, we sure as hell don't have the economic costs of war thought out.


The citizens in other countries, like Somalia, will never know the freedoms we have, without our help. Yes, we have allies. It's a balancing act. Other countries do not live like we do and when people take it for granted, they think the rest of the planet must be doing ok.


Agree...we take a lot of things for granted, but then if we don't fix our own country, you'll soon be living about as well as the folks in Somalia and I for one don't look forward to that.

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I guess we should just pack up all of our troops and come home, huh? Hell, the rest of the planet can take care of itself - after all, it's done such a tremendous job so far!


FTW, literally. Is that your answer to global conflict? Do you think your kids will be able to afford a Playstation when the rest of the planet collapses on itself. Who would build it? Who would program Call of Duty 47? How could a ship bring it across the ocean with unsafe seas?


GTFO with that bullshit and open your eyes. The USA's involvement in this world isn't about your ideals. Things are the way they are becasue our country HAS been involved in areas and have tried to keep the peace.


Fuck it, if you don't get it - I won't be able to explain it in this thread.


I"m sorry but if you think we as a nation are involved in this shit because the almighty Gov't actually gives a shit about the other people, you've had way too much Company Kool Aid already. It's about the fucking power and money/oil control.


If we didn't need any of the oil from the middle east, we'd very likely sit back and let those retards fight all day long. Okay...perhaps we'd keep them from getting Nuke's but we wouldn't give a shit about the oil. Lots of our own companies and people are rich from oil and it's what makes the system go-round so don't BS me about giving a shit. I don't buy it.

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What ?? :wtf: so the war is free? Last I heard it was like $10B per month. I'd say that's pretty fucking expensive.


Drop in the bucket... Do you even understand our receipts and GDP?


I don't quite see Hilter nor did I back in 2003. IMO, our target is Osama and last I checked, he's flipping you and everyone in our military off as we slowly implode ourselves....which need I remind you was his intent back on 9/11.


Ironically, he didn't feel he would collapse the towers...but that was a bonus for him. I do however feel that he's now celebrating another irony....he's actually succeeding at killing us economically. We're fucking ourselves and can't stop. Yeah...he's laughing in enjoyment...I'll put money on it.


I was speaking of lessons learned from WW2... WTF, does anyone know history?


I agree that the world won't heal itself, but while we 'perhaps' have a thought out military plan, we sure as hell don't have the economic costs of war thought out.


We don't have a military plan! That's like saying an MMA fighter has a plan going into the cage. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.


Agree...we take a lot of things for granted, but then if we don't fix our own country, you'll soon be living about as well as the folks in Somalia and I for one don't look forward to that.


We'll soon be like Somalia? GTFO

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