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Have you stoped by easton to check out the new MacBooks?




I can't decide. MacBook or MacBook Air


Well I am going to purchase one or the other in December. Went and played with both yesterday.


1.86 SSD Mac Book Air

500GB Time Capsule

Super Drive

$2,857.70 Ohio Sales tax and Education discount.



MacBook, 13-inch, Aluminum

2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo


250GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm

SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)

Backlit Keyboard (English) / User's Guide

Accessory kit

500GB Time Capsule

2042.13 with Ohio Sales Tax and Education Discount.


Roughly $800 difference. I love the Air's light weight! And it is more than fast enough for what I need. (MobileMe, syncing iPhones and My AppleTV, Web surfing, paying bills Photoshoping pics of the family and friends) Although for 800 less I get a faster clock speed, a larger HD, double the ram, and I really like the screen on the MacBook. But when I pick up the MacBook it feels twice as heavy as the Air even though I know it is only 1.5lbs. Arg!


What would you do? Is the 800 worth the less power but light weight of the Air? The only thing I would like to do is run Bootcamp and WinXP also and I am questioning the HD Space on the Air. My wife does some things for her work at a nearby Hospital on the web and you must have a Windows OS to do them. I have less than 20GB of music and Photos, but will have a Time Capsule anyway. Will the SSD be Ok with Both OS on it and my 20GB of Media? Program wise will be Office 2008 Mac, and Photoshop. Maybe StarPlayer for Sirius.

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I don't care for macs, but if the mac "brick" concept comes to production, I'm officially converted.



It has, That is what is pictured above in my first post. "brick" refers to how the MacBook and MacBook Pro and MacBook Air are Manufactured, it is constructed and milled out of a single block or "brick" of Aluminum. http://www.macrumors.com/2008/10/04/brick-refers-to-the-macbook-manufacturing-process/






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i dont have a mac but ive been considering it lately. would be fun to get and play around with i used the new mac book pro at the store and the touch pad feels really weird right now. i must need to invest into one and get used to it.
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Of course this would be sweet with the MacBook Air. Add a Apple Cinema Display For the best of both worlds (ultra portable and a 24" Desktop).



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Not the same "brick" I was referring to. Apparently after a little googling it is now referred to as the Macbook Touch. Secksee.




Ofcourse more googling shows this is still a rumor, based off of some patents apple took out. Back to my apple hatin cave for now.

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I use mine for to many things as a professional geek, I cannot have the air for the lack of ports. My MB Pro is only 2 months old anyway, no need for a new one.


I got one of the first MacBook Pro's that were out, and to this day the only major problem I've had was the power adapter fraying near the magnetic connector. And they fixed that under warranty, no questions asked. As much as I'd love a new one, I'm gonna see how long this one will last.


I think I read somewhere that the new Macbooks have the right connector for the optical drive to allow it to be replaced by another hard drive. So you could technically have a Macbook with 1 terabyte of space. Kekeke :eek: .

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Of course this would be sweet with the MacBook Air. Add a Apple Cinema Display For the best of both worlds (ultra portable and a 24" Desktop).





Yes buy this combo for sure.

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I don't care for macs, but if the mac "brick" concept comes to production, I'm officially converted.


What about the modbook




If you've already got the iPhone, I'd probably say Macbook. Just a little more horsepower and a really nice solid design.


I've got the old school, white macbook. Had it for a year so far, so far so good!!!

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Yes Hackintosh is the best of both worlds if you know how to build one. Just do yourself a favor and PLEASE buy a quad core, a bunch of ram, and 2 of the same video cards. And run parallels and emulate windows for maximum effect on monitor 2.
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MacBook PRO

Multi-touch = w1nsauce


Or, buy a cheap Dell and Hackintosh that shit.

I have a Vostro 1700 that's basically the equivalent of a MacBook Pro for half the price.



Mac Book has Multi-touch too for less $$$


I don't need a PRO when a MacBook will do especially when really the only difference now between a MacBook and a MacBook Pro is the Pro has Firewire 800 and a 2 inch larger screen. I would rather have a smaller notebook for portability and I am buying a 24" display to use when I need a big display.



As for Hakintosh, fuck that, I am buying a Mac so I don't have to fuck with things.

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