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Well, at least she dresses well


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They have not released Tax returns as far as I know.


Edit: I guess they did, but I cant find the schedules yet

They did, way back in April in response to Hillary not releasing hers.


AP) Republican presidential candidate John McCain earned a total of $405,409 last year and donated a quarter of it to charity, according to tax returns that provide only a partial picture of his family's enormous wealth.


His 2007 individual tax filing does not account for his wife's estimated worth of $100 million.

A: The dollar figure, compared to the $240k donated by the Obamas, isn't terribly competitive.

B: You can afford to give out 25% of your $400k anual income if you've already got $100,000,000 in the bank. Hell, they could give 75% of their cash away and still be rich.


The Illinois Democrat had a net profit from book sales of $3.9 million, according to a copy of a 2007 tax return released Wednesday by Obama and his wife, Michelle.

The Obamas paid nearly $1.4 million in federal taxes last year, and made $240,370 in charitable contributions.

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A: The dollar figure, compared to the $240k donated by the Obamas, isn't terribly competitive.

B: You can afford to give out 25% of your $400k anual income if you've already got $100,000,000 in the bank. Hell, they could give 75% of their cash away and still be rich.


25% of his income to charity and you still think of a negative spin. Other uplifting comment from the democratic left:)


The point still remains the left would rather give away my money than their own.

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25% of his income to charity and you still think of a negative spin. Other uplifting comment from the democratic left:)


The point still remains the left would rather give away my money than their own.

I'm not faulting John, I'm faulting you guys for trying to make a point of this. The Obamas give away a larger percent of their net worth than th McCains, allot more. So your point is invalidated.

You also missed the point where they paid out their $1.4 million in taxes, clearly having no problem with "paying their dues". While in the office of president, he'll still be in the same income bracket because of book sales, and he'll be forking over the tax cash per his tax code.

Your point is duly (and dually) invaidated.

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So becasue Obama is paying his taxes means he should raise them??? Apparently he's not smart enough to work the tax system. That should make him a great leader in the global economic sector and TWAT.

Worst spin attempt ever.

My point: He'll be a victim of his own tax laws, and it's not slowing him down. Asertions that he's "takin' our money", aren't accurate, ashe's offering up his own as well.


Your point: "We need a federal criminal in office!"...?

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It is NOT a crime to work the system. If there are legal ways to get around paying taxes, why the hell do you have a problem with it? Is it because your ignorance is not allowing you to get ahead, like some of us?


OJ got away with murder...Obama is getting away with telling white lies. You're defending a man becasue he's too stupid to NOT pay taxes.

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What I find funny is that the Alaska Governorship pays approx. $69,900 a year in salary.

She literally spent more than twice her entire yearly salary on clothes in less than three months...


NO you paid for her suite there genious, so did I actully.


We also paid for Obamas 150,000 custom tailored suit for his democratic national convention outfit.


They all have nice cholthes we paid for.


Next topic, liberals are so pathetic with this, ill bet Keith Oberlin started this.

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Worst spin attempt ever.

My point: He'll be a victim of his own tax laws, and it's not slowing him down. Asertions that he's "takin' our money", aren't accurate, ashe's offering up his own as well.


Your point: "We need a federal criminal in office!"...?


No it makes sense, lets tax the people who ALREADY pay 70% of the countries income tax even more, seems brillant to me. The people who dont need a break are getting an EVEN bigger break now. Seems clear enough for me.


Fuck even China is cutting taxes...


Eric come on.

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NO you paid for her suite there genious, so did I actully.


We also paid for Obamas 150,000 custom tailored suit for his democratic national convention outfit.


Did you make this shit up or do you actually have a source for this? You do realize that Obama has not accepted public funding for his campaign, right?


Lastly: No, the top tier does not cover 70% of the taxes in this country. You brought up the "data", you are obligated to support the "data" and post a source.

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Barack Obama, who has spents months now trying to run away from his erudite, elitist, arrogant labels, while trying to convince undecided voters that he is a regular guy, an average American, a man of the people, will wear a custom-made Hart Schaffner Marx suit when he accepts the Democratic nomination in Denver on Thursday night.


According to an article appearing on Forbes.com, the “flattering fit” suit would retail at department stores such as the upscale Nordstrom chain for a reported $1,500. Forbes.com reports that the Hart Schaffner Marx team personally tailored Obama in Chicago.


