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Racism thoughts and reasons.......


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I just had a bad week at work, I work in corrections so I see the worst of ohio's felony offenders. We are having huge race issues that no one (staff/Co's) are willing to just face. We have a mix of gang members ( bloods, crips, ms13, arian nation ect ect. No matter what I try to do never seems to work, even me being bi racial (white/ japanese) the hispanic population does not trust me because of the gang wars going on in So cal with the ms13 and asian gang members so im pretty much ( one of them) to them. I treat everyone fair and with respect , alot of the old school gangbangers older arian white supreme guys respect me but thats like 10% of the population if that.

So my question is Why is there so much issues with race anymore its (2008) .

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Obviously there is no one explanation, everyone has (or lacks) their own reasons. I personally think that individual upbringing is a large part of it for many. I know that my parents were probably my two biggest influences on the person I grew up to be, and if you are around racism from the beginning then it's going to be hard to think for yourself when you get older.
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ignorance plus passive racism. some are grown up that way and doesn't even notice they are being racist until some one points it out. Watch the movie Clerks 2, its pretty funny how they deal with it.

Another big part is media. When was the last time you've seen a white person portrayed as a criminal on the news vs black person.

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I've got a former pal that's locked up who is a gang member. He is a part of GD, but it's the only thing he has to cling to. No religion, no hope, just trying to survive.


I need help with trying to help my buddy get away from the gangs in prison......but it seems immpossible. If he abandons his gang, other "rival" gangs will attack him and he has already been stabbed on multiple occasions.

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gangs, prison, ignorance and basically nothing else going for them. such is the bed they made.



I know this sounds crazy but there are really good people that need help ........ive spent my off time helping guys with there ged and other issues , alot of the guys are just hurt people...............3 months ago 2 guys asked me to present there diploma ( one black and white) and both gave a speech on how they never thought they could do it, and how they thought they where a failure at life ect, and balled there eyes out , I was the only person to come and watch this none of the family came or anything.........some of these kids had nothing and are so smart, its scary what could of happend to them if they used it for good.

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Gangs hate rival gangs. Unfortunately you are dealing with a lot of gangs that are fueled be racist ideas and views. Like was said before, most gang members have NOTHING else besides for those gangs so they are going to stick with what they know and that will be to hate the other gang members on the fact they are from another gang and they are not black, white, yellow, brown, green, or any of that bullsh*t. Racism is just a form of ignorance but nothing is truly being done anymore to combat it. People just wanna sit around and talk about what they would do about racism.
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