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snowboarding tips an tricks?


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ok so i went snowboarding at mad river 2 or 3 times last year had a blast but im new to this, as any one woudl be any one have an tips on how to be a better snowboarder? i can go down the hill an make left turns well, and stop facin the bottom mof the hill . but right turns suck an stoppin turned around facin twords teh top of the hill suck.





i ride regular footed an bought a setup off satan last nigth so i will be buyinga year pass to get out there an kill my self wooo



clif notes any tips on ridinga snowboard better?

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It just takes practice. If you're having a hard time with making toeside turns, first just practice stopping on your toeside to get your body use to the weight transfer. After you get toeside stops down, try making long sweeping carves across the face of the entire trail. You'll go slower and wreck without killing yourself. Remember to just try to keep linking toeside to heelside and on and on. I noticed for some friends I taught to ride, kicking the board out and sliding through the turn was easier than trying to ride a proper carve at first, than later it was easy to make the transition to a riding decent lines.


We should go some time this winter.

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I tried it last winter for the first time in years and it reminded me how horribly out of shape I am now.


Same here, I even managed to hyperextend my mcl doing it. Been working on losing some weight to help as I hear 1lb of weight takes 4lbs of pressure off the knees.


Where you put your weight on the board will steer you as well to an extent, lean uphill on the back of the board and you will end up rotating around, learn to use those edges and you'll figure it out quick.

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The main thing that I always tell beginners is don't ever let the board lay flat on the ground. That's when you start to catch edges in the snow and fall. You always want to be on a heel or toe side.


Keep at it and you'll catch it eventually. I've been snowboarding for about 9 years now.

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