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Why I'm Voting Demoractic

Guest Hal

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Good point, I never thought about that.


The lowest educated want a hand out, the highest are looking fill a void inside of them, so they think that it is a good thing to "help" the less fortunate.

A large portion of the highest educated (I'm talking 99% percentile) can no longer perceive reality in a normal fashion. They being to think in a theoretical, idealistic way. This whole thing is actually very interesting.


The uneducated well, that's just obvious.


Go ahead, test me. I'll go re-read my mom's dissertation which included this subject.

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I think maybe all you party line retards from both sides should just go kill yourselves now so maybe we can get some people in office that are not trying to further some kind of personal agenda


doesn't matter who you go for anymore your going to get fucked by one side or anothers scam to make sure when they leave office they go out with a fat stack of cash waiting for them from some pork bill courtesy of average joe taxpayer

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^^ I'm with you ^^^


I'm not voting because 99.99% of Republicans have a God complex... and Democrats are nothing more Republicans with less money.


Anyone that believes any political party is better than another is ignorant and will die with the rest of us in a nuclear war caused by these idiots we put in office

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Go ahead, test me. I'll go re-read my mom's dissertation which included this subject.




...because my Mom has a PhD...that makes me smart too!




Does Mommy still cut those crusty edges off your PB&J sandwiches too?

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Go ahead, test me. I'll go re-read my mom's dissertation which included this subject.


Obviously wasnt smart enough to insert the coat hanger and take care of you...

no wonder your pro-life:rolleyes:


go ahead and keep passing off others ideas as your own. Then continue to make your own comments on said ideas and then retreat when someone challenges you.

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...because my Mom has a PhD...that makes me smart too!




Does Mommy still cut those crusty edges off your PB&J sandwiches too?


Obviously wasnt smart enough to insert the coat hanger and take care of you...

no wonder your pro-life:rolleyes:


go ahead and keep passing off others ideas as your own. Then continue to make your own comments on said ideas and then retreat when someone challenges you.

Do you two fucks even realize how to do research? I don't give a fuck who's dissertation it is. The fact of the matter is, I have a source I can readily use.


Have you two flaming cock suckers even written a research paper? Do you know how you get the information you use? Do you know how to write any kind of paper?


I guess stating my source is passing off other's ideas as my own now. Gee, in the past, you could state your source and not plagiarize.


I haven't retreated once. I'm actually right here offering a rebuttal to morons like yourselves. Would you like to be intellectually slapped again? Please, post something else.

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I think maybe all you party line retards from both sides should just go kill yourselves now so maybe we can get some people in office that are not trying to further some kind of personal agenda


doesn't matter who you go for anymore your going to get fucked by one side or anothers scam to make sure when they leave office they go out with a fat stack of cash waiting for them from some pork bill courtesy of average joe taxpayer

I think all your little bastards who assume people vote party line, are fucking retards.


ZOMG, someone posted something against the democratic party!! This must mean they just vote R all the way down the ballot!

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Do you two fucks even realize how to do research?

I guess mommas boy did get his feewings hurt. Poor baby.

I don't give a fuck who's dissertation it is. The fact of the matter is, I have a source I can readily use.

Use it to wipe your ass. That's all it's good for, considering the source.

Have you two flaming cock suckers even written a research paper?

That's what you do in college, right?

Do you know how you get the information you use?

I call your moms.

Do you know how to write any kind of paper?

Do rolling papers count?

I guess stating my source is passing off other's ideas as my own now. Gee, in the past, you could state your source and not plagiarize.

Quoting a paper doesn't make you smart. It makes you an idiot that can recall information you read.

I haven't retreated once. I'm actually right here offering a rebuttal to morons like yourselves. Would you like to be intellectually slapped again? Please, post something else.


Puff, puff, pass.

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I guess mommas boy did get his feewings hurt. Poor baby.


Use it to wipe your ass. That's all it's good for, considering the source.


That's what you do in college, right?


I call your moms.


Do rolling papers count?


Quoting a paper doesn't make you smart. It makes you an idiot that can recall information you read.



Puff, puff, pass.

Again, you won't be able to post something smart enough to hurt my feelings.


Considering the source? So, you have read this book?You have concluded through your own research that, hers is false?


That's what you do in college some, yes. That's also what you do in a real job where you actually matter. Screwing the heads on the toys at the factory doesn't count.


Phone number then? Prove it.


No, that just make you a moron.


I didn't quote the paper. I actually wrote what would be considered a short precis. You serisouly don't know that in research, you use others ideas to come to your own conclusions?

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You serisouly don't know that in research, you use others ideas to come to your own conclusions?


No, you don't. But I wouldn't expect a 21yo to know this. When you get to the graduate level, you come up with your own idea and then prove it by creating studies to figure out if your idea is viable. But, you haven't gotten that smart yet.

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No, you don't. But I wouldn't expect a 21yo to know this. When you get to the graduate level, you come up with your own idea and then prove it by creating studies to figure out if your idea is viable. But, you haven't gotten that smart yet.

Actually, that is not possible in quite a few graduate areas FYI. History for instance, you cannot do that. In history you must use others experiences and ideas to draw your conclusion. You must use both primary and secondary sources as a means to evaluate. The same can be said for some sciences and other social sciences.


I guess you haven't gotten that smart yet.

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Actually, that is not possible in quite a few graduate areas FYI. History for instance, you cannot do that. In history you must use others experiences and ideas to draw your conclusion. You must use both primary and secondary sources as a means to evaluate. The same can be said for some sciences and other social sciences.


I guess you haven't gotten that smart yet.



You are only using facts from other papers, not the author's conclusions. If those facts cannot be proven with evidence, it's not scientific, just conjecture. If they can be proven, they weren't original thoughts. So, get your own, mommas boy.

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You are only using facts from other papers, not the author's conclusions. If those facts cannot be proven with evidence, it's not scientific, just conjecture. If they can be proven, they weren't original thoughts. So, get your own, mommas boy.

Actually we in history don't use "evidence" to back up thoughts. There are methods we use but, there is no absolute way to be correct. We have no accurate representation of the past.


Secondary sources and primary sources often some to a conclusion. In general, we then look to see if this was a consistent conclusion or, was it an anomaly. Research is not always scientific, nor can it be. This is not looking good for you mmmkay?

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I'd have to find one of the studies. I omitted one part.


Go ahead, test me. I'll go re-read my mom's dissertation which included this subject.


You must use both primary and secondary sources as a means to evaluate.


Research is not always scientific, nor can it be.


When you get to the graduate level, you come up with your own idea and then prove it by creating studies to figure out if your idea is viable.


we in history don't use "evidence" to back up thoughts


In general, we then look to see if this was a consistent conclusion or, was it an anomaly.


This is not looking good for you mmmkay?



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