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MTV shocked me


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MTV actually did something other than spread liberal filth and horrible reality teeny booper shit. I'm shocked they actually held a concert and benefit for Iraq/Afghanistan Veterans. Never thought in a million years they'd do anything like that, but I think it's a noble thing they did. Looks like the VA and a few other organizations are trying to pass bills for us OIF/OEF vets. :cool:
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  Gas, Grass, or Ass said:
I thought you were going to say something really shocking like you saw a real music video on mtv

Matt Pinfield is gone, and so is Matt Rock Weekend. I see no point in MTV existing anymore. But, I was shocked they did something non-liberal/GAY/Reality/Teeny crap for once, and tried to help something worth a damn.

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mtv used to be the shit.....i got into all kinds of different music because of mtv. first time i heard nirvana for instance, they will never be the same. then mtv2 comes out under the idea it will replace the original for strictly music.......that lasted for maybe a year or two.
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if you weren't around for day one of them going live or if you and all your friends didn't bust a nut to get home after school to see the premier of Thriller by MJ, then you're too young also.... ;)


yeah....I said it :o


  AJ said:
that will never happen again. most younger people didn't even know they ever did or what MTV used to stand for.
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MTV has destroyed the music industry. Honestly the thing they stood for is the thing they have sperated from the furthest...MUSIC! They are now a reality show channel.


I find it funny that they are having a huge thing about Headbangers Ball's 20th anniversary when it wasnt even on the air for like 10 years and the new show blows dick compared to when Ricky Ratchman was the host.


I miss the days when MTV actually played videos, then MTV2 came along and played them for a while til they started playing nothing but re-runs of Rob and Big which I enjoy lol.


I want my MTV "that actually played videos"

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  alittlelessordinary said:
MTV has destroyed the music industry. Honestly the thing they stood for is the thing they have sperated from the furthest...MUSIC! They are now a reality show channel.


I find it funny that they are having a huge thing about Headbangers Ball's 20th anniversary when it wasnt even on the air for like 10 years and the new show blows dick compared to when Ricky Ratchman was the host.


I miss the days when MTV actually played videos, then MTV2 came along and played them for a while til they started playing nothing but re-runs of Rob and Big which I enjoy lol.


I want my MTV "that actually played videos"


For the MTV you want, you'll have to resort to digital channels. And even those don't play quality music like MTV use to. I remember when TRL actually played full music videos.

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