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Something the morning news in the US seems to have missed

Science Abuse

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I don't ever like to hear children were killed.

I don;t like the idea of broadening the war and flirting with international iscidents, but I'm willing to beleive that claim can go either way. It's entirely likely that Damascus added some child fatalities as icing on the cake of this story.


Regardless, looks like Bush's Vietnam now has it's own version of Nixons Cambodia. I'm wondering if he's creating an international incident for the next guy to deal with... on purpose. More military clusterfuck turmoil would benifit McCain inthe polls and the election.

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All I know, truth or not, if some military force killed my children.... My only motive in life afterward would be revenge on that military or country. I am not saying I condone terrorism, but I understand.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Bush has done more to recruit new terrorists in the last 8 years than Osama could ever have hoped to do on his own.


Strategic possibility: The Pentagon is trying to send Syria the same message that it sent Pakistan a few months ago: "If you're not going to help, we're going to stop asking for permission."

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Uhhh....that reaks of bullshit. So, they crossed the border, just so they could land, kill a couple civilians, then take back off for Iraq? Either those weren't civilians, those weren't Americans, or that didn't happen.


Notice how the .gov isn't confirming or denying it? A denial is as good as a confession, saying nothing is more likely to mean it didn't happen.

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