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Most fucked up thing ever happened to me last night


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My inlaws are in town and they came to visit last night. All went well until they get ready to leave. My wife's dad stands up to put my daughter down and then all of a sudden falls back onto the couch eyes wide open and gurgling. Everyone screams and I run out the front door screaming for my neighbor who is a nurse.Then run back inside and call 911 tell them the details franticly. Tell my wife(flipping out) to take daughter and niece down to neighbors.... I get over to my father in law and still no breathing. I start to lay him flat to start CPR when his pace maker and defib shock his heart. After the second shock he comes to(fucking crazy, makes the whole body move)....Ambulance comes take him away. He's in hospital in stable condition, Dr's said his heart did completely stop....I almost had a dead father in law in my house. Freaky as fuck.I thought it was all over
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The only thing I would have done different is dialed 911 first.


They teach you that running for "known help" can be dangerous because you might trip and knock yourself out and suddenly no one knows where you are, meanwhile you don't have help coming.


I hope he is OK, sucks to have this happen.

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He has a built in defib?? that is cool as fuck. were you touching him when it shocked him?


Either way, I wish him the best and thank god your daughter wasn't hurt.

Implanted defibs do not deliver the same power a hand held AED does. They shock the heart directly, unlike an AED which has carry the shock through the chest cavity.


Usually around 6 or 7 shocks from one defib battery, after that game over. He probably needs his battery replaced relatively soon.

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Glad it wasn't worse than it is. I can barely remember a similar incident over 10 years ago (yeah i was pretty young) but my grandfather didn't make it. It was during a family reunion of all times I just remember everyone in a riot, horriable experience.
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Implanted defibs do not deliver the same power a hand held AED does. They shock the heart directly, unlike an AED which has carry the shock through the chest cavity.


Usually around 6 or 7 shocks from one defib battery, after that game over. He probably needs his battery replaced relatively soon.

he is having it replaced monday. u could see the jolts from the defib. So far so good. Surgery monday...Dont know how much more he can take tho. He has had serious problems for along time now.


ill never get the death stare that he had...it was like he was looking right at me....crazy.

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