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500hp, 1150lb and 10,000rpms

Trouble Maker

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Wow is all I can say. Too bad they only made 8 of them... and they are so expensive. Although I would say that's a car that's more than worth 200k if I had it to spend on a car.


Make sure to check out the video in the link. :cool:





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Exactly, I had to go watch that video again.


The 'magical' number for lb/hp is usually 10lb/hp. Probably mostly because it's a nice round number. But to put it in perspective your typical 3000lb car would have 300ph. That's a pretty quick/fast car (depending on your definition). Regardless it can tell us, very generally speaking, how much scoot a car has comparable to another.


A Bugatti Veyron with 1001hp, but weighing in at 4160lb's sits at 4.16 lb/hp

A McLaren F1 has 550hp but only weighs about 2500lbs tips the scales at 4.54 lb/hp

A Koenigsegg CCX weighs around 2600lb's and has a whopping 806hp for 3.22lb/hp

All three of these cars at one time held the world record for the fastest (top speed) production car. I'm pretty sure the CCX still does... until they come out with the 'final' production run of special Veyrons with revised aero and a 200 or so more hp.


This car has 50 less hp then the McLaren but weighs less than half as much putting it at 2.3lb/hp


This thing won't win any top speed contest with those cars. With it being a seven style car, aero up top will become an issue pretty quick. But that it still paints a good picture of how much power that is for that size (weight) of a car. Also it's electronically limited to 150mph. I'd be pretty interested to see what it could do without the limiter. That car could easily hit 150mph+ on some road courses. Very lame they put the limiter on there.

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All three of these cars at one time held the world record for the fastest (top speed) production car. I'm pretty sure the CCX still does... until they come out with the 'final' production run of special Veyrons with revised aero and a 200 or so more hp.


Incorrect. The ccxr is the 3rd fastest production car. The Bugatti Veyron is 2nd.


The Worlds Fastest Production car is made right here in teh United States.


1st Place

Shelby Super Car (ssc) Ultimate Aero TT




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They may be sold, but you can still build your own. There are tons of sources for the chassis, then fit your own engine... LS7 anyone?



One of the best kits right here:



Uses a cheaply available motor, trans, and rear axle. Total price for a built car is about $17,000.


BTW, LS7 is a bit big for a 7 chassis, although if you could adapt the body to the transaxle and torque-tube set-up, it'd be wickedly well balanced.

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One of the best kits right here:



Uses a cheaply available motor, trans, and rear axle. Total price for a built car is about $17,000.

I thought I'd heard some bad things about the Stalkers... Doesn't matter though. Anything can be improved with some pipe, a donor sportscar, and a welder.


BTW, LS7 is a bit big for a 7 chassis, although if you could adapt the body to the transaxle and torque-tube set-up, it'd be wickedly well balanced.

Oh, I don't doubt it's possible. If you can cram one in a miata, I'm sure you can fit one in a 7 clone. As above, a little cutting and welding can go a long way. ;)

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