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Random wrong Palin joke pic


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I just now saw that thread AFTER I posted this. But I don't know if THIS pics there... if it isn't it doesn't matter because i'm awesome, too. :D


And i've been fuckin' cool man workin' out the LPN then shovin' on to my RN bro. Got myself a little geektrest who's into cars and computers and what not too, so life is rather swell. :D


Fill me in I guess in pm or else i'll get kenny in this thread throwing his vagina around trying to call us girls too.

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Over at COTC now since cscc is just taking far, FAR too long. How ya like it there?


Love it. I'm 1 of 3 guys in a class of 27 women. :D


It really is fun. A lot better than I expected going into it. My class is an absolute blast and I've gotten more inside info into the secret lives of women than I ever cared to know. :lol:


p.s. nursing women are FREAKS...

p.p.s The program ain't bad either. :)

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There is a movie coming out about a guy that is born and lives his life backwards like that, he is born like 90 years old and gets younger every year. I don't think he'll end as an orgasm though

Thanks for ruining the ending! lol

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not off the top of my head. There was a preview for it when i went to see eagle eye. I'll try to look for it though.

The preview really stood out to me though because I had a teacher my freshman year of high school say something similar, again without the whole orgasm thing, so when i saw it i was like,"oh snap"

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