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Remember the kids with nazi names??


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Gotta be more to it than just the names. That'd never be grounds for removing kids from a home.

How many Benito' or Osama's are in the USA?

Gotta be a few and they probably stayed with their wacky parents through childhood.

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I thought the article said there were other reasons why they were removed...

besides, you can't trust the media to give you an impartial fact filled story so that you can make up your own mind... they need people to pay attention to them!!

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Well they are not giving a reason for taking the children and they still have to go to court but IF the parents are crazy then it may be a good thing for the kids. Only time will tell but I'd hate to see the kids raised in a life of hatred and discrimination because their parents are nazis.. If they aren't crazy and doing something seriously wrong and are just really weird then the kids wil most likely turn out that way as well. Either way its a shame for those kids.

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All of you in favor of the removal of these children from their homes please list your painfully short-sighted reasons...

If there is not more to this story then every one of us should be outraged at the blatant overstepping of bounds by the government. Naming your child Adolf Hitler is not a crime nor is it grounds for what has happened. The last time I checked this was a free country. However' date=' it's been a few weeks.[/quote']

Did you see the first thread a few weeks ago about this? That article had pictures of the parents, home, etc. If you go back and look at them you wouldn't be surprised that the kids were removed. I'm inclined to believe Chrildren's Services when they say that the kids weren't removed because of their names....their parents were the most fucked up people I have ever seen and there had to have been some illegal shit/child endangerment going on there.

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Did you see the first thread a few weeks ago about this? That article had pictures of the parents, home, etc. If you go back and look at them you wouldn't be surprised that the kids were removed. I'm inclined to believe Chrildren's Services when they say that the kids weren't removed because of their names....their parents were the most fucked up people I have ever seen and there had to have been some illegal shit/child endangerment going on there.

+1 I'm going with Wolfy on this.

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Huh... Life' date=' Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness unless I disagree with what you believe in.


I'm not saying they can't decorate their house like that or believe what they want. I'm only saying that I find a government agency more credible than somebody who names their kids "Adolf Hitler" and "Aryan Nation."

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there was a picture of the kid in the fathers arm in the house when the birthday incident was big and if you looked in the back ground plain as day there was a bong. im going out on a limb and say that had something to do with it.

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As far as the bong goes... not illegal to own but they should have tucked it away before the cameras arrived. Not too bright on that bit.

If they aren't bright enough to figure that out..who says they are looking out for their OWN kids' interests in a responsible way?

You are missing the point when it comes to Child Services. They can't just up and take the kids. The courts have to be involved...they needed a judge to say "Yes, you have a point" before they took custody of the kids.

And to get to the whole name issue, naming your children Adolf Hitler CAN be considered a form of abuse. The children are too young to do anything about that name...and having a name like that will cause them grief ALL of their lives. Love him or hate him, you must recognize the fact that he is considered an evil person by most of the people on this earth, and naming your child after him is just setting them up for ridicule and possibly harm. So yes..it is a form of abuse.

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All of you in favor of the removal of these children from their homes please list your painfully short-sighted reasons...

If there is not more to this story then every one of us should be outraged at the blatant overstepping of bounds by the government. Naming your child Adolf Hitler is not a crime nor is it grounds for what has happened. The last time I checked this was a free country. However' date=' it's been a few weeks.[/quote']

:bow: Thank you for mentioning that early on in the thread, proving that there are at least some who view this in a 'larger picture' point of view.

Yes, the kids will probably turn out 'messed up'. Yes, the parents are being cruel. Yes, it's offensive. But the government has no right to take someone's child just because one exercises his or her right to freedom of speech. This is all getting very 1984.

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It's not abuse. It's no more abuse than naming your son 'Richard' or 'Lynn.' It' amazing what passes for abuse these days.

I am not missing any point about Child Services. I am not saying they aren't doing right by the children. I am saying until I hear/see proof I am siding with the parents. You are talking like the CS doesn't over step bounds. That is naive' date=' at best.[/quote']

I'm not saying CS doesn't overstep..I'm saying CS is not ALONE when it came to making this decision. And the courts have said that there is more than just the names going on with this case. CS will not give details to ANYONE because that is their policy.

And I'm sorry..naming your kid Adolph Hitler is NOT the same as Richard or Lynn. Give me a break. It's a free country..and you are welcome to do as you please..but just because you have the freedom to do whatever you want it doesn't make it responsible or right.

I'm not saying CS should or should not have stepped in..I'm saying:

- I question the mind set of the parents...bongs in the background of a picture making national news? Nazi symbols and names for all of your kids? Especially when these names are responsible for genocide?

- CS did NOT act alone..and they do NOT remove kids based on their names alone. They can't just walk in your house and take your kids without presenting their case. I quote: "Speaking generally, Bernyk (a spokeswoman for the DYFS,)said the state's "decision to remove a child is based on the safety and well being of the child and the risk to that child, and that decision is made in conjunction with the courts and the county family court judge"

There is more to the story that we are not privy to.

I have a lot of experience with CS....I had to deal with CS to try to get my kids out of their mom's home (they live with me now). In my experience, and from the way I've seen other cases handled, most of the time they don't step in SOON enough. To say I have a naive outlook is an ignorant statement, at best.

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:bow: Thank you for mentioning that early on in the thread, proving that there are at least some who view this in a 'larger picture' point of view.

Yes, the kids will probably turn out 'messed up'. Yes, the parents are being cruel. Yes, it's offensive. But the government has no right to take someone's child just because one exercises his or her right to freedom of speech. This is all getting very 1984.


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