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sunday dentist emergency? please help :(


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I think my wife needs a root canal. . . she has a severe toothache that's migrating through her head and she can't stop crying it hurts so bad. She is in her third trimester in pregnancy so she can't take anything but tylenol which does not help the pain.


DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A SUNDAY DENTIST??? Preferably one that takes health insurance.



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don't know of a dentist other then OSU that might be open today..

a few things i have tried or done,,, Orajel...

and beleive it or not, Have her hold a ice cube in her hand. That will take away the pain for alittle while for some reason it works..

also mouthwash will also take the pain away for alittle while..

Hope some of these helps her/you out.


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don't know of a dentist other then OSU that might be open today..

a few things i have tried or done,,, Orajel...

and beleive it or not, Have her hold a ice cube in her hand. That will take away the pain for alittle while for some reason it works..

also mouthwash will also take the pain away for alittle while..

Hope some of these helps her/you out.



Tried orajel, seems to make it worse. . . . tried ice. . . not doing much. . . mouthwas didn't do anything. I'm thinking severe root canal in order.


Thanks tho.

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theres a place on brice/tussing called immediadent i think. im not 100% sure of the name, but im about 90% sure thats where it is


Thanks for all the replies. I'm at immediadent right now in the parking lot using mcdonalds wifi while she is seen. Fortunately I was able to get this places info from my local urgent care office before seeing it just now here. . . but it has definitely saved the day. . . the pain she was going through made me feel helpless. . . but I knew I'd find something :)


Thanks agian guys!

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