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body work... is this acceptable? (no 56k)

Guest tbutera2112

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Guest tbutera2112

ok well...my moms car was rear ended and pushed into another car... there was creases in the body...she somehow didnt realize they were creases and thought they were body lines so she didnt get pics of them...but heres the best before shots i can do






sorry for the poor pictures that dont actually show the extent of the damage



anyways, she got the car back tonight and theres still traces of where it had been creased....the pics i took were done when i got home tonight with just my garage light on, and the defects are so slight that my camera could barely even catch them....the ONLY reason i would ever notice where the creases were in the back of the car is because i knew it happened and i looked really hard...you can still see a trace of the creases on both sides....the crease in the front fender is way more noticeable, but still not horrible...if it was my car i wouldnt be happy with the crease in the front, but the back would be a 50-50 its not too bad...im not sure how its supposed to work with fixing body creases, so im not sure if seeing a slight trace is acceptable or not....heres the pics from tonight, but the camera could barely pick it up...i wont mark these pics, that way you can tell me if its too noticeable...she wants to know if she should take it back to them or not









should we take it back to them tomorrow and ask them to fix it, or is this normal for a body repair of this kind and just something she has to live with?



there was 8grand in damage...woulda been nice if the airbag deployed, then she coulda got a new car instead of this one now that its wrecked...heres some more random pics of the accident for anyone interested...she got nailed pretty good, the woman never even tried to stop








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Guest tbutera2112
i know i have the right to be picky, i just have bad experiences with body shops...i dont want them to get butthurt that their work was less than perfect and then half ass it.... krieger ford took care of my mustang when i wrecked it and it wasnt the best, and i had a dent where they dropped something on it...they denied doing it and finally after fighting all the way to the VP of the company they agreed to fix it....the paint doesnt match the greatest anywhere on the car, and i dont think they have ever heard of wetsanding to get rid of orange peel... i dont want that to happen to my moms car when right now it looks fairly decent, aside from the parts i have already complained about...i dont want them fixing it then half assing the paint and stuff
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Well then Iwould talk to the insurance company first and work out a deal with them as far as maybe going somewhere else? I dunno man, Im just throwing it out there, plus Im all about making sure people are happy with work done to their vehicles so I wouldnt see either route as being a real problem, as long as it is a respectable establishment.
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not gonna lie, you're probably shit outta luck. when they released the car back to her its under the understanding that she accepted the work done and was happy with it. they will just claim that she could have just gotten in another accident and is trying to scam them. insurance sucks.
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Guest tbutera2112

thats what krieger did to me...i had to argue my ass off to have the dent fixed they left in my fender...didnt notice it because i had the car in for rear end body damage, didnt pay attention to the front fender, and noticed it the next night


i guess ill call them tomorrow and have them take a look at it...i didnt go with her to pick up the car, i was at school and she didnt tell me she was getting it back today

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not gonna lie, you're probably shit outta luck. when they released the car back to her its under the understanding that she accepted the work done and was happy with it. they will just claim that she could have just gotten in another accident and is trying to scam them. insurance sucks.


Righteo. If this was a personal payment you could bitch til you turned blue, but since it is insurance covered you are probably fucked.


You could take it back and see if they are nice but probably won't happen.

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Righteo. If this was a personal payment you could bitch til you turned blue, but since it is insurance covered you are probably fucked.


You could take it back and see if they are nice but probably won't happen.

Wrong. Other way around. Insurance companies get away with a lot of shit they shouldn't. Believe it or not, cars newer than a certain age are required by law to be repaired using original manufacturer parts, and all cars repaired under insurance claim are required to be fixed to pre-accident condition.

Trust me, I helped a friend back an insurer into a corner and force them to redo ONE job no less than three times. Non-original parts, bad paint, sloppy repairs, the whole damn thing. Your signature on that piece of paper doesn't mean shit except that you've paid and you're getting the car back. It is not any kind of acceptance of substandard work.

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Guest tbutera2112
they tried putting aftermarket parts on it... my mom wanted oem stuff and the insurance company told her too bad... so the dealership ordered aftermarket then told the insurance company that there was fitment issues and then had oem stuff ordered for her
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they tried putting aftermarket parts on it... my mom wanted oem stuff and the insurance company told her too bad... so the dealership ordered aftermarket then told the insurance company that there was fitment issues and then had oem stuff ordered for her


Dude, get em on tape saying that and you can put a major hurt on them. What year is the car, and what kind of mileage has it got on it?

If it is the other guy's insurance, they are required by law to use the highest quality parts available if they can't obtain original manufacturer replacement parts.

What's the name of the insurer?


BTW, if you ever run into this kind of situation again, go immediately to the State Attorney General's Office.

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Guest tbutera2112

nationwide is the company the other driver had....they told my mom they were only paying for knock off parts, but the dealership took care of her by saying the parts didnt fit and sent them back...so theres no cheap parts that were replaced, its all oem



and ok, ill head up there tomorrow with the car and talk to them about the crease in the front atleast...ill point out the rear spots but i dont see anything happening with those

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Your post has confused the hell out of me...I read through it all, and I have read every ones responses. Everyone in this thread is right and wrong in some type of way...


Depending on the insurance company, their policy will state what parts are used for cars falling into a certain year range. A car that is "newer" lets say a year or so will have OEM parts installed. A few year old "newer" car can have aftermarket, recycled, or used parts installed. Im not being specific on year range because each company has a slight difference.


If you are not happy with it, take it back...Dont bitch about it. Just inform them about each item that doesnt seem to be correct.


If anyone or any shop tells you they will bring a car back to dead on factory specs, youve been lied to. I dont know of one shop that put the car back right where its supposed to be. Im talking structural damage.


A shop can get away with a cover being a half a shade off compared to the rest of the car, because of so many variances. Paint does not cure the same was based upon the substrate its is applied to.


Im just throwing that shit out there for you.


If you have issues with alignment simply tell them, you'd like to see the issue fixed.


Most production bodyshops, dealing with insurance companies have there ass on the line everyday. If enough people complain about a particular shops work or quality, the insurance company will pull their contract with that shop.


I could ramble on about many things because I have delt with all of them. If you have any questions shoot a pm and I will help you to the best of my ability.


With all that nut swinging you do, maybe you should have had that guy fix her car. ;)

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Guest Removed

With all that nut swinging you do, maybe you should have had that guy fix her car. ;)


Boy you are all butt hurt arent you. :rolleyes:


i guess when someone likes the work you did for them and praise you for it, thats makes you a nutt swinger. :rolleyes:

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like it has been said before, just take it back. especially if it is a known and big dealership bodyshop, they will take care of there issue( was it take back to mazda direct?) and if that doesnt work contact the adjuster that wrote the original (name and number will be at the top under where is says nationwide)
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