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Why is race always brought up by a Dem?


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Because them dems have positioned themselves to cater to the minority population in America. They have done this by supporting handouts and entitlement programs. The dems have done more to keep minorities suppressed than any other group. The dems have an agenda of providing "programs" to the minorities to foster votes, all the while making the same minorities dependent on the dems.
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I heard about this guy this morning. The rep to western PA, and calls the people who voted him in racist. What an idiot. comng from someone born in western PA, I hope he never gets re-elected to anything and the people tar and feather him
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as long as we have race brought up. What would be the outcome of someone hanging or burning or whatever, Barack Obama in effigy? Something people have done in the past to simply say they're pissed off would have a whole new meaning, at least to dems that claim everything is racist.
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If I'm wrong, correct me. It just seems like every race card is played by a democrat in this whole election process.





Actually, the only time I ever hear anything about race at all is when Republicans accuse Democrats of accusing Republicans of being racist.


"Oh, they're implying we're racist! See, they want you to think we're racist! I've never been a racist, I've never had a racist thought! I've never known a racist! Some of my best friends are black!"


When it comes to supporters, the only time I hear anything, is when Republicans accuse Obama and his supporters of being racist.

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I love how people associate minorities with hand outs like the majority doesnt use them just as much. Take a cruise to a trailor park. You'll find a bunch of toothless inbred rednecks using the same benefits as the woman with 3 kids in the ghetto.. She may have 3 babies daddies but at least she doesnt have 3 babies by her daddy...
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I love how people associate minorities with hand outs like the majority doesnt use them just as much. Take a cruise to a trailor park. You'll find a bunch of toothless inbred rednecks using the same benefits as the woman with 3 kids in the ghetto.. She may have 3 babies daddies but at least she doesnt have 3 babies by her daddy...

It is "baby daddy" not "babies daddy"

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Actually, the only time I ever hear anything about race at all is when Republicans accuse Democrats of accusing Republicans of being racist.


"Oh, they're implying we're racist! See, they want you to think we're racist! I've never been a racist, I've never had a racist thought! I've never known a racist! Some of my best friends are black!"


When it comes to supporters, the only time I hear anything, is when Republicans accuse Obama and his supporters of being racist.


How bout four more examples?









Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Bill Clinton and John Lewis.

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Watch em all the way through folks!





The continuing cries of terrorist associations and the racist remarks speakers at McCain rallies that McCain is continually having to apologize for(Are you gonna tell me the McCain campaign doesn't vet speeches and speakers at rallies? Bullshit.) have done exactly what Obama said, played on the fears of people that have already had "Obama is a muslim" drummed into their heads by Republican talk show hosts, pundits, and bloggers.

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Watch em all the way through folks!





The continuing cries of terrorist associations and the racist remarks speakers at McCain rallies that McCain is continually having to apologize for(Are you gonna tell me the McCain campaign doesn't vet speeches and speakers at rallies? Bullshit.) have done exactly what Obama said, played on the fears of people that have already had "Obama is a muslim" drummed into their heads by Republican talk show hosts, pundits, and bloggers.

^ Come from behind winnar!


And you hear that from Dems because that was exactly what the GOP was going for when this whole thing started. I mean, how could you not expect it? At this point, who cares. Those who are actually racist don't need to be swayed and won't be. An no, I'm not one of those who believe you're racist if you vote Republican. :) Hell, there's someone here right now who will vote Republican. They're tied up ;) , but I'm still hanging out with them.

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Watch em all the way through folks!





The continuing cries of terrorist associations and the racist remarks speakers at McCain rallies that McCain is continually having to apologize for(Are you gonna tell me the McCain campaign doesn't vet speeches and speakers at rallies? Bullshit.) have done exactly what Obama said, played on the fears of people that have already had "Obama is a muslim" drummed into their heads by Republican talk show hosts, pundits, and bloggers.



Thats it???? That's the best you got? Willie from 700 WLW calling your candidate by his full name??? If that bothers you so much, just write to him and ask him to change his name!


What was racist?? What wasnt true? I listened to the whole thing! He said he would meet with those guys with no pre-conditions! You talk tough, but you are making a mountain out of a molehill.


Keith Olberman?? Really? The speaker was referring to heros. Tiger Woods is idolized by millions! His hero is John McCain! Are you serious? I guess you can't refer to a black guy any more or it's racist.


You have to scour youtube to find some obscure clip of a mid level armed forces member making a logical correlation and you call that racist.



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^ Come from behind winnar!


And you hear that from Dems because that was exactly what the GOP was going for when this whole thing started. I mean, how could you not expect it? At this point, who cares. Those who are actually racist don't need to be swayed and won't be. An no, I'm not one of those who believe you're racist if you vote Republican. :) Hell, there's someone here right now who will vote Republican. They're tied up ;) , but I'm still hanging out with them.

The call girl is republican? :wtf:

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Thats it???? That's the best you got? Willie from 700 WLW calling your candidate by his full name??? If that bothers you so much, just write to him and ask him to change his name!

Excuse me, did I just not hear an entire rant about how Obama was going to kiss the ass of every terrorist and hostile country in the world? Slander, fear-mongering, and libel by the man John McCain chose to put on the stage at his own event. Do you buy for one second that insincere, winking little shitdick act of an apology? Bullshit, he put the man on the stage, he knew what he was going to say, assuming he didn't write it himself or have somebody write it, and then he comes out with his mincing little apology like he had no clue.


He said he would meet with those guys with no pre-conditions! You talk tough, but you are making a mountain out of a molehill.

Exactly who is meeting with who? If you're talking about Obama sitting down with Iran or North Korea, how the fuck else are we supposed to get anything done? "Hey, we want you to get rid of your nukes, so we aren't going to sit down and talk to you about getting rid of them, until you agree to get rid of them." The only way we get anywhere with any of them is if we actually come to the table. Taking our ball and going home is not a fucking option.


Keith Olberman?? Really? The speaker was referring to heros. Tiger Woods is idolized by millions! His hero is John McCain! Are you serious? I guess you can't refer to a black guy any more or it's racist.

John McCain is hardly the man I'd choose to exemplify heroism. The man crashed or damaged several planes through recklessness, sparked a minor international incident in one of those cases by blacking out half a city, called his wife a cunt and a trollop in front of reporters, and sang bomb-bomb-Iran at a press conference at a time when tensions were, as usual, extremely high.


And if you can't see the Tiger Woods comment as a calculated reference to McCains "celebrity" shit, you're fucking blind.



You have to scour youtube to find some obscure clip of a mid level armed forces member making a logical correlation and you call that racist.



Again, these are people that McCain CHOSE to speak at HIS own events, not some one unassociated with his campaign answering a question on a news show. These were speeches, written down, rewritten, vetted, rewritten again, editted, vetted again, and then approved either by McCain himself or by one of the people he hired to vet it for him. There was nothing in either speech that McCain didn't know about, and approve of.

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