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Sigh, ohioians and our ignorance (i'm sure I could find demo videos too)


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Did he really say he was with Al Jazeera?


The assclown at the end supporting Obama says he's scared while he is antogonizing people on the street. Yeah, ok.


Kinda like walking in Harlem with a white hood on your head and saying, "Wow, these people scare me!"

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I am going to go out on a limb.I know I am going to be called a racist, bigot, and a hate monger for this.


My prediction. November 4-5-6 there will be rioting in L.A, Detroit, Chicago, and a few other places whether Obama wins or loses. If he wins, the riots will occur because of excitement over the win. If he loses, the riots will occur because we must live in a racist nation.


I have nomex on go ahead and flame.

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Did he really say he was with Al Jazeera?


The assclown at the end supporting Obama says he's scared while he is antogonizing people on the street. Yeah, ok.


Kinda like walking in Harlem with a white hood on your head and saying, "Wow, these people scare me!"

Liberals don't like confrontation. The Obama slaves on campus will agree after talking to me :lol:

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I don't care so much for the editing, because I know not all of that could be edited in >.< but its more of just what you know a lot of folks feel/think anyhow. Just hearing some people say it out loud is a bit disheartening.
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haven't made up my mind about who to vote for, but how do people not think obama has some racist in him?

He IS racist. No questioning it. He also has connections with a known terrorist---again no questioning it. Sugar coat it how you look Dems, it is what it is.


That video minus a few of the original comments regarding him being black and this nation being a black nation if he is elected, highlights some interesting points.

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haven't made up my mind about who to vote for, but how do people not think obama has some racist in him?
Who doesn't? He doesn't hate white people, he's just spent a bucnh of time with black people. You're a product of your environment, you're formed by what's happened around yo uwhen you grew up. He grew up someplace different, doesn't mean he hates you.


He also has connections with a known terrorist---again no questioning it. Sugar coat it how you look Dems, it is what it is.


That video minus a few of the original comments regarding him being black and this nation being a black nation if he is elected, highlights some interesting points.

This makes my head hurt. It hurts because its so retarded that it would take me half an hour to make a written resonce that covers it all... and i know you won't read any of it. People cling to their ignorange more tightly than their guns or religion. :p

McCain served on a board of directors that directly funded terrorists and Guerillas in the early 80's.

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not sure if i agree with that, you know where i grew up, bunch of narrow minded people down there but i never acted like that, I am not agreeing with the retarded white people who think he is going to kill whitey and all that shit, but for the people who support obama and ignore that glaring fact about it baffles me
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Who doesn't? He doesn't hate white people, he's just spent a bucnh of time with black people. You're a product of your environment, you're formed by what's happened around yo uwhen you grew up. He grew up someplace different, doesn't mean he hates you.


A product of my environment? That's a fucking excuse to FAIL.


After 5th grade, I was shipped out of my white neighborhood to predominately black schools. There were schools within miles of my house, but I had to be shipped halfway across town. Does this make me black? I listen to Rap so does that make me a gangster? I used to get my ass beat by groups of black kids on the way to the bus because I am white. Does that make me a victim?




You are either smart enough to recognize and adapt to your environment (survivalist) or you are a victim of your environment, but either way, you are not a product of it.


If you believe that, than you must think that you CANNOT control your environment. Maybe that's why you feel the need to help the homeless and "poor" people in the ghetto. Simply because you think those people have no control over their environment and are damned to live in poverty for the rest of their lives. They are just a product...not.

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You are either smart enough to recognize and adapt to your environment (survivalist) or you are a victim of your environment, but either way, you are not a product of it.

... did you read this before you posted it?

"You are either smart enough to recognize and adapt to your environment" = your environment effected you, you are a product of your environment.

"you are a victim of your environment" = your environment effected you, you are a product of your environment.

Your environment effets who you are.


I have yet to see you post anything that makes any sense. You're last post condradicts itself n every paragraph.


Adam: You've got my interest, shoot me some quotes that support your point.

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