For a man who routinely reminds the world that he was raised by a single mother of modest means, when it comes to what to wear for the moment when you will strut on stage in front of tens of millions of viewers, Obama’s taste in suits is certainly anything but modest.


Come Thursday night, one has to wonder how many of those undecided voters watching at home in small Midwestern towns who Obama previously accused of being “bitter” and “cling(ing) to (their) guns or religion,” spend $1,500 annually for their entire wardrobe, not for just one suit for one night in August when you want the world to accept you as just an average Joe.


Ill still search for the article, but the 150k dem. national convention suit quote was from Lou Dobbs.




Tax info above link.


Again, no one wants to pay more taxes or spread wealth. But seriously when you have the top tiers of America already paying well over half of the income taxes for the country, I see it pointless to tax them further.


Liberals, and typically Dem's have the ability to make more, or work harder, but choose not to. My belief.


Eric, No response to China's cutting of income taxes and such? I mean the socialist commies even know how to do it properly now!




Did you make this shit up or do you actually have a source for this? You do realize that Obama has not accepted public funding for his campaign, right?


Lastly: No, the top tier does not cover 70% of the taxes in this country. You brought up the "data", you are obligated to support the "data" and post a source."




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NO you paid for her suite there genious, so did I actully.


We also paid for Obamas 150,000 custom tailored suit for his democratic national convention outfit.


They all have nice cholthes we paid for.


Next topic, liberals are so pathetic with this, ill bet Keith Oberlin started this.


You stupid bastard. Obama isn't funded by tax dollars, so you haven't paid shit for him. Meanwhile, my point was that Sarah Palin couldn't afford to buy those clothes if she cashed in her life savings, and she IS spending tax dollars.


BTW, when they say they're donating the clothes to charity, what they mean is that they will auction them off and donate the proceeds, which will more than likely be considerably less than the purchase price.

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They did, way back in April in response to Hillary not releasing hers.



A: The dollar figure, compared to the $240k donated by the Obamas, isn't terribly competitive.

B: You can afford to give out 25% of your $400k anual income if you've already got $100,000,000 in the bank. Hell, they could give 75% of their cash away and still be rich.


Who cares , Barack has spent 4 :1 on his campaign then Mccain. Popularity contest...


The ignorant win again :(

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You stupid bastard. Obama isn't funded by tax dollars, so you haven't paid shit for him. Meanwhile, my point was that Sarah Palin couldn't afford to buy those clothes if she cashed in her life savings, and she IS spending tax dollars.


BTW, when they say they're donating the clothes to charity, what they mean is that they will auction them off and donate the proceeds, which will more than likely be considerably less than the purchase price.


Who pays his sallary then ? Besides Lobbiests, you're older and wiser then me so it should be easy for you explain. LOL :rolleyes:

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So how do I block some ones posts from appearing? Some are so stupid that they hurt, and I have no motivation to correct them.

Brandon, if you're trying to pass something off as good info, at least clip out the insults that betray the whole thing as a partisan smear. You posted no reputable sources.


Secondly, how does $1500 = $150,000?

$1500 nothing for a suit, especially if you're going up in front of millions of people, asking for the biggest job in the land. I spent $900 on a custom tailored Hickey Freeman for a single interview, and it was only a 40K/yr job. I ended up getting a second interview with the GM, and the job.

He could have spend much more.


Who pays his Salary? He he earns it, in much the same way many Republican politicians get most of their money: He wrote some drivel that people like to read, and he's cashing in on royalties.


GonneVille, good post, but a correction: Some trust fund starlet will probably pay more than retail price for a genuine Palin "game worn jersey". ;) Also, the Palin family holds over a million dollars in assets, I think she can buy clothes.


It has also been found that she failed to report $17,000 in income on her 2007 taxes. Oops.

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I've been following this pretty closely for a while (the election process, not this thread:)) and I find all this petty crap relatively amusing. Yes, I think it's dirty that Palin is spending $150k of donors money on outfits which are clearly rediculously unnecessary. She was already pretty and well-dressed before she was nominated, the $150k was a waste. But the bottom line for me this time around isn't how much money the candidates make -- clearly they're both filthy rich, which is pretty common in politics -- what I want this time around is a President who is intelligent. We haven't had that in the past 8 years, and I'm not electing the buffoon who thought Daily Scandal Palin was fit to be a backup President. I'm a registered Repub. but this time I'm voting to give the guy with good judgment, and intelligence a chance to turn things around. We already know how the other option has turned out.
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