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Online college worth considering?


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I have 2 and a half years of college/credits from ohio university. . and I'm considering finishing a degree online. I'm just kinda skeptical as to what one would be worth it, if any. Or if it would just be better to go back once my life slows down a bit. I have a great job now and I'm making a good living. . . I just kinda want to finish a degree in my spare time so I can have something to fall back on.



Any info is appreciated!


Thanks guys!


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Take night classes or something. Online doesn't seem to hold much value.


That's my point of view. But my wife and I are having a child this December .. . and since I'm basically self employed and making great money. . . and she's an RN with the VA.. . I can't really be gone at night. As she works day shift.

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I took all online classes my senior year at Devry since I was working full time 3rd shift. As long as you do the work and read it should be good. I graduated and got a job at a Network Securities company 3 weeks later and I'm doing just fine.
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Online classes are great, at a good college. OSU and CSCC both offer them. Don't go to U of Phoenix or any crap like that. Waste of money/time.

I knew CSCC had them but OSU does?


Anyway, I took probably 6 or 7 online courses at CSCC and they just show up as standard credit hours on your transcript. They're not nearly as difficult as people make them out to be either.

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I knew CSCC had them but OSU does?


Anyway, I took probably 6 or 7 online courses at CSCC and they just show up as standard credit hours on your transcript. They're not nearly as difficult as people make them out to be either.


Yeah, OSU has a great number of them. The ones I took I slacked and had to do everything the night before but they come up as normal classes.


My ex took the majority of her classes on line and again; all normal on her transcript.


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